Biden makes final push for $1,400 stimulus checks bill

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Republicans have one goal for President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package: to erode public support for the rescue plan by portraying it as too big, too bloated and too much wasteful public spending for a pandemic that’s almost over.

Senate Republicans prepared Friday to vote lockstep against the relief bill, taking the calculated political risk that Americans will sour on the big-dollar spending for vaccination distribution, unemployment benefits, money for the states and other outlays as unnecessary, once they learn all the details. Reviving a page from their 2009 takedown of Barack Obama’s costly recovery from the financial crisis, they expect their opposition will pay political rewards, much like the earlier effort contributed to the House Republicans' rise to power.

It’s a tested strategy but comes at an uncertain, volatile time for the nation. Americans are experiencing flickers of optimism at the one-year anniversary of the deadly outbreak as more people are vaccinated. But new strains of the virus and a still shaky economy could unleash another devastating cycle of infections, lockdowns and deaths. More than 500,000 Americans have died.

So far, public support for Biden’s approach to the pandemic is high. Overall, 70% of Americans back the Democratic president’s handling of the virus response, including 44% of Republicans, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. #Stimulus #COVID19

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"NEVER LET A BIG CRISIS GO TO WASTE"... we are being bought off with peanuts


These people are so clueless on what is going on in there own country pethectic


You mean the bill that only benefits America 9 percent. Remember it was read on the floor for us to hear. Thank you Senator Johnson.


Let's keep the checks coming for at least 6 months or longer


That's only 9 % of the money what happened to the rest of 91% of the money .


God help us!! Let's put u guys on social security and unemployment!! U don't know what it's like to be struggling!! Government workers get over paid to do nothing!!!


So it was $1, 200, $600, and now $1, 400 = $3, 200 for the worst year in American history? Meanwhile in Canada 🇨🇦 people get $2, 000 a month!!


That’s just 9% where’s the rest going?? . It’s unbelievable how people voted for a 81 year old 🤦🏻‍♀️


Miss the words “ no new taxes”, “ no taxation without representation” and banning all pork projects and lobbying....could you imagine the government working for the people instead of themselves and the United Nations Agenda 2021/2030? Great idea....deduction of government payroll as inflation goes up and government spending goes up 🤔


its same like in australia with jobkeeper most people are staying home because the govt is giving money same like in the usa


Yeah $400 federal unemployment benefits is ridiculous says congress AS THEY MAKE $1427 A DAY


We went without aid for five months last time and it caused alot of people into poverty. Then when a deal was finally reached, they cut the the amount of aid down to only $300 per week which was too little too late. Now instead of getting $400 per week, its back down to $300 per week. How about paying us retroactive pay for all the months that we should of been getting aid and wasn't. Americans are so far in debt that they will never get caught up. Unpaid bills are still going to have to be paid. What happens when morgage forbearance ends and the banks want their money? Alot of people are going to loose their homes because they cant pay all the missed payments.


Why don't we get retro checks after we waited so long ridicous


Cheap congress cheap mitch and joe mansion resign cheap congress


Are Economy will never boost if the busness cant open up.


Easter comeing let the 🐰 sign it maybe he will make it go for the people's my Lordy for crying out loud Jesus 🇦🇹 Christ come on
