Muslim and Depressed! How depression is testing my faith - Conscious Reminders

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Muslim and Depressed! How depression is testing my faith - Conscious Reminders.

Depression is real and it affects millions of people around the world. I talk about my struggles with depression and anxiety as a Muslim and what I do to try and cure it.
My Vlog Series
Deadbeat dads, fathers and parents!
What is a TERRORIST?
Why am I a Muslim? - Whats the point of this life?
Real friends vs Fake friends! - How to spot a 2 face?
Who am I? - Whats my identity?
Where are all the jobs at? - Struggling to find a job.
Islam 101 Series
What is Islam?
Who is Allah?

Please watch: "☑️ How to become a Muslim - A step by step guide 😊"
Рекомендации по теме

"You want this much happiness, then read THIS MUCH Qur'an"... Brother, thank you so much for your valuable teaching. May Allah reward you for this


The harder the test the greater the reward. May Allah make all our affairs easy.
jazakallahu kheiran akhii for sharing that with us


Assalamualaikum warahmathullah, brother. I can connect quite close to your circumstances. I think, a lot of guys go thru crisis at this point. Subhanallah, you put it all quite well together and happy for you that you turned to Allah for everything. May Allah swt grant every individual this realization that only by understanding seen and practising it wholeheartedly can bring out a drastic change in our lives. Aameen. Jazakallah


This subject needs to be talked about more with Muslims. You're brave for opening up about this. Such a bad misconception that if we're Muslim we can't feel depressed. bl


Bro thanks for the video, it really helps! I've been going through a really tough time, and I feel as if Allah is angry with me which why I am in this situation?
