IDLES - MOTHER (Official Video)

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'Mother'' from the debut album 'Brutalism', available now.

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The video was shot at Dilston Grove, one of CGP London's 2 galleries in the heart of Southwark Park in south London. CGP is an artist-led gallery founded in 1984 by The Bermondsey Artists' Group.

They commission major artworks by artists at all stages of their career. It's a vital part of London's art scene offering space and support that no-one else can across two stunning galleries.

Its an amazing cavernous raw space that hosts a lot of performance, music and live art. They rent it out in between shows to get the crucial funding they need to keep supporting artists. There's nowhere quite like it!

Dilston is one of the first poured concrete structures in the UK, built in 1909 by Cambridge University. It had been derelict since the 60s until the gallery took it on. There'd been a mission church on that site since 1896 after Bishop of Rochester, Edward Stuart TALBOT decided Cambridge should have a post in South London to support the poor.


My mother works 15 hours 5 days a week
My mother works 16 hours 6 days a week
My mother works 17 hours 7 days a week
The best way to scare a torie is to read and get rich
The best way to scare a torie is to read and get rich
The best way to scare a torie is to read and get rich
I know nothing, I'm just sitting here looking at pretty colours
I know nothing, I'm just sitting here looking at pretty colours
I know nothing, I'm just sitting here looking at pretty colours

Mother fucker

My mother works 15 hours 5 days a week
My mother works 16 hours 6 days a week
My mother works 17 hours 7 days a week
The best way to scare a torie is to read and get rich
The best way to scare a torie is to read and get rich
The best way to scare a torie is to read and get rich
I know nothing, I'm just sitting here looking at pretty colours
I know nothing, I'm just sitting here looking at pretty colours
I know nothing, I'm just sitting here looking at pretty colours

Mother fucker

Sexual violence doesn't start and end with rape
It starts in our books and behind our school gates
Men are scared women will laugh in their face
Whereas women are scared it's their lives men will take

Mother fucker


The official video for Mother by IDLES
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Joe's mom died, and his daughter. He's trying to tell blokes to talk about their feelings instead of bottling it in like men do. Otherwise they will get worse mentally. The band are so influential to people that understand. Legends 👍


My mum is my world. She battled an illness that put her in a coma, that left her having to relearn how to walk, eat, even go to the toilet. After all this, she got up and went back to work as a children's nurse in the NHS. She taught me hard work, how to teach myself when school failed me, and most importantly, to never trust a Tory.

Love you mum x


I love the sincere anger and pure emotion in his voice. A lot of "angry" sounding songs sound fake to me, but this is it unfiltered.


When you listen to these lyrics as a woman, it's...something else. Not a song you think of as a tearjerker, but here we are.


My mum passed too soon too. As a kid I would fall asleep to the sound of her sewing machine. Sometimes that sound is still there in my dreams. Go easy, be gentle, make something new everyday.


“ men are scared women will laugh in their face. Women are scared it’s their lives that we’ll take”

This guy is right fucking on it ❤️


"Men are scared women will laugh in their face
Whereas women are scared it's their lives men will take"
Deep message here


I loved the whole Brutalism album, but this was definitely the song that made me a fan of IDLES


my mom is thankfully alive and well but she is getting older, and i resonate a lot with the emotion here. sometimes i think about what will happen after she dies. the world will just move on uncaringly. all her wit and her work and all that she loved will be some random objects and plants. i understand this anger


value your children over your material possessions, over your addictions and vices. in the end it all leaves scars after you're gone.


I love this style of punk! Please continue making this kind of music.


First band I've sat up and listened to in a long time.

Your songs say so much by saying very little. Impressive.


One of the best punk bands to come out of the UK


"I know nothing. I'm just sitting here looking at pretty colours" is like me as a child unaware of the Thatcher ruled nightmare my parents suffered from


This is why English rock the punk scene… this is absolutely raw emotion. I wouldn’t doubt that porcelain is his mother.


His mum was beautiful. She would be very proud brother


My mum was one of the Irish immigrants to look after the mentally ill in the 60s. Late at night ahe told me stories I could make into a book. A horrific book.


Putting the UK back in its rightful place in music. Hopefully Coldplay will be doing the rest home tours soon.


No joke, I've listened to this song repeatedly since it came out, excellent job, looking forward to that album


I’m pretty sure his mum is looking down from heaven bursting with pride
