Master Tableau's Order of Operations - Beginner's Guide - Comprehensive Tutorial with examples

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This is a step-by-step tutorial on understanding and applying the Order of Operations in Tableau. If you're new to Tableau or struggling with this concept, you're in the right place. In this video, we dive into what many call the "secret sauce" of Tableau calculations, ensuring you grasp the nuances of how and why these operations are critical.

🔍 What You'll Learn:

Understanding the Hierarchy:
Discover how filters at different levels impact your data and visualizations.

Context Filters, LODs & Table Calculations:
Learn about context filters, FIXED LOD, and how they interplay with other filters.

Practical Examples:
Walk through common scenarios, like creating top lists and calculating percentages, to see how filters affect outcomes.

💡 Key Highlights:
Interactive Diagram Walkthrough:
We visually break down the Order of Operations, showing where each filter fits in Tableau Desktop.

Common Errors and Tricks:
Avoid frequent mistakes and learn tricks for scenarios like filtering based on table calculation results.

#TableauTutorial #DataVisualization #TableauForBeginners #OrderOfOperations #TableauTips
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Thank you so much for these videos with crystal clear explanation love to learn the concepts from your videos


Thank you very much, was preparing for interview, needed this.


i love your videos. they are very helpful for me


Thank you so much!. Very clear the explanation and examples.


thanks a lot for such awesome videos. I have learnt a lot from your other videos. I am working as a Tableau Developer. Whenever I watch your videos a learnt something new.


Thanks a ton, Donabel.🙏🏼 I created a mnemonic- extra dash condiment to help me memorize this 😊


Thank you so much for your videos on Tableau, I always search your videos only whenever I need the tableau concept ...Thank you so much


Thank you 🦋. I have a question. (answered my own question, i have to use bars instead of area chart)
Can you guide me on how to set up (if possible) a Tableau visualization where a single record contributes to multiple categories in a bar chart? For instance, I want to count Record X in both the 'Red' and 'Yellow' categories within the same chart, based on different criteria. If I had Record X1 and Record X2, this would be easy. I think that a dual-axis chart could be used somehow, but that is more complicated than I want it to be.
Example Data:
Record X, task attempted, status success
Record Y, task attempted, status failed

Chart Funnel:
Top of Funnel is Red for all tasks attempted
Next section is Yellow for all tasks that succeeded

When i try to do this with measures, the whole chart turns blue and i can't see different colors for different sections of the funnel, even though the color legend does show multiple colors.
I think the issue is that a single record can only be one color in any one chart?


In the last example for looking up on that 2021 year, we could have also used Lookup (Min(Year(order date))) and enclosed this expression to Lookup function and use 0 as the offset as you have mentioned. This gave me the desired result. However, what’s ur take on my approach rather than using datepart…?


Thanks so much for the video. I watch even when I think I understand the topic and always learn something new through your well prepared and clearly communicated explanations.


wonderful tutorial.
i had a situation where I need to display ranks of individual within a team, but display only one individual. I solved it by pre-calculating in Alteryx, but how would that be best done in Tableau?


First of all. Thank you! When I saw the video title, I was like, what? OOP again? But I watched anyways because you're great and then I really understood the title. It said MASTER OOP and indeed a Master class this is. Second topic is, even with your clear explanations, it's obvious how Tableau some times is not so intuitive OR I'm just not smart enough, that Lookup function and the date and the flow of data and... and... and... Tableau possibilities are infinite but ... I sometimes I feel they are not obvious. What you think?


Thanks @sqlbelle mam, it cleared lot of my doubts.


Your way is awesome...Thank you so much for such a great explanation
