The One Reason We're All Bad At Shopping!

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Large purchases can often be very difficult to make. Is there a reason humans are so bad at shopping. Trace explains how your emotions could get in the way of your decisions.

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Ebates Survey: More Than Half (51.8%) of Americans Engage in Retail Therapy - 63.9% of Women and 39.8% of Men Shop to Improve Their Mood

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"Materialists believe that acquiring products will make them happier, but the validity of this premise has not been examined empirically."

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"Even for the most materialistic consumers, it's the experience of shopping (and the anticipation of buying) that makes us truly happy."

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"You know the phrase, 'When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping'? There just may be some wisdom in that."

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"Impulse buying is a common behavior today."

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"One of the smallest parts of the brain is getting a second look after new research suggests it plays a crucial role in decision making."

How Your Brain Corrupts Your Shopping Choices
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How Emotions Influences What We Buy
"Most people believe that the choices they make result from a rational analysis of available alternatives."

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"Buying a house is a mix of logic and emotion."

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A great way to keep yourself from over spending or buying impulsively is to google the price of everything you want, add a dollar to each item, add it all up and subtract it from your wallet. You'll actually decide what you really want at that point and what can wait. Also be conscious of buying in bulk and what things you can reuse. And don't buy any clothing item unless you're absolutely in love with it. When buying clothes I surpass all the fancy mannequins and head straight for the clearance rack. You'll end up with more things you like and feel proud of yourself for saving money instead of bad for wasting it.


Just in time for the Steam Summer Sale...


My steps to buy something more expensive:
1) What do I need?
2) Online market research. Usually end up ordering online or buying second hand on a trusted site.
3) If not. Visit local shops and find the best price to quality ratio.
4) Ask the shop sales person what they think. Usually this ends up with them trying to smear some shit on my head. Then again, on those rare moments, nothing like listening to someone who knows what their talking about recommend you to the right thing.


This video should have a disclaimer that it only applies to women. I, for one, enter a store, walk straight to what I know I need, buy it, and leave the store.


It's super simple. People always care more about things they don't have than the ones they do. Even if it's more useless. 


I kind of wonder if my Asperger's Syndrome has a huge impact on how I shop, at least to some extent. Particularly when I'm in a store and have limited money to spend-can only get one thing I will browse FOREVER and maybe the point where I become mentally exhausted is just when I either make the choice or just buy nothing.
I remember times when I'd go to a video rental store (back when they actually existed) with my parents and they'd get tired of waiting for me to pick out which game I wanted to rent.
On the other hand, when there's a big sale going on and I can get a bunch of things I really (or even kind of ) want for cheap and there's a limited time frame involved I do tend to make more impulse purchases. On one hand that's kind of the point of those things, but on the other it's also a stark contrast from how I over think when it's not a limited-time sale.


The only time I'm not happy with a purchase is when there's some major flaw that I overlooked, like a camera that isn't compatible with my other devices, or ordering a jacket online that's the wrong size.  But I don't think I've ever regretted buying something because it was an impulse buy.

Also, I tried browsing with no intent to buy, but I always feel a little bad, because I see all the cool things I want, and know I'm not going to be buying them today.  I feel like I'm wasting time.


Thank you so much for getting the in-show ads right. This ad was perfect, because it aligned with my already prevalent thought of "what can I do to be more rational when shopping?"
I'm finally gonna share a DNews episode again!


I don't like shopping (Unless someone else is buying something for me)


This explains why I always end up keeping and liking the things I buy when I "power shop." I live in an isolated small town, so I very rarely get the opportunity to shop. When I travel for meetings and events, sometimes I only have half an hour until I have to leave to get on the plane home. That's when I head over to the mall for some power shopping ;)


My brother asked me to build him a PC once, so I managed to impulse build one for myself as well. Best decision ever


QUICK TIP : Never go for grocery shopping when you are hungry . Coz you will grab all the extra junk foods than what you had planned . Thumbs Up if U like it


Largest thing I ever bougth was my DSLR (+/-1500 USD), but I didn't just go out and bougth a DSLR. I invested months of researching (probably a whole year!), I think this decision was very rational!
But I do that every time a bigger than normal purchase has to be made, yes even clothes!


College education. It feels like a big mistake. I haven't decided if it was s mistake though.


I feel better when they say stuff like 'to support our show' when introducing ads.


The two most expensive things I've bought:

1) My education. Result: Chemical Engineering degree that, while I am still paying back student loans, has increased my earning potential and I get to work in a field I enjoy.

2) My house. I bought it 3 years ago. While the joys of home ownership have their up and downs (I'm replacing the AC since the old was destroyed by squirrels) I'm much happier there than living in an apartment.


I like how he says "we all" as though he speaks for truly everyone. I for one have severe difficulty buying anything other than raw power for my computers (even food).


Good information! When I take the time to research my purchase first AND ask experts, as candidly as possible, I rarely have buyers remorse. I still have lots of crap that I look at and think, "Why the hell did I buy that!!" Impulse shopping - not the best kind.


As soon as I start wanting things based on emotion, I stop shopping. It's prevented quite a few impulse buys. Leaving a product you're unsure of and then coming back after an hour will help as well.


If I am wanting to get the high of shopping, I check out library books. It's got the browsing and 'purchase' activity, but it's free. Works like a charm!
