Transgender boxer Patricio Manuel vs Hien Huynh

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Patricio Manuel vs hien Huynh

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👋 You’re here trying to find the knockout clip. 💀


It’s almost as if there was a reason why men and women’s sports are separate 🤔 And no, you cannot biologically change your sex, no matter how you “identify”. It’s not saying someone cannot be trans if they want, but do not try and push lies that you are biologically something you are not. Thats the reality.


It doesn't move naturally. Look at how it walks around it's so strange.


They don’t even look evenly matched lol


I honestly thought trans is the smaller one 😂


Its funny how the media dosen't show this "guy" getting knocked out yet they dont have a problem showing other people getting knocked out. Tired of the media defending wrong doers and I feel bad the person who uploaded this video tried to look for the knock out vid too.


Well, let's applaud the ref for taking care of the boxer.


How could they be in the same weight class?


Where is the one that lasted 21 seconds with a real boxer???


The man boxing is the size of an eight-year-old.


So if you hit it low blow it wont hurt it right???


Damn that stadium is empty. People really don't like women's sports.


I was gay and genderfluid. Living my life while dating someone who was trans. I was an avid supporter of the LGBT. I thought I was born this way, I thought it was the right way and that everyone else was wrong.

I was like this for awhile until God came into my life. I was a heavy drinker and I started getting panic attacks while I was drunk. I stopped drinking and I got really scared when the attacks began happening while I was sober. It was agony, every day trying to fend off this mind consuming anxiety and I couldn't figure out why. I thought I was going to a spiritual "awakening" ascending to a higher elevation of "life". But in reality, I was dying. Slowly and painfully because of my sin.

One night I got this weird feeling that washed over me. It was like my body started fading away but my mind was alert. I went to go lay down on the bed and I remember staring up at the ceiling.i remember knowing in my mind that if I go to sleep tonight, I'm going to die.

But the scariest part is that I KNEW, in my mind I just knew that I was going to go to the lake of fire.

After that I cried out to the Lord to forgive me, I started reading the Bible and walking in the Lord's laws and commandments. Doing Sabbath, not lying (I lied all the time), trying to be good and do good for God and the world! A year and some months later I've never been happier.

I feel good being a woman, I feel secure and confident knowing I am a woman and accepting. I feel good not having that lustful spirit of sodomy in my mind all the time, it feels good to be alive and no longer experiencing any panic attacks. The Lord changed me, and I can never be more grateful.

I pray that anyone who might be LGBT, whether you've come here to debate people or to simply observe. I KNOW how you feel, that insecurity of never feeling right in your own body. Never feeling happy with your appearance, and feeling consumed with loving the same gender. I know it's hard, overwhelming, and very toxic. But there IS a way out. Repent now while you still can. The Lord is coming back soon, whether you believe it or not and he will not be merciful to any of the wicked.

You CAN change, you were not BORN this way. Don't listen to the lies and sweet delusions of this community, listen to what your own body is telling you, and what God tells you.

Follow the Lord's laws and commandments, again, while you still can. Turn away from this wicked society and the deep rooted paganism they try to make us to follow (holidays, Sunday Worship) find God and live!!! Forever not just the 80-90 years we get. I love you all and if you read this, thank you and bless you for listening at all. I pray for peace on your households and strength as you walk through this valley of the shadow of death.

In Jesus' name!

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 (KJV) Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
(Exodus 20:1-17 for the commandments)


What was that? That was like 4 shots that barely connected.


That man should not be boxing..he doesn’t even look like he trains..


1st fight vs a guy that won 1 fight out of 9 ...8 losses that included 2 ko's and lost to Manuel 37 - 39.
2nd fight was a guy that just started, is 5 inches shorter, lost all but one fight (1 win 3 losses) and isn't even in shape, Manuel won because of a cut.
3rd fight was a guy that also just started in 2023 had 2 fights and lost both
All of these guys seem like ringers. Boxing is trying to up their ESG scores.


Reality hits hard even when someone refuses to accept reality. You can put lipstick on a pig and it’s still a pig.


He wasn’t even trying. You can tell he wasn’t fatigued, and was holding back on his punches.


I'm pretty sure a person off the street could beat that little Asian guy. This fight was not even realistic. This can't be professional boxing. It's like me fighting av10yr old boy.


Nothing but respect for Patricio. Ironically he’s got much bigger nuts than anybody talking shit in the comment section about him not fighting “real competition”😂 y’all will look for any reason to dismiss him just because u don’t like the thought of a trans person being successful. Shame on y’all who are hating on him
