33 — Jeremiah 17:2-27... Blessed Are They Who Trust in YHVH

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“CURSED is the man who trusts in man, but BLESSED is the man who trusts in YeHoVaH." This is the message that every true disciple of Yeshua Messiah needs to hear and understand—a message that, if it is accepted and embraced, it is guaranteed to change your life forever, just as it changed mine years ago.


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Download the Venmo app to your phone and search for "YHVHsword" under BUSINESS (please note it is case sensitive).

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Download the PayPal app to your phone and search for "YHVHsword" (again, please note it is case sensitive). PayPal works for all our international brothers and sisters in Yeshua Messiah.

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Or if you'd rather send a check through the mail, please make all checks payable to "The Sword of YHVH" and send them to the following address:

Jake Hilton
P.O. Box 6203
North Logan, UT 84341

Thank you so very much! May YeHoVaH our Holy Father bless you and keep you always!

"'Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house. Test Me in this,' says YeHoVaH Almighty, 'and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it'" (Malachi 3:10).


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My father in this time got cancer and was going through radiation therapy and at the end with not telling us whant also for kimo therapy (we always told him don't do it). In this time I asked pleaded with my famly even my sister to reach out to you but they didn't whant to (I was 15 with no Facebook and not nowing how to reach you) . And now my father is dead (died 9.6.2018). In this time we fall apart and there was no spirit of God with us as thow the devil descended on us and wanted to destroy us. (for our father was the spiritual leader and he was rightious and loved the bible/God). After that the rest of the year we didn't listen to you and I falld so low I almost became atiest. (now we have no spiritual leader but God.for all churches in our contry are spiritualy dead. (Slovenia). My mother is a widow and she sed that now she gives herself to God. By meaning he is the only atoreti ower her. My sister and I have a hunger for God so dose mom.)
Who so ever needs prayer pleas don't hesatet and rich out.
(sorry for my bad spelling)
Jack tank you soo much for you are the reason we went out of the mormen church and meet god(we wachd the end time videos).
Tank you
May God bless you


Brother, I've left so much behind to follow Christ. To know who I really am. To serve the Lord, and to learn his Holy Word. Never had I had so much passion, it never quenches. One problem I come across is the enemy is attacking me spiritually and carnally, I hope you pray for me Brother. I Thank You and God bless you. His Kingdom will come, his will be done. All for the Lord's Glory, amen.
