Ask The Expert -Truth About Adrenal Fatigue

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Supporters of adrenal fatigue believe the problem begins when many different life stresses become too much for the body to handle. What is the truth behind adrenal fatigue and what does the science say about it? Learn more!
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I’ve been ignored for years of my complaints of being tired. I sleep for 10 hours sometimes and still feel exhausted. 90% of my diet is healthy, I’m active and I don’t use any drugs (legal or illegal). However, I have lived a very VERY stressful life and at some points it was non stop. Now that I’ve ridden myself of that stressful life I want to get back to my life. Having doctors tell me I’m text book healthy and there’s nothing wrong with me has been so disheartening. When I push my luck with them, they offer drugs as a way to help. I refused of course and since then I have given up on conventional medicine. I hope doctors can learn to take people like me seriously.


Call it what you want, in my opinion and accordingly to my experience adrenal fatigue is a final stage of severe energy loss - u can also call it (exhaustion)depression. At this stage the adrenal glands can not cope with the stress and "shut down". But there is truely a reason for that. We can not function at all cost, because we are humans. If you consider the situation as a whole always ask: "Why am I fatigued and stressed out?" Only giving some supplement or even hormones will not fix the problem at the end. We have to alter the situation or misleading and harmful thoughts. Adrenal Fatigue wants to yell to you: "Dude, please make your life better, change something!"
I wish you all the best friends!


My grandmother was told her years her complex hormonal issue didn’t exist in the 60s. She suffered for years. Now it exists. So … 20/30 years time this will be a thing. I’ll bet. Thyroid issues were once called manic episodes.


Wait until you get adrenal fatigue Doc Then you might be searching for unregulated supplements because you might find your profession might not have a suitable solution


Thank you, I have had so many doctors ignore me because I had a problem they didn't believe was real (MCAS) If patients come in complaining of real symptoms that they associate with a disorder you don't think is real, please still acknowledge the reality of their symptoms! It is heartbreaking to have doctors tell you you are making stuff up for 30 years


I think “adrenal fatigue” WAS assumed to be low functioning adrenal glands from excess stress, and the medical/scientific community proved that not to be the case, but that doesn’t mean that “adrenal fatigue, ” doesn’t exist - it probably just needs a new definition. I feel fatigued to the point of my adrenal system not functioning like it used to be able to. Maybe the disorder doesn’t reside in a dysfunction of the literal adrenal glands, maybe it’s in a part of the brain that is refusing to communicate with my adrenal glands like it used to. But “adrenal fatigue” is a real phenomenon that needs better understanding and treatment options.


This video was very informative but one thing I did not agree with was asking the physicians to steer patients away from supplements that are sometimes recommended by alternative medicine. There are many supplements, especially those made with botanical plants, that have been properly researched and reviewed and found to help the body deal with stress and some of the other symptoms you mentioned above. These botanicals and supplements can also work together with medication to have an even greater effect in the treatment plan. The best type of medicine is one where conventional and alternative medicine work together to give patients options and a more holistic treatment.


Anyone here because they burnt themselves out from caffeine?


Adrenal Fatigue is real. I did every test known to man kind and no doctor could help me. Because they don't know what they don't know.


One of the reasons women seek help even if it is not scientific is the fact that women suffer some many hormonal issues, and doctors somehow discard our symptoms. We women after 40 are alone or most of the time are. Thanks for giving a little bit of light on this specific issue. It would be great you talk about thyroid issues, metabolic syndrome and fatty leaver as well. Thanks!


This whole video is a huge part of what's wrong with our health system in the USA .


The symptoms seem pretty specific if you ask me....


Great information and thanks! However doctors continue to not test using full thyroid panels nor treat properly, thyroid disease if at all, let alone fight to get them to test adrenals. 40+ years continually experiencing doctors tell me to see a psychiatrist, blaming me when in fact I had Hashimotos all along. It was holistic doctors who tested and treated me when I came close to death. The system is severely broken.


Isn't it called HPA axis dysfunction, and it does have medical basis. From the info I've been given with my HPA diagnosis it's not categorisable under "adrenal dysfunction" because it's not specifically about the adrenals but the interplay between the Hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenals. It also mentioned that it's necessary to move away from the "adrenal fatigue" label as the medical community harbours distain for the term... gotta say you're proving that point. The symptoms aren't any more "non specific" than many other conditions, I found that a particularly weak point in the argument against the existence of this condition. Cortisol tests exist and are it's not a wild leap to couple those results with symptoms and figure out something is medically a-foot.


Saying someone with adrenal fatigue is tired is like saying someone in a wheelchair has difficulty walking. It’s such an understatement and so unfair to people like us who are suffering from it and find it debilitating.


Lmaooo wow. So basically you haven’t even looked into it if you just think it’s only comprised of “nonspecific symptoms”. Medical Doctors specializing in this have categorized 4 stages of Adrenal fatigue.

What was the point of this video? You don’t think adrenal fatigue is real, but don’t have any other answers for this condition that can be completely debilitating, and basically just pass it off as someone being depressed and making it up essentially?

And then you try to discourage them from taking supplements that have lots of literature on them that could help them. Wow,

So you don’t want them to take ashwaganda or adrenal extracts to make themselves feel better. It’s only okay for them to take your addicting drugs. Cool!


The biggest reason for my adrenal disruption has been alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, and caffeine. When I cut those out, all symptoms went away. Just an FYI for those who might be in the same boat. Years of usage and I had almost every symptom on this video. Thanks for sharing this great piece of information.


Endocrinology is extremely complicated. Would probably take two weeks or a month of solid reading on the literature or text book for a lay person to get a basic grasp. I’m reading neuroscience and the less pop-neuro the books are the longer they take to get through. Especially hard was the gut microbiome book I read, which was zero hype, but some interesting factoids and a lot of microbiology. I’m a lay person of the biological science but have found them so deeply fascinating. Endocrinology is another rabbit hole that is so important though. With relevance to mood, obesity, diabetes, psychiatric conditions, cognition.


Dr's job:
1. "listen" to symptoms
2. discard symptoms as all in patient's head
3. prescribe anti-depressants
4. next patient

I've wasted so much time with the crappy traditional medicine (endo's, psychs, gps, neurologists) and got nowhere. Then I started working with a functional medicine doctor who believes in so called mythical illnesses like this and guess what, I haven't felt better in years. Western medicine is a joke and doctors don't think outside the box and discount everything because they're arrogant bastards.


Just because adrenal fatigue isn’t a diagnosis in current medical science doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist... I think you mean it doesn’t appear in the textbooks I have 😂
