The Spanish Civil War using Google Earth

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Made using Google Earth.
The Spanish Civil War from start to finish.

- Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: 3VIBVZ0SHXWAXFLJ
- "Scott Buckley - Goliath" is under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license.
(Not endorsed by Google, this video is completely made by me. This video is not sponsored by Google.)
This video is for educational purposes only.
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ℹ: *1 flag = ~10, 000 soldiers*


So you’re telling me the country didn’t just one day perfectly split in half like in hoi4??? 🤯🤯🤯


Always remember that every number was a life, someone loved that person.


My grandparents were born in 1933 and 1936 in Murcia. Their lives where marked by this event, there was a lot of hunger everywhere and had to do anything to survive. I'm lucky to still have them and be able to ask them about stories and the way of living at that time, its gives me much perspective into todays life, and how people have became increasingly weaker


My great grandfather avoided this war when he permanently moved to El Salvador in the 1890's. What a smart move. My mother moved to USA in 1974 and avoided the salvadorean civil war (1979-1982) another smart move.


Two of my great-grandfathers fought in this war. One in each side. Many common soldiers didn't fight in the side they wanted (they didn't even want to fight), but they fought in the side that came first to their village and recruited them; they had no other choice, or they would have been shot right there. One of my great-grandfathers died in a battle in Galicia, he was one of those numbers that rise so fast in the first years of the war. The other had better luck, after serving long time in such a horror, he could desert during the battle of Ebro, crossing the river swimming and escaping to France. He was "enslaved" by the French, forced to work in the mines, until he could come back home after the war. In his absence, my great-grandmother, with her mother and sisters, survived by smuggling of goods hidden in fake-bellies (they pretended to be pregnant). Those were hard times for all Spanish society. Not to mention all the crimes and mass murders of civilians commited by both sides.
It was not a war of good vs. bad, or right vs. wrong. It was a bloody disaster for our society, that all people had to suffer, all families were touched by it, and we are still bleeding from it, since many people even in Spain only focus on the crimes of "the other side", instead of acknowledging the history as shameful as it was in its full.


My portuguese great grandfather worked in france as a mechanic at that time was caught in middle of the conflict as he was passing spain and got arrested by the spanish military, good thing is that it was close to Portugal and after some days in military custody some spanish guards let him go, "vaya portugues, rapido rapido " and he manage to cross the border back to Portugal 😂


Colours are inverted, because in the right side were Socialist and comunist must go on red, and the enemies at the left were the "blue army" (el ejército azul).
And it's missing the help of Stalin to the comunists...
But rest of things are correct.


Spaniard here. My grandma once told me that her mother had two sons that fought in the Republican army, both died, and she said she would wear black for the rest of her life if any of them, or both, died. True story that really shows what every Spaniard had to live through at the time to fight for their family and friends, or even for ideology's sake, no matter if they were Nationalist or Republican.


Always interesting to consider the high amount of foreign volunteers and foreign legions sent there by states (including the USSR Italy and Germany) that all participated in the civil war. Kind of gives you a feeling that this was a 20th century European proxy war.


My two grandparents fought in the Spanish Civil War, despite living on each other a few kilometers, one lived in the national zone and the other in the Republican, as the vast majority, they were forcibly recruited and fought on sides in sides opposites.


I'm Spanish and I think it's a great job. I think many of my fellow citizens, especially the younger ones, should watch this video. There is a lot of ignorance and double standards when it comes to telling this horrible civil war.


There are a few minor incorrections, but generally a good work.

Incorrections include:
- Not placing the italians at the helm of the Malaga Ofensive in early 1937, neither at the fall of Bilbao in mid'37.
- Not representing the Republican offensive at Teruel in late 1937 (which actually managed to seize the city, albeit shortly)
- Not representing the Nationalist advance towards Valencia in the spring of 1938, which was stopped around Segorbe in what became the last republican victory of the war
- Leaving the Germans idle around Seville, when the Legion Condor was in fact moving around constantly in support of the Nationalists in most of the relevant battles of the war.

But good work anyway. Your video is well worth watching.


It looks very very strange that you used blue for the republicans and red for the nationals, as both sides identified themselves and the others with the exact opposite (red=republican and blue=national)


My great grandfather deserted from Madrid and got exiled in southern Brazil. He served in the Brigada Mixta, but when their numbers were dwindling and they were about to form the 11th división, he somehow escaped under enemy lines to Galicia and took a boat to South America.

His original plan was to reach Argentina, but he got stuck here lol.

José Maria González.


no has indicado los bandos, pero te has equivocado de colores, los republicanos suelen asociarse más al color rojo


Canción popular española sobre la guerra civil, basada en una historia real:

Caminando por el bosque
En el suelo vi que había
Una carta ensangrentada
De cuarenta años hacia

Era de un paracaidista
De la octava compañía
Que a su madre le escribía
Y la carta así decía

Madre anoche en las trincheras
Entre el fuego y la metralla
Vía al enemigo correr
La noche estaba cerrada

Apunte con mi fusil
Al tiempo que disparaba
Y una luz que iluminó
El rostro que yo mataba

Era mi amigo José
Compañero de la escuela
Con quien tanto yo jugué
A soldados y a trincheras

Ahora el juego era verdad
Y a mi amigo ya lo entierran
Madre yo quiero morir
Ya estoy harto de esta guerra

Madre si vuelvo a escribir
Tal vez sea desde el cielo
Donde encontrare a José
Y jugaremos de nuevo

Si mi sangre fuera tinta
Y mi corazón tintero
Con las sangre de mis venas
Te escribiría: Te quiero

Carta original:

Querida madre, no sé como empezar esta carta pero te escribo con mi rostro bañado en lagrimas, caen por la soledad, tristeza, dolor y sufrimiento que vivo día tras día aquí. Lo primero que tengo que decirte es Te Quiero y aunque no lo demuestre con frecuencia, Te quiero con locura, para mi eres la persona más importante, siempre has estado ahí apoyándome y protegiéndome, haces que las cosas malas parezcan buenas, tus consejos están llenos de sabiduría y siempre me has llevado por el buen camino. Ahora ya soy mayor de edad, tengo dieciocho años, puedo afrontar yo solo las cosas... pero la verdad es que no puedo madre... Perdóname, os hecho mucho de menos, ¡no quiero estar aquí! Se que desde casa junto a padre y mis hermanos  os sentís orgullos de mi, podéis presumir de tener un hijo en el frente. Lo siento por ser un cobarde madre pero tengo miedo, más del que puedo aguantar. No entiendo esta guerra, no se cual es el bando bueno, no sé por qué lucho, no entiendo nada de lo que pasa, solo acato ordenes. El incesante sonido de los fusiles se mezclan con los gritos y llantos de la gente torturando mis oídos día y noche, vivo con una melodía continua de ametralladoras y lluvias constantes de bombarderos. Ya no hablo ni pienso, porque otros lo hacen por mi, solo me hace falta una frase para salir del paso aquí, “a la orden”. Dicen que el amor es suficiente para seguir adelante, que hay que luchar por nuestras familias, demostrar lo que valemos, pero ya no tengo el valor para estar en la batalla, las piernas me tiemblan sin parar, no duermo, me cuesta respirar, lloro a escondidas porque no puedo demostrar lo que siento delante de mis compañeros, se fuerte y lucha me repito constantemente, pero las palabras se pierden en mi mente como las vidas de la gente que esta a mi alrededor, soy la marioneta de un tirano titiritero. A noche nos lanzaron en paracaídas a una zona nueva de batalla, dicen que somos la mejor compañía jamás vista, la fuerza de los ochos nos llaman. La octava compañía paracaidista, siempre al frente luchando por su patria, por los ideales de un estado, viviendo el conflicto con lealtad y valor. Somos soldados valerosos, abrimos brechas en las filas enemigas, causamos bajas en ellos como si fueran animales y no tenemos remordimientos, pero todo es mentira pura  mentira, solo fachada, una apariencia; los rostros de la gente demuestran lo contrario, sus caras se han tronado sombrías y pálidas, muestran el temor, horror y desamparo que se vive aquí, pero como nos repiten una y otra vez,   “¡soldados o ellos o ustedes!” Madre para lo que realmente te escribo es para contarte lo que me ocurrió anoche. Me encontraba en el campo de batalla resguardándome del fuego cruzado y la metralla. Como siempre acataba ordenes, teníamos que superar una cota para llegar hasta un punto estratégico que nos serviría de base, para ello era necesario abatir al contrario con toda nuestra fuerza, no escatimamos en munición, ni violencia... Madre anoche en las trincheras vía al enemigo correr hacia mi, le apunte con mi fusil y sin darle tiempo a reaccionar  le dispare; algo raro paso en ese momento, ya había matado a más gente antes pero en aquel chicho había algo distinto, una luz ilumino su rostro, la cara del enemigo al que asesinaba… madre era mi amigo José, mi compañero de la escuela, nuestro vecino, el hijo de Francisca, mi mejor amigo, con quien tanto yo jugué a soldados y a trincheras. Madre ahora el juego es verdad, no hay risas, solo oscuridad y llantos, no volveremos a jugar jamás, ¡lo están enterrando! Lo siento muchísimo, te pido perdón madre pero ya no aguanto mas aquí, me quiero morir, estoy harto de esta guerra, ¡no se dan cuenta que no va a ganar nadie joder! Tal vez te vuelva a escribir, pero la próxima que lo haga será desde el cielo, donde encontrare a José y jugaremos de nuevo. Madre ten por seguro que si mi sangre fuera tinta y mi corazón tintero, con la sangre de mi venas, te escribiría un “TE QUIERO”.

Hasta siempre.


It is also interesting to see the actions of the central banks in financing the war, which were very clever plays.


Mussolini giving a speech in German language is pure comedy


I didn't know this war was so gruesome. Seems like it was a notable precursor to the second world war as well.
