Is a Trans Woman a Real Woman?

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Jordan Peterson answered if the thinks a trans woman is a real woman.

A trans woman is a woman who was assigned male at birth.
Trans women have a female gender identity, may experience gender dysphoria (explained below), and may transition; this process commonly includes hormone replacement therapy and sometimes sex reassignment surgery

Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity.

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i don’t get why trans women can’t just be trans women why so they have to be “real women”


I respect trans women, but no, I don't have to say that a trans woman is a real woman


There's no logical way to determine that a transwoman is a woman. The fact that there are two terms to distinguish between the two demonstrates the inherent difference.


"Trans woman" "Real woman". There's the explanation right there.


Totally agree with him and his views on this question


Trans women are not women but they are indeed men


If you think a trans woman is a real woman, then you don't know what "Trans" means. Lol


If trans women are women, fish fingers are fingers




Imitation can NEVER be the original. Trans people need not try to erase real straight women


"Are trans women real women?"
Like with most two-sided questions, the answer is somwhere in the middle. Transgender women will never be biological women, but no one argues that that is the case. When it comes to biological sex one can argue that women have certain characteristics that creates a clear line between them and males, however, that line starts to get foggy when transgender women take steps in order to achieve those characteristics, such as hormone replacement therapy and sex reassignment surgery. One may argue that since they weren't achieved naturally, but at the same time, those characteristics are still observable characteristics, regardless of how they were achieved. For instance, you wouldn't call a wooden table a tree who thinks it's a table, because it has changed into it. However, we must also take into account that many primary and secondary characteristics can't be changed, such as bone structure. Another argument regarding biology is reproduction and how transgender women can't reproduce like women can, but since there are many cisgender women who can't reproduce, it's more or less irrelevant and a woman shouldn't be defined by her ability to produce offspring. So by a biological standpoint, transgender women seem to be placed on the male to female spectrum between the middle and towards male, closer or further based on their procedures that they've had. However, it would be wrong to reduce them to only biology, so following that, we must look at the psychology. It must be acknowledged that there are psychological difference between men and women. On this spectrum, although it may vary, most transgender women will fall towards the female side, since the most basic way to describe their identity is to say that there is a disconnection between their minds and their bodies (or between their psychology and their biology). And finally, we must talk about sociology, the way they fit into society. Most transgender women are socialized as men. As a result, they spend most of their lives being perceived and fulfilling the societal role of men. However, when talking about transitioned trans women, there is a drastic change, as when they begin to assume the identity of women, they begin to live the lives of women in society, both the good and the bad. Since this is heavily reliant on how well they manage to assimilate into cisgender women's livelihoods, I will put a transitioned trans woman at the middle of the male to female spectrum, just slightly towards female. Now, these are extremely rough estimations, and in reality, these positions will vary drastically, however, in most cases, the average trans woman will place somewhere in the middle, towards the female side on the male to female spectrum. In conclusion, it would be incorrect to call them men, but also a stretch to say they are "real women" (when we use cisgender women as the standard for what a real woman is). What should be done in most cases is to just call them women, for the reasons that first of all, it would have the most functionally useful, since most transgender women assimilate into society as women and fullfil their societal roles and second of all, out of basic respect for another human being. The existence of transgender people and especially transgender women has veen so heavily debated that many people seem to forget that these are real people who are entitled to respect, which they should receive, regardless of the personal beliefs of other people. In the end, just be kind, your "common sense" and "logic" is not absolute and neither is mine. Everyone's got a different perspective, but it's completely free to ve kind and respectful to people. Thank you to anyone who stuck around and read all of this!


I completely agree with what he said, with everything he said.


Putting Trans in front of the word woman just tells me that's a lie and you are in fact not a woman. Theres always debate about what a REAL woman or even what a REAL man is based in societal expectations and traditional perspectives


Yes, today it is enough to say: "I always felt like a woman, so I am". But what is it to feel like a woman? How could a man know? Apparently you just have to take a female name, put on a wig, make-up and high heels to become a woman, it's great progress.


Well I'm transman, if i was a real man I wasn't trans at all💔


I hate people who ask loaded questions like this. It makes me sick.


No offense wanted by my word but he has a point.


Women have the over exhausting love for their children and intuition, no unadulterated man could ever understand that.


Women are women and transwomen are transwomen. It's not difficult


I guess “woman” and “female” are not (socially accepted as) synonyms anymore, I’m trying to wrap my head around this… to me “female” sounds like Jordan's definition of woman, and “woman” is the gender one.
Thoughts? Help? lol
