Lynette Zang: 'This is How They Will Confiscate Your Gold!' TWIM Ep 5

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My name is Jay Martin, and welcome to This Week in Mining.

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Buying silver and gold is easy, but it is renowned for stability during economic hard times like this. The main problem is investing in stocks, dividends and even cryptocurrencies to grow your portfolio.... I’ve been trying to grow my portfolio of $190K for some time now, my major challenge is not knowing the best entry and exit strategies ... I would greatly appreciate any suggestions


"The first solution of the failing empire is inflation, the second is constant useless war. Both bring temporary riches, then permanent ruin." - Ernest Hemingway


This Lady understands global economics. History & the hard lessons coming. Soft people make hard times


Keeping some gold on hand is always a wise choice. You would be better off avoiding equities for the time being given the state of the market and the risks associated with the current economy, or even better, seeking advice from an advisor.


Love this interview with Lynette, thank you! My grandson is 10 yrs old and picks up bottles around the neighborhood and along roads Saturday mornings; he takes it to the recycling center and then takes that money to buy silver. Even he understands how important it is and we are proud of him!


I am 100% on board with one exception. With 99% of citizens not holding precious metals, buying gold and silver won’t stop what’s coming. It may help individuals, but the collapse will occur regardless. Chaos.


The Roosevelt gold confiscation was not just a call to bring in your gold, it also made it illegal to buy or sell gold or to hold gold.


You can't confiscate something you can't find


We got wiped out in the 08 crash and our 401k kept losing so we took the hit and put it into an ira. Still had to cash it out to live. Between taxes and losses I’d say we had maybe a third of what we started with. We also sold every bit of gold down to our wedding rings. Was it rough? Yeah I think I’ve got ptsd from it 😂 BUT….it did keep us from starving and it did keep a roof over our head to live some more days. Unfortunately we didn’t recover like we intended and now this is happening AGAIN but bigger. So I’d say whatever you have that’s of value ( in our case gold and 401k money ) helped us. Didn’t get nearly the value but ya know. I’d say this time around things of value are the same but also meds, food, water, survival items heck even an acre of land! I have a friend that has about 8 trailers camping out with their family right now!! Of course are family and long time friends. I’d say they’ve got the best chances there. They sold their big house probably 5 yrs ago and moved more remotely and greener. Private well and solar. I wondered why they had done that but now I know why. Smart thinking or maybe they just wanted to be more remote? Idk but man do I wish we could’ve done something like that. Maybe God has another plan for Us though. 🤷‍♀️ Just do what you can do and don’t worry about what gains or losses you make on Gods money. If it’ll feed you or pay your monthly bills then that’s what it’s for. ❤


Regardless of what the price of gold is, its better to have some than clutching paper currencies.


Zang is my all time favorite economist, broker and prepper.


It’s always a good option to keep some gold. Well with the current market situation and everything at stake with the present economy, I’d say you’re better off staying away from stocks fr awhile or better still reach out to an adviser for guidance.


One way to confiscate people`s gold is to revalue it to a higher price, enough so that people want to sell their gold and take profit.


Lynette is my new mentor!!! Also born in 54. Have long been a hard money investor and investigator. This dialog is exciting, contemporary, plain and simple to follow. In fact I was compleating sentences. I feel as though this ship called middle class america will soon be coming down the Colorado white water. Perilous, tragic, most will not set foot on dry land ever again. I am a Christian and have no fuzzy illusions about the coming world wide conflagration. I learned the fed is a gangster cartel way back in 79. Never recognized my inclination to follow "money" real or created til I was in my late 30's. Big surprise to me. So Lynette I thank you for your kindred humanity, financial and economic savy. Will read and listen to your every utterance, so entertaining, your opinions are gold (roosters) to me. So grateful to have found you. Good grief what took so long for your vid to arrive? I will share this vid though my more business minded friends won't appreciate it so much as I . Too severe. Too real. But i can take it. Been blowing the horn a long time. Know we are at the ledge. Not afraid. I am a gardener extrodinaire. If you know someone who needs a 69 yr old dirt road scholar, farmeretta, call me, I'm for hire. 281-455-1471. ✝️🌱


They will try to come for gold but end up with lead and brass


Lady Lynnet is AWESOME!
Thanks for having her on.


Owning Gold was NEVER against the law in the US. The only thing illegal was FDR's executive order masquerading as a law. Executive orders can only affect members of the executive branch of government, they CAN'T command the general public to do anything. In particular they can't create prison sentences or fines for the general public. There is no possibility that executive order would have been upheld by the Supreme Court had it been challenged.


My gold is stacked in my basement. Right next to my guns and ammo.


An old friend told me - gold? Buy a truck load of cigarettes and booze. It will always sell.


Knowing a Trade (plumbing, electric, carpentry etc) you can use for Barter will get you gold, silver, food and brass.
