Superheroes of Development - Suriname

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#Suriname #SuperheroesofDevelopment #idb
Get to know the lessons learned in the implementation of an IDB-financed project in Suriname where a group of female cassava producers overcame the difficulties posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and found new markets for their product.
This webinar is part of the Superheroes of Development Awards, an effort by the Inter-American Development Bank Group to improve the performance of IDB-financed projects, through systematic learning and the exchange of knowledge. The initiative recognizes executing agencies and borrowers that have faced and overcome challenges in an innovative and creative way. Superheroes of Development has received more than 200 proposals from all of Latin America and the Caribbean in its first two editions.
Get to know the lessons learned in the implementation of an IDB-financed project in Suriname where a group of female cassava producers overcame the difficulties posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and found new markets for their product.
This webinar is part of the Superheroes of Development Awards, an effort by the Inter-American Development Bank Group to improve the performance of IDB-financed projects, through systematic learning and the exchange of knowledge. The initiative recognizes executing agencies and borrowers that have faced and overcome challenges in an innovative and creative way. Superheroes of Development has received more than 200 proposals from all of Latin America and the Caribbean in its first two editions.