Houseplant Trends 2021: How-To Care For Desert Roses (Adenium Obesum) and More #DesertRose

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The Desert Rose (Adenium Obesum) is an extremely colorful and beautiful houseplant. In all honestly, the Desert Rose is truly an indoor/outdoor plant, becuase of it's heat and light requirements, however, for us living in the North East we can still enjoy this plants with some thoughtful care. Tyler shares crucial care tips for this houseplants, as well as some expert tips on keeping your Desert Roses healthy and thriving!
#AdeniumObesum #tropicalplants #flowers #houseplanttrends #home #plants #indoorplanttrends #planttrends2021 #indoorjungle #HouseplantDecor #Houseplants #succulents #pinkplants
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Music referenced in this video:
Title Sequence (intro/outro): Smell The Roses by Nadege Nightingale (see links below!)
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