Houseplant Trends 2021: How-To Care For Desert Roses (Adenium Obesum) and More #DesertRose

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The Desert Rose (Adenium Obesum) is an extremely colorful and beautiful houseplant. In all honestly, the Desert Rose is truly an indoor/outdoor plant, becuase of it's heat and light requirements, however, for us living in the North East we can still enjoy this plants with some thoughtful care. Tyler shares crucial care tips for this houseplants, as well as some expert tips on keeping your Desert Roses healthy and thriving!

#AdeniumObesum #tropicalplants #flowers #houseplanttrends #home #plants #indoorplanttrends #planttrends2021 #indoorjungle #HouseplantDecor #Houseplants #succulents #pinkplants

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Title Sequence (intro/outro): Smell The Roses by Nadege Nightingale (see links below!)
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Awesome love your videos.. lots of information


Thanks Tylor, awesome plants you have as well as I love Desert Roses and have a collection of about 28 obesom and Arabicum species. I love caring for them as they, are my favorite plants! they are challenging to grow and require soecific care requirements, which make them desirable to me! I just repottec, and fertilized mine, as they bagain to wake up from dormancy in March. I will be putting them outside, in about 2 more weeks as I live in Northern New Jersey. happy growing and 5 stars for our desert roses! 😊❤❤❤❤❤


When you water, do you water right through a few times then let completely dry out before doing again?
I just got this plant 2 weeks ago and lots of new growth has appeared but then around the soil level, the 'bulb' ( or whatever it's called 😉) I noticed it looking wet . I'm hoping this was an indicator to water it because I hadn't yet. Does this sound familiar?
Thank you, I look forward to watching more videos. Thanks!


You aren't kidding when you say: "They Grow Slowly" ha I too have 3 in 5" Clay pots that kept indoors / under lights this Winter. Now they're outside hopefully soaking up the Sun.... but. it's keeps raining ! aaawwwggghhh Know as long as the base is Firm.. they're ok.

ps. a tip: Use Aquarium Gravel as a soil aggregate... cheap :)