BIGGEST day of strikes in NHS HISTORY begins in England and Wales

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'It's the first time that nurses and ambulance staff have joined the picket line together.'

GB News' Ellie Costello reports as the biggest day of strikes in NHS history begins this morning in England and Wales.

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I am struggling for any sympathy for the nurses after watching them play political games in an A & E department in Paisley recently. 9 hours i lay in a corridor on a trolley drifting in and out of consciousness as my appendix infected my body. All the while i was there the nursing staff were operating very slowly trying to send a message to Humza Youssaf the Scottish Health secretary. I know work politics when i see it.


stop people coming in from other countries using our NHS then buggering off afterwards, it's not for free....labours fault


Sadly these people don't seem to be happy with anything that offered the NHS is finished and it should be privatised for it to continue in the future


notice how the younger generation when they talk about anything.strikes.climate.ect
they breakdown and have an emotional episode and look traumatized


When nurses join the profession, they should be made to sign that they are not supposed to ever strike.nurses should never ever strike.i was a nurse


in Wales i wont notice any difference to normal


They are a discrase my friends brother just died a few days ago couldn't breath the ambulance would not come said not a emergency they all should hold Thier heads i in shame


i agree 100% with the nurses...bring this government down they are not fit to run this country


More money for dancing lessons & how many have long covid?


All of us in the PRIVATE sector should go on a march and protest about the TAX we are paying to pay for these Nurses, Ambulance drivers etc who were making videos of singing, dancing groups in the corridors of Hospitals during the COVID crisis when they told us they were under pressure. No tax from the private sector means no money for the public sector, it’s time these entitled people remembered that. When the PRIVATE sector employees get 15% rise then the public sector might, until then NO.


Nurses, Paramedics., Fire People, TEACHERS, Ambulance Services are Hero’s !


The rises they are asking for will only fuel inflation so the extra will end up going on the cost of that inflation.


Not being able to get an ambulance or seen to when you are very ill is scandalous!! These strikes are putting ill people in danger. Havent been able to see a gp since the start of covid! They offer a phone call but i was offered one for 3wks later. They said doctors were busy! I have a chronic lung decease and was just told to get myself to hospital. This is scandalous. Still the same amount of gp's at my practice as there was before covid. So how can they justify treating patients like this. If i have ever had to go into hospital i have always been treated well. But whats going on now is quite disgraceful. Waiting on trollies for hours on end when you are very ill is no joke nor is trying to get an ambulance! If the police cant go on strike then other emergancy services like nurses, doctors and fire brigade shouldnt be allowed. Its putting peoples lives in danger. I know they all want a living wage but putting peoples lives in danger is not the way to go about it. The unions should delegate with the goverment before the nhs loses support from the public.


It’s a sad time when trade unions are doing a better argument for privatisation than a Tory government are 😢


Stay home Protect the NHS Save lives 👍


Change your banners, Striking costs lifes you mean, whilst your striking people are dying, 1 life lost is on your hands not just the goverments.


Imagine if every nurse that is striking left....
That is a scary thought....
Challenging the government is their way of having their say of just how let down they have been..
Good for those strikers...
If people want better, then action is the only way....


Reading some of the comments, the tide is beginning to turn. As more and more people become victims unable to get the urgent healthcare they need naturally sympathy for a once great institution will dissipate along with respect for those who are actively involved.


The first time in their history (over 100 years) the nurses are striking... Says something I think...


Good on them, its ok for the mps to get a pay rise but not the people that try there best to help folks
