Elliott With 2 Ts Addresses Allegations by Co-Stars #rupaulsdragrace

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Lmao the only thing she needed to do was be like “girl I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that” and actually take accountability but she’s soooo defensive😭 one day the bulb might come on


POC queens are not responsible for white queens ignorance. How in the 2020s can you not understand the impact your words can make? She is not innocent


when MULTIPLE queens on your cast don’t like you, maybe the problem is you.

symone kandy and gottmik do NOT owe her a friendship.


No one wants to hear “No one’s ever called me out about it” That puts the blame and responsibility on the people experiencing the oppression/harm/offense. Say I’m sorry, I should have known better and then show people you mean it by doing better. embrace being wrong. It’s not POCs/trans peoples job to monitor, hold hands and teach privileged people about privilege and oppression!!! we already have jobs okay? 😹💕✨


I felt bad for her being so alone. I can’t imagine what the stress would be like, but we have seen some queens deal with it horribly and some just let it roll off like water on a ducks back. But she seems like she might have been problematic. I hope she is able to
Grow from this and continue on. She needs to educate herself and keep going. People appreciate growth-sometimes! And that doo rag look was It was amazing!!


it’s very odd how ppl are quick to say “don’t cancel ppl let them educate themselves” when elliott doesn’t seem to keen on doing that herself 😭


girl even if she did message symone about it… symone doesn’t owe her a reply!!!! leave that poor woman alone!!!


I watched the entire interview with Joseph Shepherd. It's basically her saying "I'm sorry, but how could I have known my words hurt people?" It's just her venting and giving her perspective. Not her taking much accountability and even though she does say she's sorry and that she's tried to do the work, she doesn't seem to understand that the other queens don't owe her anything nor were they supposed to educate her. Still, she doesn't deserve to lose gigs because of her past behavior. She's trying to move on at least. She's not a monster. She's just kind of hard headed. I wish her well.


Honestly, I can understand Elliott's POV. Clearly she wasnt welcome by her fellow queens so no one actually tried to correct her the less agressive way, and the people she should apologize are also the people that made her life hell (Kandy and Mik, who are not exactly good people). While I understand that and that her actions may not have come from ill-intentions but from ignorance, you can totally have to apologize for mistakes like that. I hope she can learn from this and get the bad vibes from her season behind. And who knows, even without apologies show through her actions she is willing to change.
Please, be f$$$ing civil if answering me 😅


How does Elliot not know what she said was not offensive. It is being a stereotype towards those races. I felt bad for her, but saying those things was not going to make it better.


So defensive but at least she didn’t deny saying those things


The thing Elliott doesn't seem to get is that while she can claim she didn't realize her comments were problematic, I've yet to hear her say that she was saying those things to be complimentary. So she knew, on some level, that her comments were out of pocket.


That is when people with no bad intentions do a mistake, wanna grow and learn about themselves but get canceled instead.
If she is unlikeable, fine. noone owns her a sisterhood, but it’s also a bit radical to ignore her.
If all what we hear here is true of course


Growing up, we used the words “ghetto” and “ratchet” all the time. I learned later that they were aligned with negative and racist stereotypes. Elliott needs to align himself with better people who not only educate him but— especially if no one ever told him it was wrong. Additionally, he needs to be more self-sufficient and keep up with the times. That being said, he was shunned by both groups since the very beginning, which I think is why they stopped doing the two episode introductions. Neither group cared for him from the get. So I think they also just had that against him.


Am I the only one who heard the dog howling in the background when he said The Cast of Season 13 in the beginning?


😅 I think she really said something ignorant. If she didn't, why Kandy so mad in the group chat and the other girls didn't want to connect with her? I feel bad for her but It's not our place to tell POC queens to forgive anyone.


I’m white, I lived in the ghetto. I’ll say ghetto if I want to


Symone didn’t have to respond. Eliott said It


Even the exited version made it look like she was the odd kid out. How many times did she get eliminated in that one season?!?


Cancelled and read to filth just for saying ghetto and ratched?? Gurl please, people these days are insane with victimhood. Eliott was an awkward qween and everybody was annoyed by her, we saw the show. We need to protect weaker, less outgoing people not stomp on them.
