ARCANE vs the OLD MASTER Trope (ft Yoda) | 1min Analysis #shorts #starwars

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#LeagueOfLegends #Heimerdinger #Netflix

Heimerdinger is introduced as the “old wise master”, but by the end we realize that Arcane pulled a fast one on us. With characters like Yoda, we see the “Old Master” trope play out classically: Yoda is misjudged by Luke Skywalker because of his size and quirky habits, and his advice is initially ignored, then Luke returns once he understands the value of Yoda’s sage wisdom. Heimerdinger turns this trope on its head, with Jayce repeatedly ignoring his advice and finding success, banishing Heimerdinger from his position, and eventually developing independently of him entirely. A beautiful subversion of a subversion by the Arcane writers.

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Heimerdinger is so experienced, the world he got the experience in is already dead


Excited to see how Heimerdinger is going to evolve and grow as a character in the next season, since he is no longer the old master archetype


I also really like how heimerdinger is very much blinded by the privilege of a long life, he takes everything slow and keeps it the same, he both doesn't want change because he's already seen so many die around him, but also encourages passivity because he can afford to see the future decades later where the Nobody else can


Jayce really made a great point about how Heimerdinger had been alive for over 300 years... Yet what did he have to show for it when you look at the undercity?
When you look at the suffering of Zaun, what has he done to mitigate that? He was too far removed from humanity and that's why he was just willing to let Viktor die. Jayce has made some mistakes because after all he's young, and tossed into a world of politics he never wanted nor pursued.
But literally on his SECOND DAY, he found out that there was a lot of corruption involving inaccuracy of inventory of his & Viktor's very own tech. Yet Heimerdinger, someone who's been on the council the whole time, didn't focus on that but wanted to focus on destroying the one Hextech tool that could help Viktor live. His ignorance is showcased when all of those deals among council members are made in the music hall while he is quite literally blissfully unaware of it all.
That's why he was so entirely surprised by being kicked off the council: If he had actually wanted to make sure that everyone held themselves accountable, then he would have been holding them accountable *a long time ago.* Not just now - in order to practically kill Viktor. That's why Jayce had that outburst: "Who's holding *you* accountable?"
You're literally trying to kill his best friend, and *for what?*


i remember being pissed at heimer for being in such a high position of power, but yet was blind to the undercitys plight and not recognizing the difference in values between humans and yordles due to their lifespans. but the one thing that he was absolutely right about was the dangers of hextech, as poorly as he communicated them to jayce and viktor. but the true tragedy of its misuse happened out of his sight, which was the factory explosion that killed vi and jinx’s family. how easily it fell into the wrong hands without proper supervision, how easily it ruined the lives of the people caught in its destruction. but of course there was also the corrupt police force and justice system that led to vi’s forced separation from jinx, which heimer was still blind to. it comes full circle and hextech also becomes the weapon that destroyed any hope for peace.


Indeed. Heimerdinger was correct, but he was not wise. His age had detached him from those around him.


I know people are on the edge of their seats to find out who died in the council bombing, but I feel like what I'm most excited to see in s2 is Heimerdinger and Ekko's relationship. I think it'll be really good for both of them, and it'll hopefully give Ekko an excuse to have more screen time than he has so far. Them working together on the Z-Drive or some other really cool tech and building a partnership at the same time is almost too cute for Arcane but gods I hope it happens lol


The Ekko meetup was the single most brightest moment in act 3 for me. Tough competition i know ◉‿◉


When heimerdinger and ekko met each other I started screaming that’s the most wholesome thing ever


"The old man becomes a humble student to the young wise master"
(Shows Ekko)

I didn't know I could like this critic anymore than I already did


I loved when Jayce mentioned the problem with human mortality, heimer is so content with this course of these two factions cause he just too old to notice that he’s just a figure head essentially, so Jayce pointing out they need action based on the fact no one else is basically immortal.


The thing I love about Heimerdinger is that while the entire show proves him right: he is correct about the dangers of magiteck because putting nukes on the hands of random people is always a bad idea.
It does not really matter because the reasons he is right aren't the right ones, he is right because he can simply afford to take all the time in the world to solve anything and everything: hunger? Give me a 100 years, poverty? 300, he doesn't realise that no one else can afford to take it that slow


There are MANY Star Wars parallels in Arcane: Powder's fall to the Dark Side mirrors Anakin Skywalker's (orphaned, has a mentor who failed her ((Vi/Obi-Wan)), is corrupted by an evil influencer ((Silco/Palpatine)), etc...

Heimendinger is Yoda: Wise leader/teacher who failed. Yoda was a huge failure: failed to recognize the rise of the Sith and even fought a war on its behalf. Heimendinger's ignorance to the plight of the undercity lead to civil war. There are other references to SW lore and several other Sci-fi/fantasy tropes.


i also think it's neat that specifically ekko and heimerdinger are now a pair: one who has so little time to do what needs doing that he'll eventually craft time powers (or something along those lines, i know very little league lore outside of arcane lmao but i believe that's the gist of it) and one who has so much time that he's become totally disconnected from those around him who live life as mortals do. interested to see how their views/experiences on a theme so integral to their characters will play off of each other.


Woah thats frickin brilliant! A subversion of a subversion!
Arcane is absolutely amazing, my mind is blown, they wrote it so masterfully.
I'm still grieving and depressed tho 😢


I really want to see heimerdinger invent something


really like how you ended it by saying that ekko is now the "young wise master" and rightfully so


My favourite part about Heimerdinger was that he was just as wrong and guilty as Jace, despite his sage advice to prevent conflict. He sat by for centuries as the under city of Piltover ate itself alive, letting the people kill each other and poison themselves as time went on, and Heimerdinger sat back and built up the top city on the backs of those less fortunate. His intentions were genuine (as are Jace's) but where Jace causes conflict in his pursuit of development and innovation, Heimerdinger caused suffering and poverty through inaction and negligence. The character work in this show is absolutely phenomenal


Sorry, this has nothing to do with the topic in the video. But I think of something you might consider for your next 1min analysis, I was rewatching episode 4, and during the first conversation that Silco and Jinx have after the Firelights attack, Silco tells her that he need to know that he can rely on her then Jinx says "It won't happen again" to which Silco replies (totally confident) "I know".

Do you think that Silco really believe she's not going to screw things up again?
Or does he knows she will and is just willing to deal with the consequences whatever they are?

Whatever interpretation is given to that line, the meaning behind it seems so deep to me.


I think Heimerdinger's problem is perfectly encapsulated on his first scene, there's Jayce, having one of the worse times of his life, and the little guy just enters the room with a short monologue about imprisonment and how the mind is still free
