ohnePixel Reacted To My VALORANT Video...

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ohnePixel Reacted To My VALORANT Video...

Join us as I don't team up with some of the top Radiant ranked streamers for an epic night of chaos and fun on Valorant! Our all-star lineup of streamers will be bringing their A-game (not me, nikimii or nik) as they take on the competition and showcase their skills on the battlefield. With high-level gameplay, hilarious moments, and non-stop action, you won't want to miss this exciting stream. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and turn on notifications so you never miss an episode! #Valorant #Radiant #ranked #streamers #chaos #nik
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Ohne saying 35 dollars is overpriced is like elon musk saying money cant bring happiness


Pixel thinking 35$ is overpriced:
The 1 million dollar blue karambits: 🗿


Valorant players forget that csgo players define the prices for items based off of supply and demand. You can also get an incredible full loadout for under £10, and if you get tired of a skin you can trade it in for something else and most of the money goes to other players.
Its an elegant system.


- You can sell skins you bought and buy other if you're tired of your current ones. (and even make profit). You can just sell all of your inventory if you're not interested in CS anymore.
- You get skins and cases for free by playing and can sell them and buy other skins or even games on Steam (I had just CS when I was younger and that was how I was buying games and skins).
- Skins are fully unique as they have float, quality, be name-tagged and can be StatTrak.
- You can buy and place stickers on you skins (or even on a default skin) which also include pro teams and eSport players nicknames stickers. There are also different rarities of those, since you can have holo stickers that change colors based on position of a gun.
- You can get a full gorgeous load for less than 15$ (expect for knife), what people are usually showing are the extreme examples.
- You can buy whatever skin you want anytime.

- You get the special kill/ending effect for some skins.
- You get unique sounds for some skins.
- You have to wait when skin appears on market/bundle/battlepass etc.
- You can get full load including a knife just buying relatively cheap battlepass, but you would have to grind + at least half of the skins and the knife especially are very mid there.

It's kind of up to preference. Getting a cool looking knife is easier in Valo, but you can't sell it. Other stuff is better in cs, but it's still up to personal preference too if you like goofy looking stuff.


No way this dude is hating on Val prices when he literally has a case unboxing addiction


The problem isn’t that Valorant is overpriced, it’s that a multi billion dollar company is putting that price tag on the skins. On steam it’s a market based economy, theoretically every skin could be sold for 1 cent or traded away for free because they have no intrinsic value. The value is all speculative. In valorant you’re paying a company what they demand for a 3d-model in a game, it’s a whole different story.


116 bucks for 2 beautiful items ❌
1.2 million for an ugly ass knife ✅


Bro thinks I play games to make money 💀💀💀💀


Bro’s freaking out over a $35 karambit when a karambit in CS costs more than my car 💀


Tbh, as a valo player, the 2 sides have good arguments, you can pay 40 dollars for the csgo equivalent of the smite knife, but you can sell it later (although the price may vary), but in valorant, although you spend much less for more skins (wont be getting into which skins are better, thats a matter of opinion), you cant resell them later, meaning its a net loss, but with much less sunk cost.


The guy who lost 100k on cases in one video saying 35$ for a karambit knife is overpriced LOL😂


I dont really get the argument at all of being able to sell the skin tbh.

Collectors rarely sell out their stuff, since they're more in for the collecting and bragging part of the whole skin thing cause its mostly rich people having disposable income.

Not like you can earn that much money back most of the time anyways, its much easier to earn more money by actually having a job.

And if you're spending a shit ton of money on a game, its not like you're gonna quit anytime soon and sell your stuff.

Most of the time, you buy skins to look cool.

Thats it.


bro the res bundle is so justified compared to one knife, with res you get 3 different bundles and 3 knives


that would be sick if there was a trading system in valorant


Bro buys pixels for millions of dollars and gets pissed when some pixels from a different game are 35$ 💀


"a knife should be more expensive than a gun" when you have your gun out 90% of the time 😂


What people dont seem to understand is that people will buy skins because they want to look cool and own them. Some people dont care if they cant resell the skin if they dont end up liking it in the future. If they end up disliking something, they wont use it anymore its that simple. The only time it could be considered a "waste" is if someone stopped liking a skin like not even a week after buying it. Not everyone views their game as a stock market, people just want to have nice looking things.


Y’all acting like we can’t just play a game for the fun of it, like goddamn


cs go players after making 4.12421 cents from their skins:🗿🗿


I love how they always go about "you can sell it though" but I know damn well he ain't selling shit, because he believes it will get more and more expensive and in the end he'll just fucking die with all the skins in his inventory
