Automate Android - How to Launch an App When the Device Boots Up

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We can use an app called MacroDroid to automate Android so that it will open an application or game when the device turns on.


Video Description
I was browsing through the /r/AndroidApps subreddit recently and found a post from someone asking how the community would set up an Android device to launch an application right when the device boots up. So in today's video I'll be showing you exactly how that is done.

There are a number of ways we can make this happen, since there are many automation options available in the Google Play Store. OEMs have even begun baking in their own automation system into their firmware but in an attempt to make this as universal as possible, I'll show you how this is done using MacroDroid.

I understand that other apps like Tasker are more powerful as they can automate more things. But until the UI is redesigned I just can't recommend that to people who are not already familiar with it. MacroDroid is just easier to understand and still covers the majority of what people want in an automation application.

You can start by simply searching for this in the Google Play Store, but I'll include a direct link down in the video description for those who would prefer that.

Once installed, let's open up the application and tap through the introduction cards.

Now, we want to add a new Macro to the application, so let's tap the Add Macro button here and this is where we will set up our trigger and our action.

If you're wanting to do something when the device boots up, we first need to set up the Trigger. So tap the Plus icon in the Trigger card and then search for "Boot" a the top here. This sets up the macro so that something will happen when the device has booted up. And this will trigger no matter if we do a simple restart or if we perform a cold boot from the device being completely shut off.

Now we want to set up an action that is performed when the macro has been triggered. So let's tap the Plus icon from within the Actions card and we'll just tap the Applications category here at the top.

We are wanting this macro to open up an app or game when it has been triggered, so let's tap on the Launch Application option here. You are going to see this prompt appear about needing overlay permission. This just how Android's permission system is set up so if you want this macro to work we need to toggle it on for the MacroDroid application.

With that done, we can then go back and finish setting up this action. MacroDroid has some optional settings for launching an application as a trigger, but in my testing neither of these are required. However, you may find them useful in your specific use case. I'm just going to have the Android device launch the Chrome app in this example, but you can scroll through this list and select any app or game that you want.

Let's restart the phone so you can see this type of automation is possible on Android and that what we just set up actually works.

Mentioned Links

Step by Step Tutorial
1. Intro [00:00]
2. Install MacroDroid [01:11]
3. Add a Macro [01:45]
4. Add a Trigger [02:08]
5. Add an Action [02:35]
6. Name the Macro [04:23]
7. Testing it out [05:03]
8. Conclusion [05:59]

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Рекомендации по теме

I set macro when I unlock the screen so I don't have to reboot my phone


Like this tutorial! Simple, straight to the point. Thanks


I'm looking for a way for loading an app or run some code before the screen even appears, considering hypothetically you have no password. This method runs the app some good time after everything is loaded. If I want to lock the phone the attacker still has a way for using the phone and counter-attack, for example.


Is there a way to automate a process when it start open an app then navigate within the open app to specify location? For example, when boot open camera then tap video and then tap record? If you need multiple app to accomplish this how would you launch all app at the same time (if you need auto click)? Also, how it will start from boot? Those apps or services or script?


is it possible to make it type and enter something on an app?


Thank God my bro can it do keys for triggering a macro Like a button remaper kind of app


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@explaining android
Sir how can I get macro droid to automatically connect vpn


50MB app just to add autorun!? that`s nice. Do you drive a tank to nearby store?


Help me please. After open app, click, how i can make to repeat the acrion. I try to add repeat action but nothing happen. I try to add again same actions but same nothing happen. Even with wait acrion. Thanks


I'm watching this vid on the same phone with almost the exact same case lol


How weird is it that I was able to unlock the bootloader in less than 168 hours? on xiaomi But I started the process between 6 pm and 7 pm the Sunday before Sunday. A week later I could unlock it before 5 pm and I added the mi account on my mother's sim card but used mine to unlock it btw And not using the same sim card


I want to launch EACH AND EVERY APP in the app drawer with a couch or macro, pausing for a few seconds between each app launch.
Can you help with this ?


Not working on android 10, without root this app is useless.


i think you need to pay for this app now
