Walrus Audio Lillian 4 or 6 Stage Phaser | Reverb Tone Report Demo

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Walrus Audio brings you the Lillian 4 or 6 Stage Phaser: an effect that the Oklahoman pedal purveyors describe as "Julia's Cousin," referencing their popular chorus/vibrato. Watch as Andy takes Lillian for a spin to find the features that make this new offering so exciting.
Andy's Setup:
Amp: Fender ‘65 Deluxe Reverb
Guitars: Suhr Classic Antique, Gibson Custom CME Les Paul
Other Pedals: ThorpyFx The Dane
Interface: UA Apollo 8 QUAD, OX Amp Top Box
Mic: Royer R-121
Strings: Ernie Ball Slinky 10-46
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Now we need a chorus/phaser combo pedal… named Julian! Thank you, I’m here all week.


Anyone going to mention the shoe being held by hand during the momentary footswitch display? 2:10


Its a phaser that can do a convincing uni-vibe sound. I love how walrus audio modulation pedals have that dry-wet mix knob. It really allows for a lot of personal tailoring of sounds.


Everybody put a demo of this out on the same day, yours is definitely the best Andy. you still got it!


That’s about the best phase pedal I’ve heard, love it!


Hokey Smokes. Phasers are a tough one I think. This sounded really good and not cheesy or one-dimensional. I especially liked that Uni_Vibe type sound toward the end of the video. I think that sold me.
Walrus has released a plethora of cool pedals recently and to me two of the three are upgrades. The Slo Reverb is too much like the Fathom which I already own and love. The Monument V2 is awesome with the upgrades, but my favorite is this, The Lillian.
It doesn't have all the bells and whistles as the aforementioned pedals, yet in its simplicity, I think Walrus nailed down an excellent phaser. No easy feat. Keeping it simple may be the best recipe, but damn the others are so good.


The shoe held by hand thing killed me 🤣🤣


You can phase at four or six phasers or just one!


No Andy I will not buy another pedal! damn I truly view the vids to educate myself then you make me fall in love with all these pedals . You’re probably responsible for at least half of my pedal collection .This phase is awesome, okay you win


Very cool intro pedal and playing .love the backing tracks in your vids.


So....a few people have said that this is similar to the EHX Bad Stone. I bought the Lillian sight unseen thinking hey, since I love my Bad Stone, more of that, better! But you know what - this sounds almost nothing like my 70's EHX Bad Stone. I can easily hear more comb cancellation going on with the Bad Stone - it isn't as thick as the Lillian - more of a jet whoosh. And the Bad Stone makes the full cycle of the phasing in a more satisfying way, while the Lillian seems to rush part of the cycle. The Lillian sounds great on faster cycle vibe stuff - like what Andy is demoing. The ability to switch between 4 and 6 stages is a truly great feature that adds a lot of audible tonal choices. The D.P.V. thing on the other hand is just ok. Not that useful over its range. A 4 way switch might've been nicer there. Just my opinion. This all analog pedal has a really warm and full tone. And it isn't the cheapest of cheap. Buy used and save.


Top mounted jacks make this pretty much the best pedal ever (along with every other pedal that has top mounted jacks)


I'm convinced! Just bought one second hand on the basis of this video.


I’ve been listening to a lot of phaser pedals. I like this one best.


Whats the name of the song being played for the intro? Sounds great!


Damn, this pedal sounds great. Almost makes me want to sell my phase 90...


I find 6 stages to be about the sweet spot for guitar-oriented phasers. I've built 8-stagers, have an RPH-10, which can do 12 stages, and have witnessed demonstrations of as many as 24 stages. While phasing with more stages (and more notches) can sound amazing, and almost flanger-like, when used with wide-bandwidth sources (e.g., white noise, acoustic sources), electric guitars and the amps we use them with, simply don't have the bandwidth to make all those extra notches and peaks audible. That's why 6-stagers tend to yield optimal phasing for guitar.


Maybe this could be a contender to solve my phaser problem. My Phase 95, in certain situations, will pick up stray rf noise through the power input. Because of its small size, it lacks some of the noise cancelling circuitry found in the the bigger MXR pedals. I found this out the hard way at a gig where there was an enormous L.E.D. display (l.e.d. emits rf), and it rendered the Phase 95 unusable. I tried 4 different power supplies, different cables, everything. It was the only pedal on my board picking up noise. Contacted the maker, and they suggested buying one of their phasers that can use a battery. In the old days, all we had to worry about was neon lights, but now, L.E.D. displays, wifi, cell phones, are the modern problems that need to be addressed by pedal builders. I can't tell you how many "boutique" pedals I have had to return because they do not make the effort to eliminate rf interference from the design. So when you play gigs where there are big flat screens everywhere sometimes covering entire walls, L.E.D. light displays at the stage, wifi systems, on and on, you have to have gear that is made right or you get the noise, and away that piece of gear will go. You will not find this problem in the mainstream pedals like Boss, Ibanez, because they know how to design circuits to not have this problem. Not all boutique builders do. Life is too short for noisy gear.


Maybe the most musical sounding phaser I've heard yet


Sounds to me that even on full vibrato there's still a healthy amount of clean signal passing through. Hrmmm. The wet part of the sound always sounds layered on rather than saturating the tone. Am I missing something?
