Christ the Eternal Tao: Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven from the book 'Christ the Eternal Tao' by Hieromonk Damascene.

The Mind spoke through His child the Word,

And through the Word all things were made.

Thus did the Ancient Prophet say:

"The Mind spoke, and all things came to be,

He commanded, and they were created."

And: "By the Word of the Mind were the heavens established."

Of this also did the Ancient Sage speak,

Calling the Pre-eternal Word "the Source of the ten thousand things."

All things, then, were made by the Word,

And without Him was not anything made that was made:

All worlds, and worlds within worlds,

All matter, all life, all intelligences,

Of numbers so vast that if their names should be written every one,

Even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.

The Mind spoke through His child the Word,

And at His Breath there appeared the innumerable multitude of spirits.

Therefore did the Ancient Prophet say:

"The Mind spoke, and all the host of spirits were made by the Breath of His mouth."

The Mind spoke, calling upon the Pre-eternal Counsel – the Word and the Breath –

Saying, "Let us make man."

And through the Breath of Heaven entering into man’s nostrils, Man became a living soul.

The ten thousand things were created out of nothing,

Out of the Darkness that was before darkness.

And when this was accomplished,

The still, unchanging Word resounded through all that was made,

And the still, unchanging Breath blew through all that was made,

Moving upon the face of the silent deep,

And giving to all life and motion.
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