The Falklands - MiniWars #1

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World Map
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Image by Reto Stöckli (land surface, shallow water, clouds). Enhancements by Robert Simmon (ocean color, compositing, 3D globes, animation). Data and technical support: MODIS Land Group; MODIS Science Data Support Team; MODIS Atmosphere Group; MODIS Ocean Group Additional data: USGS EROS Data Center (topography); USGS Terrestrial Remote Sensing Flagstaff Field Center (Antarctica); Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (city lights).

Creative Commons Images:

Vatican Alter 2 by Patrick Landy

Flag of Spain by HansenBCN

Village People by Mario Casciano

Galtieri by Presidencia de la Nación Argentina

Camouflage pattern texture by Joe Weisman

Margaret Thatcher by Chris Collins

Iron by Rob Lavinsky

Copper by Jonathan Zander

Magnesium by Warut Roonguthai

SS Canberra by David Excoffier

Atlantic Conveyer by Darren Hillman

Falkland Islands Panorama by Alex Petrenko

GFDL Images:

Bourbonic Flag by Durero

All sound effects licensed under Creative Commons

fire crackling by daenerys

Waves by juskiddink

Seagulls Atmos by Eelke

Pencil, Writing, Close, A by InspectorJ

Boxing Bell 1 by Benboncan

Bamboo Swing, C3 by InspectorJ

Til With Bell by Benboncan

Cattle Brethe by luyinshi6656

Sheep in field by soundmary

Synthesized Explosion 04 by RSilveira_88

Faceoff by Kevin MacLeod

I Knew a Guy by Kevin MacLeod

Enchanted Journey by Kevin MacLeod

Investigations by Kevin MacLeod

Court of the Queen - Music to Delight

The Voyage
The Voyage by Audionautix

Dark Mystery
Dark Mystery by Audionautix

Earth Prelude by Kevin MacLeod

BTS Prolog by Kevin MacLeod
Рекомендации по теме

"Plus oil was just found near the island"

*+999 unread messages from the United States*


my dad is English and my mother in argentine, yeah family gatherings are really great.


“and they used british-owned Ascension Island as a forward base.”

*points to blank spot of map*

thank you Britain for conquering every damn rock in the sea


I'd imagine how that awkward interaction between France and the UK went
British: Hello?
France: Bonjour!
British: I'm sorry did you just speak 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐇?


UK: Can I borrow a few guns, mate?
US: Sure, but what are you up to?
UK: The usual...
US: Got it.


"Cold, wet and miserable. Just like home"


Argentina then asked the Pope to tell the British to give them the islands back, forgetting we haven't listened to the Pope for over 400 years.


"No one told us that a nation famous for being a preeminent naval power for centuries would have the logistical capacity and technical know-how to sail 8, 000 miles to push our shit in."


“Cold wet and miserable, just like home” I died at that moment


Fun fact: that cruiser that was sunk outside the exclusion zone was the former USS Phoenix, which was a survivor of Pearl Harbor and sold to Argentina after the War


Falkland Islander here (born in Stanley)! My Grandparents cared for injured British troops, and my mum was alive during the war, albeit as a little baby. So happy you've made a video about my tiny country, as it often flies under the radar.

Felt i had to comment, as there's not many of us Falklanders. 😊


As a proud British man. When you said cold wet and miserable just like home. I agreed completely and actually chuckled.


Imagine being a penguin and seeing people fight over your island.


Belgrano's sinking was only controversial amongst folk of a certain type. Her captain himself said he'd have done the same. That she was outside the exclusion zone didn't mean anything. The UK was at war with Argentina, she was an enemy war vessel and therefore could expect what she got. Certainly a tragedy, but it was a war.


England: You lost the war
Argentina: No I didn't, I just merely failed to win


"they found it to be cold, wet, and miserable. JUST LIKE HOME!" If only that was just a joke.


How to summarize US' relationship with UK in 4 words:

here have some weapons


1:49 - Napoleon looks very different to how he appears in the French Revolution/Napoleonic Wars. It goes to appreciate how his drawing skills has improved.


My father was a conscript, sent to fight for Argentina in the Falklands War. The stories he's told me, from the Argentinian perspective, are legitimately bone chilling.
From the fact that a bunch of severely undertrained young adults were forcibly being sent to fight an organized opponent, to the number of broken weapons many were being giving, to the INTENTIONAL drugging of foods being provided to them in order to calm the fear many experienced as they feared for the worst knowing all the odds stacked against them. And all because a deeply corrupt government wanted to curry support from it's citizens.
I wasn't born until long after the war, but I still don't get how many Argentineans still care so much for the island, young and old. I can maybe get why people at the time felt so strongly for them (given all the propaganda being spread), but in this day in age, with all the info out there, I don't get it. Even my dad, who admittedly is still very bitter about the war, states that most of his anger now lies more with the Argentine government then it does with the British.


America’s response to everything:

“Okay here have some weapons”
