K9LA Presentation Part One - Solar Cycle 25 & HF Propagation #ARRL #Solar #Space #Propagation

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FairLawnARC.org (FLARC) continues its highly acclaimed series of monthly speaker programs with *one of the experts in solar propagation* giving us a look ahead to Cycle 25.

Carl Luetzelschwab K9LA reviews solar cycles and introduce HF propagation. He discusses what to expect for propagation now and in the next year or so. He shows the predictions for Solar Cycle 25 and estimated when the higher bands (15 meters, 12 meters and 10 meters) will be back on a consistent day-to-day basis. Finally, he highlights what you can do with 100 Watts and simple antennas when Solar Cycle 25 ramps up in the next several years.

K9LA started his radio career as a short-wave listener in the late 1950s. He received his Novice license (WN9AVT) in October 1961, and selected K9LA in 1977. Carl is a graduate of Purdue University and was an RF design engineer until his retirement in 2013. Carl enjoys propagation, DXing (he is at the Top of the Honor Roll), contesting (he was NCJ Editor from 2002-2007), experimenting with antennas and restoring/using vintage equipment. He is co-author of *The CQ Shortwave Propagation Handbook*. He was the lead author on Cycle 25 in the April 2021 issue of QST.

He and his wife Vicky AE9YL enjoy traveling, which has included DXpeditions to Syria (YK9A in 2001), to Market Reef (OJ0/AE9YL and OJ0/K9LA in 2002) and numerous trips to ZF (Vicky is ZF2YL and Carl is ZF2LA). Carl is currently the ARRL Central Division Vice Director. He has received the Bill Orr W6SAI Technical Writing Award, the YASME Foundation Excellence Award and the Indiana Radio Club Council Technical Excellence Award.

#DX #Communications #SolarScience @FairlawnARC @W2nzThom
Рекомендации по теме

Great explanation of Solar Cycle 25 - Thanks Karl
