Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Overview and Emulation Performance Boost - Retropie on the Pi Zero 2

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The new Raspberry Pi 2 W offers a significant performance upgrade over the original Pi Zero. In retro gaming devices this will open up a number of new platforms on top of fixing sound and video issues on other platforms where the old Pi Zero was just a bit under powered.

00:00 Introduction
00:45 The big upgrade
01:10 Benchmarks
03:52 Installing RetroPie on the Pi Zero 2 W
05:37 Arcade Performance
06:51 Megadrive / Genesis now works
08:20 Nintendo 64 almost there
09:03 Conclusion

Don't forget to check out my website for more details at

For more in depth hardware analysis check out ETA Prime's video at

Build your own handheld retro gaming console by following my video series at

Download the latest RetroPie builds at
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As ever, practical, timely and concise information. Thanks!


Glad I got one.
Gonna make my own handheld...


Why does nobody benchmark the Pi Zero 2 W against the Pi 3a+ instead of the 3b+? Would be more similar in terms of hardware (512MB Ram) or the 3b without +, where the Zero2W CPU is originated from.


Very good and funny videos bring a great sense of entertainment!


Hi, i got the rpi 0 2w a few months ago, it actually performed way better than shown in this video (n64 was sitting at 60 fps stable), maybe it is a newer version?


This is great and informative video but a bit unfair to the good old Raspberry Zero W...
Let's not forget you can use non libretro emulators (pifba / pcsx-rearmed / mame4all etc) that allow better performance than the one shown in the video.


If you have a 3D printer available (even my little Mars2 Pro with its tiny print bed area was able to do it at a 40 degree tilt) there's a really nice SFC controller back plate you can use. It has mounting posts/holes for a Pi Zero and marked ports on the back, plus screws directly into the top half of a SNES/Super Famicom controller. You can then solder the wires from the SFC controller inside directly to the Pi Zero (or use pins/a pinheader) and it's good to go. This is my current favorite design, and I'm actually currently reworking it to add a qi charge circuit and lipo battery (probably only 1000mah or so to keep it tiny) as a way of making it fully portable, requiring only HDMI at that point. If one of you is a more skilled/experienced 3D designer, I'd welcome you to go for it too! Probably a lot of better looking ideas than what I'll come up with, heh. My plan ATM is a power switch on the back and charging via the Vin pin or Qi, so I only have to add a single external hole, which I can squeeze into the gap by the back ports, hopefully. Working on that now.)
(edit: Oh, and I was even toying with the idea of putting some smaller rumble motors in there, as there IS indeed room in the controller on the side, where if I split the battery into 2 smaller packs, I could fit those... but that's a mkII step for me.)
Edit 2: OH! And as a tip: If you do end up printing it on an SLA printer, make SURE you use way, way more supports on the upper (lower? The early part) end, as it's going to be supporting a lot of weight for a short period, and the usual supports just don't cut it. My first print failed that way, with a droopy front end.


Have anyone tried running the Mame LCD-games on the Pi Zero? Should be ideal for a handheld console, if possible :)


Hi Bob - Been catching up with your videos and had a question for you please. Having just watched the video on the game controller, do you think you can/have/will do a video on making a game controller that would mimic a keyboard without just using an old keyboard and adding buttons to replace the keys? I have been trying to find videos on that but not found any yet. For example MicrosSoft Train Simulator from 2001. I would like to control that making a controller that I could program rather than just a straight forward keyboard hack. All the best and thanks again for the excellent videos. Cheers for now.



Looks great for your use, but the most important feature of the zero was for no interruptions to a time critical application. As long as you can turn the extra cores completely off and interrupt latency hasn't suffered, it sounds like a good replacement apart from the massive % but ok absolute price rise. If the zero is going to still be available, even better - horses for courses ;)


I've heard that N64 emulation is more GPU heavy than CPU but looking at your video it seems the performance increase of more CPU's is showing improvement. Is the GPU the same in both the old Pi Zero and the Pi Zero 2 ?


Retiring the old zero w to octopie duties would be a good move


Will this Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W be able to run FlashRom to reflash a bios chip on a laptop or pc motherboard???


You didn't try different emulators, the default emulators are really bad choices.


You should've tested other psx games


Why We have to look at that gentleman reading the script?
