What if all the Bees Die? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children

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There are more than 16,000 species of bees. Bees generally collect pollen and nectar from flowers for their survival. In this process, they help pollinate majority of the fruits and vegetable crops which are consumed in the world today. Some studies reveal that more than 90% production of cherries, blueberries and almonds is a direct result of the pollination efforts of bees.
Also, certain bees have evolved as per the size and structure of specific flowers, hence if there are no bees, these plants would definitely go extinct. This will also have a catastrophic effect on the food chain as the animals eating those plants will slowly but surely perish.
Finally, because of the absence of natural sweetener like honey, many people may switch over to an unhealthy artificial sweetener like sugar.