We Hatched $6,000 Chickens??

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I think Boo as a name for the calf would be adorable like the little girl on monsters inc!


Love how gentle and caring your kids are with the chicks. Even your daughter, as young as she is, is so gentle. Great kids you’re raising.
RIP, Johnny Cash.


I got a breed this year called "black onyx" they are all black, skin, tongue, everything. They have 5 toes. That's is what they are supposed to have. Maybe that's what your 5 toed birds are. They look the same.


Good that somebody noticed that there was an issue with your original chickens! Hope things go well with your new batch and that they grow to the breed standard so you can hatch some more in the future! 🤞


Sorry for your loss of Jonny Cash. And I'm glad you were able to find those new eggs at a reasonable price. God bless you and your family.


I used to have chickens, had them for about four years before most were killed off by disease or animals. I loved having them, they were so fun to watch, and got so many delicious eggs from them. I wanted to hatch out chickens of my own, and got a free rooster, and he killed four of my chickens, so we gave him away. Thinking back, I think it was a fighting rooster. If I get chickens again, I will definitely make sure that things are done right, as thinking back, there was a lot I did wrong.


I just came to say how much comfort your channel brings to me, I lost my step-dad at 13 he loved his ducks and chickens was always incubating and hatching them I miss him so much


Rest in peace Johnny Cash 😢😢 I can't believe how sad I am for a chicken I never met xxxx


I love how excited Bella gets when she sees chickens. When I was her age, I loved chickens, too. Makes me nostalgic. Wish I could have some chickens where I live.💜


😢 rip Johnny Cash. Thank you for another beautifully edited video.
I still think Dotty is a cute name for the calf but Boo is good too.


I always look at your family and remember how amazing and brave your wife is that she pulled through with her 4th baby. Moments like this video make me so happy that everything turned out well. ❤


While this video is 11 months old, I'll leave this note for future reference. Don't release your calf or an other animal while it is struggling. (Other than an emergency situation, of course.) In it's mind it learns that if it struggles long enough and hard enough that it will get free. Wait until it is calm and relaxed, then intentionally let it go with some kind of affirmation. Then it learns trust and patience and that you are not the problem, rather you are the solution.


Hi, I really love all your videos❤❤, been following your channel for a long time since I came a cross your channel when I was in junior high school. Now I've finished high school and your channel has always accompanied me while studying and I'm from Indonesia and I think it's very cool that you succeeded in hatching cemani chickens, and it is very true that the price is fantastic because here in Indonesia cemani chickens are raised not for consumption but for ritual and mystical purposes for those who still believe in them and some people keep cemani chickens as a collection of rare pets

Ps : because of your channel we now also raise a couple livestock in our backyard, such as ducks, chickens, and quail but our main livestock is Muscovy duck. oh yeah... we also have pigeons

I hope that your channel continues to grow as well as your farm and you and your family are healthy, fit and always in a happy life ✨


Hello, I'm from Vietnam. I really like your videos about chickens on your channel. I'm very happy that you know about our country's Dong Tao chickens. I hope to see more chicken breeds from Vietnam and around the world on your channel.


Your baby cow is adorable!! As a precautionary note, it is very dangerous to leave a halter on pasture or even stall animals. That includes horses, cows, goats or any other animal. Halters can and do get caught on things that can end up hurting or even killing your animal.


Finally a kid that takes more after you! Your little girl is a doll. ❤


Oh poor Johnny Cash, he was beautiful. Looking forward to seeing the new chicks grow up, they are going to make a very splendid looking flock. I do like the name Boo for the calf👻❤


Thank you so much for taking notice in my comment. I wasn’t trying to be rude or call you out, I just want people to understand the importance of breeding good quality Ayam Cemanis. So many breeders have strayed away from the pure standard of Cemanis.


I know you guys got a ton of recommendations, but I still stand by my recommendation of having a livestock Guardian dog present on the property. Having one is a great deterrent against predators like the ones you guys have been dealing with!

Good luck with the new Cemanis!!! 😁


It is over price chicken. I got free 8 4.5months Ayam roosters around Oct 23. I kept 2 quiet roosters. I have seen $25 per dozen hatching egg and young 4 months old hen/ rooster $20 each. This breed is little shine and not aggressive at all. Don't expect a lot of meat and large like RIR, Bresse, Orpington, etc... This breed is similar to Leghorn in size. The 4.5months old Ayam live weigh 3.1- 4lbs.
