Learn Python in Tamil | Python Complete Course in Tamil | Game Development | Logic First Tamil
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Complete Python Beginner Course in Tamil with all basics, OOP, Library Management Project, Advanced Topics, Pong game with Turtle, BreakOut Game with Pygame.
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:04:43 - Installing Python and Pycharm
00:08:21 - First Program
00:16:52 - Variables
00:25:52 - String Handling
00:42:25 - Running python code from command prompt
00:43:15 - Multiple Assignment
00:44:58 - Type Casting
00:51:52 - User Input
00:58:48 - Math Operations
01:11:01 - If Else
01:15:54 - Relational Operators
01:20:31 - Else if Ladder, Nested If, Logical Operators
01:31:15 - Bitwise Operators
01:43:11 - Installing Jupyter
01:46:22 - String Slicing
01:55:37 - List
02:07:32 - While Loop
02:16:55 - For Loop
02:20:41 - Guess the Number Game
02:25:59 - Nested Loops
02:31:11 - Debugging in pycharm
02:38:46 - Break, Continue, Pass
02:48:04 - Split and Join
02:49:58 - 2d List, Problem of copying list
02:59:42 - Tuples
03:03:42 - Dictionary
03:14:47 - Set
03:17:17 - String Formatting
03:26:09 - Functions
03:43:37 - Variable Scope
03:48:28 - Variable Length Arguments
03:54:54 - Default Arguments
03:56:12 - Passing List
04:00:30 - Returning Dictionaries
04:02:32 - Recursion
04:08:40 - Generators
04:12:17 - Modules
04:16:38 - Exception Handling
04:25:42 - Files
04:31:20 - OOP introduction
04:35:12 - Creating classes and objects
04:46:07 - Class variables
04:49:43 - Inheritance
04:56:48 - Method Overriding
04:59:32 - Method Chaining
05:00:36 - Super Function
05:08:45 - Abstract Class
05:17:40 - Passing Objects, Duck Typing
05:23:50 - Naming Conventions
05:26:44 - __name__, __main__
05:31:03 - Library Management
05:49:44 - walrus operator
05:53:14 - Higher Order Functions
05:59:12 - Lambda
06:04:41 - Sorting with Key
06:12:59 - Map, Filter, Reduce
06:25:37 - List Comprehension
06:31:40 - Dictionary Comprehension
06:38:40 - Zip Function
06:41:03 - MultiThreading
06:48:11 - How Python Interpreter Works?
07:02:22 - Memory Management
07:13:51 - Learning Path
07:21:05 - Pong Game
07:57:48 - BreakOut Game
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:04:43 - Installing Python and Pycharm
00:08:21 - First Program
00:16:52 - Variables
00:25:52 - String Handling
00:42:25 - Running python code from command prompt
00:43:15 - Multiple Assignment
00:44:58 - Type Casting
00:51:52 - User Input
00:58:48 - Math Operations
01:11:01 - If Else
01:15:54 - Relational Operators
01:20:31 - Else if Ladder, Nested If, Logical Operators
01:31:15 - Bitwise Operators
01:43:11 - Installing Jupyter
01:46:22 - String Slicing
01:55:37 - List
02:07:32 - While Loop
02:16:55 - For Loop
02:20:41 - Guess the Number Game
02:25:59 - Nested Loops
02:31:11 - Debugging in pycharm
02:38:46 - Break, Continue, Pass
02:48:04 - Split and Join
02:49:58 - 2d List, Problem of copying list
02:59:42 - Tuples
03:03:42 - Dictionary
03:14:47 - Set
03:17:17 - String Formatting
03:26:09 - Functions
03:43:37 - Variable Scope
03:48:28 - Variable Length Arguments
03:54:54 - Default Arguments
03:56:12 - Passing List
04:00:30 - Returning Dictionaries
04:02:32 - Recursion
04:08:40 - Generators
04:12:17 - Modules
04:16:38 - Exception Handling
04:25:42 - Files
04:31:20 - OOP introduction
04:35:12 - Creating classes and objects
04:46:07 - Class variables
04:49:43 - Inheritance
04:56:48 - Method Overriding
04:59:32 - Method Chaining
05:00:36 - Super Function
05:08:45 - Abstract Class
05:17:40 - Passing Objects, Duck Typing
05:23:50 - Naming Conventions
05:26:44 - __name__, __main__
05:31:03 - Library Management
05:49:44 - walrus operator
05:53:14 - Higher Order Functions
05:59:12 - Lambda
06:04:41 - Sorting with Key
06:12:59 - Map, Filter, Reduce
06:25:37 - List Comprehension
06:31:40 - Dictionary Comprehension
06:38:40 - Zip Function
06:41:03 - MultiThreading
06:48:11 - How Python Interpreter Works?
07:02:22 - Memory Management
07:13:51 - Learning Path
07:21:05 - Pong Game
07:57:48 - BreakOut Game