The Yellow Lab is THE BEST Cichlid...Here's Why

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Hey everyone, welcome back to the channel. Today we're looking at the Labidochromis caeruleus, commonly know as the yellow lab cichlid. We're going to be explaining why this is THE BEST cichlid in the hobby. If you don' t think they're the absolute best, tell me in the comments what YOU think the best cichlid is. Thanks for watching!

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I just picked up 11 of these last night. I’ll be adding a few more in a couple of weeks for a fantastic species only tank. I popped the light on this morning for a peak and saw tiny little yellow heads peaking out of the rocks. 😊


My 5 inch male just died 😒 he was the best tank boss. He would break up fights all the time and keep the peace with many other bigger male cichlids. He was my best water puppy.


I got 1 male yellow and 1 dark blue female and put them in my community tank. At first, my fully grown male molly that is twice the size was bullying the yellow but within 2 days, the cichlid showed him who's boss and they now leave each other alone


Grew one in a community tank alongside guppies


Overall...I agree they are the best too. So compatible with everything, colour unmatched, won't outgrow your tank, cheap and easy to find.


Beautiful fish. Love keeping them with electric blue haps. Both are mild mannered and the colors are amazing on both.


I've got one of these and he really is awesome. I got Stevie almost a year ago and the employee at Petco told me he would do well with a bumblebee cichlid. I put them both in the tank while they were babies. So, Stevie bullied the bumblebee cichlid for 3 weeks and now Stevie lives alone.


are these more peacefull then a blue acura?


The same things can be said about a goldfish.


Will they be ok with blood parrots? The parrots have their territory established one end of the tank. If I put some rocks on the other end of my 6ft aquarium for the Labs, do you think that'll work? I also have 2 adults balas


Just cleared out a 75 to upgrade my Jaguar to a 210. Thinking about doing some yellow labs. Would i better off doing a Lab only tank or adding some Yellow Tail Aceis as well. Sorry new to African Cichlids have always been a Central American keeper.


I kept a firemouth cichlid. I think you can argue it has similar advantages.


Man I just watched this video and MTS is starting to kick in. I want more tanks!!


Hi, I have one of those that I rescued, they vacated the aquarium of my building and he was so small that he was left in a corner with a little water, a few days later I saw that something was moving and I rescued him, I have him in my house and now he is big, I wanted to buy him another fish (only one) to accompany him, but I don't know if it's good since it's always been alone and I don't know which one is compatible with it.

I have always left the water normal (cold), I have never put a heater on it, I do not understand much about that. I would give you some advice as to which fish is compatible with it and about the temperature of its water. Thank you.


what other cichlids can be tank mates with these? I'm sure electric blue acara is one of the options? but I want to know other ones


I don't know if I agree but I do love the Labs


I have little to no experience owning fish and yesterday my mom brought home two electric cichlids because the aquarium at her workplace broke. Since it was not planned for us to get fish I dont even own the basics. Basically im looking for low a budget aquarium setup to begin with and advice regarding pH and water conditions.Actually this morning one of them died propably because of the shock or change in water??


Hey man, Nice video! Can I get some ideas for some cool looking tank makes for these guys? I have a 35 gallon


What do you feed them? I noticed they hardly eat. They won't even try tropical flakes, they spit out Cichlid pellets, not even the freeze dried bloodworms. I bought a couple of this Yellow Lab about 5 inch and 4 inch long, the bigger one is bullying the other so had to separate the.


I've had them and bred them and I'm getting ready to open up another tank for them again. I want to mix them with saulosi's and rusty's.
