Rapture of the Church? by Voddie Baucham Clip:124

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#voddiebaucham #sermons #rapture
In this #clip Pastor Baucham breaks down what the #bible says will happen in the #endtimes when #jesuschrist returns to gather His Chosen. Will there be a rapture of the #church ? Listen and find out.
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I never new he believes post tribulations wow great upload bro


Go your way until the end of age,
Do what God has called you to do that's what matters.


I've never heard anyone say there would be sacrifices during the millennial kingdom. I love Voddie. I don't follow his argument for amillenialism. I'm with MacArthur on this one.

That said, eschatology is one area where I'm most tolerant of differing opinions. Cuz what if we get there and Voddie is right? It'd do us well to understand all viable scriptural positions.

Like Sproul (post mil rapture) said to MacArthur (pre mil rapture) "I'm OK with changing my theology in mid-air."


Yeshua gave us His way to follow Him in the letters to the churches in revelation…He told us to be ready at all times that’s crystal clear. The ‘rapture’ is unclear so to be sure it doesn’t matter when we are raptured, we will be with Him. That’s what matters no matter what people say. We may do it tough but we will end up being with Him…pretrib post trib doesn’t matter.


Jesus’ last words were to share the gospel (and thereby stand ready) but not concern yourself about the future.


Thank you for preaching the truth. I prayed years ago that my God would teach me His truth. I was fed up with trying to sort out the confusing muddle from man's teaching. This was the 1st thing He showed me. God keep you


What i do know is that this is indeed a true born again man of God. Whether or not we go through the great tribulation or some of it we do know that Christ return is near and that His bride will be caught up with him. Focus on being ready as Christ said instead of always trying to find fault in how a believer may say something. It's crazy how false teachers preach and many of you eat up and digest all they teach yet when a born again believer in Christ teaches the true gospel you find ways to rip it apart NOT A SURPRISE in these times but its sad.


So, God will allow the church THE BRIDE IF CHRIST to suffer through the tribulation? Do you conclude that Gods plan for His church is the tribulation and then the rapture?What’s the point in rapturing the church after the persecution?
When do you believe the church age dispensation actually ends? Pre? Mid? Post?
Is the tribulation part of the church age?

I cannot imagine God allowing His bride to be slaughtered in the tribulation.

What is the point in that?


Suddenly! Those found in Him will have an imperishable, undefiled home ready!
Prepared already! In one swoop. Amen.


He's right. There are no passages in context that teach a pretrib rapture. It's an idea brought to each passage, but not in the passage itself.


Jesus was still the Lamb of God during the OT. Those sacrifices never removed sin. In the OT, the sacrifices pointed to what Jesus would do, but later, they will point to what Jesus did


I am a pre tribulation rapture believing Christian ❤


The Came, as a betrothed, to those who love and pledge their life to Him! Then He said, I Go to Prepare a Place, that where I am, You may be Also!!!
And, when He comes again, that is when, and what, will happen😅


Amen Amen Amen! We as believers must prepare to endure THROUGH the Tribulation rather than escape it


I get Voice of The Martys Magazine They suffer and some die for Christ they're not rapurtured secretly while they're being persecuted and some giving their lives for Christ.


New to this vantage point…What do preterists believe THIS generation is on the timeline? Who are we?


Voddie, where does it say sacrifices on the altar will happen during the Millennial reign of Christ?? It


Sadly, Dr. Baucham isn't distinguishing between Israel and the church. Israel is promised to be brought through Daniel's 70th week and will incur great loss. Zechariah wrote, “It will come about in all the land, " Declares the LORD, that two parts in it will be cut off and perish; But the third will be left in it" (Zech. 13:8). Zechariah is teaching that only 1/3 of national ethnic Israelites will survive Daniel's 70th week. This is the same time period in which Israel will be brought to faith (Zech. 12:10). At the end of this seven-year program, Jesus will destroy the enemies surrounding Jerusalem (Zech. 14:1-4).

The church, comprised of believers prior to Daniel's 70th week, are promised exemption from God's wrath. Why do you think Paul explains the wrath associated with the day of the Lord only three verses after mentioning the rapture (1 Thess. 4:17; 5:2)? Notice the promise Jesus gives to all Christians in His address to believers in Philadelphia: "Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour, which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth" (Rev. 3:10). Notice this trial Jesus refers to is world-wide. This is no local judgment; it is the universal day of the Lord. Notice also that the purpose of this trial is to test those who dwell upon the earth. This phrase (earth dwellers) is used 11 times in Revelation and refers to only the unregenerate. The verb "kept" (tereo) and the preposition from (ek) means to be preserved on the outside of an event or sphere. Clearly Jesus is promising believers that we are exempt from the time period in which the whole world will undergo God's wrath. This wrath is later on display in Revelation 6:8 at the beginning of the seal judgments. We know this because the "sword, famine, pestilence, and wild beasts" (Rev. 6:8) are a direct allusion to Ezek. 14:19-21 where these identical judgments were the wrath of God. If that weren't enough for amillennialists, even unbelievers alive during this time will know that they are experiencing God's wrath at the 6th seal (Rev. 6:17)! These same seal judgments were described by Christ in His Olivet Discourse (Matt. 24:4-8). This is why the rapture is promised for believers in Matthew. 24:40!

Dr. Baucham claims the church will incur the same judgment as national, ethnic Israel will. This is why distinguishing between the church and Israel is so important. Let me challenge anyone out there, how can "all Israel" in Romans 11:26 be the church as John Calvin taught if they are called "enemies of the gospel" two verses later (Rom. 11:28)? How can the church be "partially hardened" as Paul says of Israel in Romans 11:25? Therefore, since the apostle Paul teaches there will be a future restoration of Israel, why doesn't Dr. Baucham believe it? Why do you all think that the apostles asked Jesus in Acts 1:6, "Is it now that you are going to restore the kingdom to Israel"? Jesus was morally obligated to correct His disciples if they were wrong about the coming kingdom. JESUS DID NOT CORRECT THEM! Instead, Jesus tells them that they were not to know the timing of this coming kingdom, but instead were to be Christ's witnesses.

IF you start with faulty presuppositions such as Daniel's 70th week being fulfilled in 70 A.D., you will always be wrong in eschatology. Read Sam Storms book where he promotes amillennialism. At the very end of the book, he cannot figure out who the man of lawlessness is that is destroyed by Christ at His Parousia (2 Thess. 2:4-8). Do you know why? Because Sam Storms placed Daniel's 70th week into the 1st century and believed it happened in 70 A.D. Sam cannot figure out what man of lawlessness claimed to be God in the temple only to be destroyed at Christ's coming. The simple reason Sam is wrong and Voddie is wrong is not because they are dumb (they are brilliant men), and it is not because they don't love Christ (it's obvious they do), its simply because they started with the wrong presuppositions.

A little homework: Go and study Daniel 9:24-27. Ask yourself, is there a gap between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel. Premillennialists believe there is, amillennialists don't believe so. Looking at the text (Daniel 9:26) ask yourself, "Is the Messiah cut off after the 69th week and prior to the 70th week?" If your answer is yes - there's a gap inherent to the text. If your answer is no, there is no gap inherent to the text.


what sermon was this taken from? He has quite a few sermons on rev 20.


How does Christ return but we go up , but then again he said christ reigns for 1000 years ....that's doesn't make sense voddie....

What do you do with the time of jacobs trouble? I didn't hear anything about the purpose of the tribulation
It doesn't appear voddie divided the word correctly ...

Now I love most of his teachings but this one is a miss . There are so many verses indicating a pre tribulation rapture . Is it secret ? Maybe not but thise who are not born again won't know what hit them, doesn't it make sense only those who are of God would know what eactually happened since they are the ones taken ? If God's voice is that of a trumpet known as the sound of a thunderous blast, believers will know that call. The unbelieving will not recognize the call, how could they ?
.what do we do with Daniel9:27 ? What do we do with 2 thessalonians 2....what do we do with the restraining force holding back the man of sin...??? The gathering(rapture ) AND the day of the Lord (wrath if God ) there's a double application in the day if the Lord if you study all throughout scripture....
I'm sorry voddie, but none of this was addressed and it seems he's he doesn't see it because the rapture was a mystery given to Paul! If you don't study eschatology which doesn't seem to be vosdies string suite, how could you possibly understand all or most of end time events ??? Also if you understand the fullness if time fmthrough covenant or dispensations...we know that grace ends at the rapture and Christ will return back to a works plus faith based gospel...the AGE of grace will end at the rapture ....it all makes sense . Voddies view however doesn't.

If we don't rightly dividethe word we will have false and incorrect doctrines throughout scripture...
Remember, scripture with scripture, it never contradicts.
