MARY ZANARINI - Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) vs. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

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Mary Zanarini, creator of The McLean Study of Adult Development (a long-running longitudinal study on BPD), discusses Borderline Personality Disorder from the viewpoint of an all-star researcher / clinician-scientist. -

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I'm not trivialising combat PTSD, but growing up in a troubled home can feel like a warzone to a child.


Not everyone with bpd is abusive or lacks accountability. It's one of the most painful mental disorders and is common with ptsd.


Why people with PTSD should not feel responsible for getting drunk every night, having rage attacks... And why people with BPD should?


This is bs and generalized, despite the "complicated" nuance at the end. My Mother was BPD and Narcissitic who abandoned me 6 times who one moment would be kind and the next blame me for everthing even car accidents, when i was 5! My brother is a psychopath who lured me into places such as an abandoned pig barn and left me for hours crying in a 4 foot deep pig lane full of shit until my parents finally found me, he told them he didn't know where i went. He also lured me into a swamp and got me stuck in the mud up to me stomach and then left me for hours their as well. He Chased me with a staple gun and said if he could catch me he would staple my mouth and eyes shut. THESE are not "EXPECTABLE THINGS", and are only the beginning of what i went though.


Some of the content/opinion (expert) on this channel is grossly oversimplified and especially what this lady has to say on many clips.


BPD individuals cause their own repititious traumas through their own behavior and need to take accountability by seeking help. If necessary, someone with BPD should be confronted for their own abuse of other people because of their emotional disregulation! YOU ARE ACCOUNTABLE, if you cannot claim responsibility for your actions then you should be held for a psychiatric evaluation. I have been abused by people with this disorder, people I have never harmed. They believe I caused them harm, because of their account while dissociating events that did not happen in the way they describe. Please stand up for yourself if this has happened to you and get your friend/relative support.
