Earth is a Hell Planet

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Hi everyone. My name is Antony Cummins and i am the author of HOW TO BE A MODERN SAMURAI
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Life is Hell, but even in hell there can he happiness. People think just because its not torture and pain 100% of the time then this must mean it can't be hell, but it is. Happiness never last, we are savages to each other and the worst people in the human race get power and money, slowly they boil all of us in this hell


This is a Fallen world, fallen away from the One true Creator…We must push past the suffering and finish the race…So we can walk with Jesus in Eden once again…


I realized this was hell when i got a terminal illness the pain ive felt watching myself break down physically mentally and spiritually i knew .


I’ve been in pain most of my life physically and mentally so yes I believe I’m in hell


and part of what makes it hell is you don't realize it or can't prove it but you know life gets progressively harder and more chaotic and in the end everything you've worked for gets taken away


i think its hell, i always thought this i mean just look around at the injustice and suffering


It's so weird. I woke up this morning thinking this very thing. I think things going well sometimes are probably a way of torturing you too because nothing good ever stays. We constantly experience loss.


I think more and more everyday I’m in hell. I try to be positive and patient but every couple of days something bad happens in my life or my health continues to deteriorate. It’s like the peace I find it gets disrupted or I’m waiting for it to end constantly worrying about that time.


I totally get this and I’m a follower of Jesus Christ 🙏🏻


Same observation.. This planet we live in is actually 'Hell'..
"Going to hell" what ancient people probably means is that you will go back (reincarnation) again to become a human being experiencing life's suffering and the cycle goes on until the soul spiritually evolves and levels up to another dimension OR merge with God..


Apparently I've heard that when we die from this plaine, we are born again or sent back home 🏡 I do believe this is hell. We are sent here to try n do good 👍 but I must admit it is a very difficult task. There's so much toxic energy here ppl just seem to want to suffocate your goodness. Yes I do believe sadly 😥 this is HELL!!


Yes, we are living in hell.
Ephesians 6:12


I have contemplated this many times in my life and have yet to dispute it.


FINALLY! This man gets it! You're ready for the next level!


I’ve recently come to the conclusion that this existence — Earth — is a hell planet. I’ve been a spiritual seeker all of my life, exploring different religions, spiritual beliefs etc., had/have many expensive toys, material things, went into a helping profession for a couple of decades, never really satisfied (although the helping profession, along with rescuing unwanted animals was more fulfilling than anything material in existence, and after a long journey I have come to this conclusion. Seeing what goes on in the world and how miserable so many people’s lives are through no fault of their own, the never ending suffering, man’s cruelty to each other and innocent animals, — it causes me so much depression and pain — because I know how much people and animals are suffering. I am convinced this is hell. Even as a child — when I had every reason to be happy, I never could as I thought “as long as one person or animal on this planet is suffering, there can be no happiness”. I always have this inner feeling of dread and angst and I really want out of here at this point and have often wanted to end my life but the fear that I could end up back here or somewhere worse makes me hesitate. Just my luck my consciousness would end up in an empty black void. Is there any escape from the misery ?


Honestly this at first glance I would say would be absolutely crazy. However for the last ten years or so I've actually been wondering. The hell thing with torture seems real here. The last ten years for me has been nothing but torment pain and suffering. Good things last so short, and bad things seems to be always in abundance and often. Could it be hell.... Feels like it a lot.


Excellent video. Earth Is Hell. It is not a school although we do learn alot of things the hard way. I knew that Earth was hell by just watching the animals and the way they have to kill each other in order to survive and of course most of us eat animals too. Love is in the heart not because earth is a place that perpetuates it.


According to Buddhist cosmology, there are many realms of heavens & hells. Earth is a hell realm.


This thought came to me way back in 1983. I was 23.
