Coronavirus: Anders Tegnell, State Epidemiologist of Sweden, on herd immunity - BBC HARDtalk

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Much of the world responded to the Covid-19 pandemic with a lockdown strategy… now the focus is on finding a sustainable post lockdown strategy that doesn’t prompt a second wave of infection. Could Sweden be the model? HARDtalk’s Stephen Sackur speaks to Sweden’s chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell, the architect of a controversial no lockdown strategy that continues to stir interest across the world. Has it worked?
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You can see it in this interview - people who advocated a lockdown are terrified that Sweden is right on this. They are scared that time will show Sweden looked at the data and made a calculated decision whilst the vast majority of the world made rash panicked decisions wrecking both the fuctioning of their societies and their economic well-being.

Everything I've read and heard suggests that Sweden is correct and made the best bet. Even if they end up being wrong, they still made the most rational bet given the knowledge we had at the outset. We had knowledge of previously known coronaviruses, we could make educated guesses at the likely mortality rate, and crucially we could well estimate the devastating toll a lockdown would have on the economy and future healthcare.


Why does the interviewer always try to be a jerk, instead of engaging in a meaningful discussion about incredibly difficult and complicated issues. This is a long term process not a day to day situation.


Swedish Strategy explained by a Swede:

The strategy is based on 2 general assumptions:
1. This infection wont disappear before we get herd immunity or vaccination, and reaching sufficient herd immunity will be quicker.
2. The majority of the population will not become severely ill when they get infected.

These assumptions have led to the 3 Main Pillars of the Swedish Strategy:
1. Try to find long-term solutions to this crisis that we can maintain for a long time (assuming that a complete lock-down is not a long-term solution that can be maintained until we get a vaccine in 1-2 years). Thus, schools have remained open, as well as bars and restaurants - albeit with restrictions.
2. Protect the minority of the population that have a high risk of developing severe disease = the risk groups. Thus, everyone above 70 years of age (and other risk groups) are recommended to isolate themselves and visitations at hospitals and care homes are forbidden.
3. Provide recommendations (not regulations) of social distancing and basic hygiene for the rest of the population to SLOW DOWN the spread in order to flatten the curve and not overburden the health care system.

Results up until now:
1. We've been able to maintain the measures we've taken without protestations from the public. In fact, figures show that Swedes are very happy with how this crisis has been handled.
2. Unfortunately, we were not successful in stopping the virus from entering our care homes, which explains our relatively high death rates. This is under ongoing investigation and measures are implemented continuously.
3. The hospitals have NOT become overwhelmed by the number of cases. Everyone has gotten the care that they were in need of, both in regards to COVID-19 and other acute illnesses. We seem to have reached a plateau in the number of cases admitted to hospitals and the death rates - and this plateau has been relatively stable for weeks now.


I am Swedish and I believe in Sweden's strategy, We do not have the same strategy as our wonderful neighbors but we want the same thing, get rid of corona! so to Norway, Denmark and Finland keep up the good work!


The Pompous narrator keeps trying to bend the argument to the gratuitous assertion that the Insane Total Lock down in GB was somehow superior?!


A bit of a personal question asking him if he feels a personal responsibility for the death toll. When you lock down the economy suffers, deprivation increases which shortens lives and creates hardship. If you don't lock down a lot of older and vulnerable people die. If you go somewhere in the middle you try and balance both. This is a lose / lose situation. People die either way. Physical and mental health are effected either way.


Absolutely shocking interviewer. So biased and negative, trying to push an agenda instead of just asking questions.


First time I've heard anyone discuss the impacts of adults being out of work and children being out of school.


In 1-2 years we'll probably know who, if anyone, did everything right. One thing I personally believe Sweden did right was allowing young children to go to school/kindergarden. It makes it possible for the parents to go to work or work from home and it keeps the children busy and social and not so worried. This is at least my personal experience. I hope Sweden, and other countries, pull through this mess. My guess is that in a year media all over the world will focus all their attencion on the economic aspects of the pandemic, even though people will still be dying from the virus itself.


What a horrible interviewer...I think Sweden have made the right decision...wish the UK had done the same...


Sweden you have the best way!
Keep up the good Work 👍


it's unfair to compare Sweden with only Norway, Finland and Denmark. Sweden should also be compared to countries which imposed lockdowns like UK, France, Spain, Belgium, Italy etc....


The interviewer was out of touch about reinfection, the South Koreans already debunked that as faulty testing. Good to hear Tegnall's answers to the hard questions, he's an honest scientist and it's good to know the majority of Sweden's 40000 scientists support him.


Thank you Anders Tegnell for your great work here in Sweden.


Anders Tegnell is a Hero - the interviewer doesn't consider people losing their business.. The suicides and substance abuse deaths because of the lock downs.


what a disrespectful interviewer! why that personal question? the sweeden scientist, on the other hand, was a gentleman.


We should all be happy someone is taking a different strategy so we can learn and compare. Here in Denmark kids r back in school, no problems thank God😀


Why is the narrator asking questions that seems to lean that the strategy is a failure. Seems he is leading the interview into a negative light.


Just a personal observation- my 21 year old Swedish Volvo is going strong at 180000 miles. They seem to be an eminently sensible people who think things through.


This interviewer is being a duck. Clearly he had an agenda.
