Livewire Full Page Components: Practical Example

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I want to show how to use Livewire components instead of Laravel Controllers, as full-page components.

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Well yes in my case, i have been working with livewire from the beginning till now and i did a completely 3 full-page component projects, all are based on the livewire features, and it's more than 11 months now since they working as expected without any performance issue or related. in my opinion in the future livewire will dominate i argue laravel developers to dive-deeply into livewire and learn the extreme features because they will not need to learn new languages what they need to understand the ecosystem how it's works period. and one thing i like about livewire the documentation is well described and easy to understand and they always keep upgrading to our needs. to my option livewire is the future for laravel devs..


I have been learning these livewire things like 3 weeks and using the controller for my route. Then, I found that, I have been using same blade in the laravel resource function. This blade has a route/url check for selecting which livewire component to be use/shown. Then, I figured that there might be a way to use the livewire as single page. And then I. found out this video. Many2 thanks Mr Povilas!!


this is amazing, greetings from Chile :)


I do the same with my live project, full page component made with livewire, and it works perfectly 👌


I have a project without laravel controllers but full of Livewire components ♥ and I'm lovin it


Greetings Master,
thanks for sharing your knowledge. It would be good, if in this new advanced livewire course, you include how to work with one-to-many and many-to-many relationships, in the creation and edition modes, for me it is difficult to understand, for example, when to pass the data / variables, Models to the view. Thx


I don't use Laravel Controllers anymore :) Nowadays I do everything with Livewire


Thanks. Livewire is super, but sometimes can be awful slow. I think API + Vue JS could be more effective.


Hi, how do you see future of livewire ?? thank's


Please Do a project using Full-Page Components with User CRUD.


In your opinion, is better to focus on learning livewire or react/vue for laravel developer?


I will like to ask how can we track our website visitors, users, countries and age other necessary information on laravel or is there a package for it and also how can we do it in livewire


I am currently working on a project with full page components. Is there another way of handling data? For example I have the datatable of $users. On the same page I add a modal with details and get the data of a specific $user->name for example. In this case I have to use {{ $user->name ?? 'default' }}, otherwise the page won't load, because before retrieving details of a specific $user, the $user will be empty and will throw an error. When clicked, I send the id of clicked $user to the controller and then populate $user with it's data. Is there another way of handling this scenario?
Thank you


Something has really been bugging me, how would you do a full crud using livewire components without modal for forms


Hey love your content!!!

how did you create this alert on 1:11 ??


@Laravel Daily I still have problems understanding livewire, can it be used as SPA ?
If yes, would it work as if I had server side and client side Projects ?


I realy love your videos. Thanks a lot..
But i think for SPA the user experience with Inertia is better than Livewire especially when the it is not a small projet.

With LiveWire all graphic rendering is generated by the server. For some simple actions, an ajax call is made to the server, unless you add a lot of AlpineJS code.
In the case of a SPA with inertiaJS, the workload is reduced, since the server only sends the data and the rendering is managed by the client.

Consider the case of a search in a big list:
Each time I enter a new character in the search bar, in the case of LiveWire all the HTML to draw the new table is managed by the server and is returned by ajax, while in the case of inertiaJs for example just the data (Json) is returned to the client and the table is generated by the client. So it is faster for weak connections the user experience is better.

What do you thik about that?
Sorry for my English.


I think using full page components will break the mvc architecture
