My Favourite Premium in World of Tanks?!?

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Here's why the UDES 03 Alt 3 might just be my new favourite premium in World of Tanks!

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"Tier 8 is ruined because there's just so many Tier 8 only matchmaking". A really weird thing to say considering +/- 2 matchmaking has been the bane of many players' grind in the game.
I think there is no shame in admitting that you love tier 9s because it's +1/-2 matchmaking, you get to feel powerful without being OP, and you get to beat up Tier 7s once in a while.


"Loving" +2/-2 matchmaking by arguing that your most beloved tier is tier 9 cause you have tier 10 capabilities with barely meeting tier 10 and never tier 11... is not quite consistent. You just love not being low tier and tier 9 is the only one in the game where this is possible.


"+ 2 -2 is so darn good for the game" Proceeds to say he loves T9 the best.... a +1 tier 😂


its almost like +1 -1 is way better for the game then any other novel idea


Tier 9 is basically preferential MM, no +2


just got back into WOT, with a new account, gained more than 700-800 battles, and damn i hate ±2, its so disgusting for tier 6, 7 and 8


"+2/-2 is just so darn good for the game..." Is the most delusional statement i have ever heard in my life.

Yeah its a really good idea for tier 6s to meet tier 8s. T-34-85s should totally be able to meet BZ-176s. SU-100s should totally be able to meet Turtles, TS-5s or ISU-152Ks in a match. Or maybe a T-44 or a M-III-Y should be able to meet Badgers, T110E3s or IS-7s. Or maybe 59-16s and AMX 12t's should really be able to meet ELC EVENs or LHMTVs with CVS. +2/-2 really does add variety to the game and is totally not one the reasons why droves of people have left the game.


My issue with ±2 is that its way too damn common. If it were once or twice every 50-100 battles i wouldn't mind it. But trying to play tier 6 having fun with a kv-2 to then just meet a bz and get annihilated or trying to find an elc even with something that isnt an even its infuriating. And its so damn common


Char Futur doesn't need any nerfs


The thing with grand battles at tier 8, as someone who has them enabled, is that because some people (don't know how many) don't want them, I never play them either. I would like to be able to queue for grand battles, if I'm playing a non meta premium or grinding exp on a tank (which is most of the time) I would rather not fight tier 9s and 10s.


Sticking the GuP skin on your favorite premium tank is very telling QB c:


While your preference for playing Tier 9 is valid, that's just, like, your opinion

+/- 2 MM is atrocious for any tier below 9 and 10.

Playing a tier 6 tank and ending up in a tier 8 battle with tanks like the Bourrasque, Even 90, and the especially BZ-176, there's not much you can do to try and influence that battle no matter how sweaty you are.

The Bourrasque and Even 90 alone will make almost all tier 6 and 7 medium and light tanks on the opposing team useless, and pretty much ANY Tier 6 tank and a lot of Tier 7's will be a one shot for a BZ-176 with a penetrating gold round.

Personally, I think WG should trial an in-game setting where players can choose between +/- 2 and +/- 1, I think a 6-month trial of this would make it quite clear where the majority of the player base's thought are regarding the MM (provided they advertise it and not just stealth the trial in).


Wow.... I almost forgot world of tanks. Good old memories.


Are you sure grand battles can be played in tier 8 because I have never been in one?


The reason I can't vouch for this tank, there's the AMBT at tier 8, an auto-reloader that does exactly the same burst
The AMBT trades some top speed for some more reliable armor. Fair trade, except it's a full tier lower


Been a few years since I’ve been on YouTube, glad quickbaby still posting


Cent not being able to spot you there at what 66m just poor balance for game. Tbh i had a few years of break from wot i started playing again recently and i dont recall feeling so blind in my tanks getting lit up without seeing who is spotting me... And im not talking about light tanks... I mean all types.


Ah yes, world of pay to pen... game was so great 10 years ago.


I swear I remember CCs saying this tank was not worth it when it was first released.


Tier 10 definitely does get quite stale.
And you better keep your mouth closed when it comes to nerfing the Char.
