What Challenges Biden Will Face In The White House | NBC Nightly News

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President-elect Joe Biden’s biggest challenge will be combating the coronavirus pandemic, NBC’s Kristen Welker reports.

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What Challenges Biden Will Face In The White House | NBC Nightly News
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The biggest challenge i can see is him forgetting where he is


There won't be any, he's not getting in.


The biggest challenge for him is going to be staying alive because he's pushing 80... But that's what they wanted


First challenge will be for Dementia Joe to find the restroom. There is no unifying this country. THE TRUMP DOCTRINE MUST CONTINUE-AMERICA


Fun fact: you can’t breathe while smiling!
Joking, just wanted to make you smile for a second!!!😃😃😃


Trump's >>> "Rudy! you are fired". People's >>> " Trump ! you are fired"


And keep in mind the white house is called the people house for a reason because i agree with the Muller's report no one is above the law unfortunately Trump's attorney didn't due his homework all be safe Andrew


His first challenge is finding the toilet


Biggest challege for Biden? Eating his mashed peas with a spork.


Day 1 is to late for homeless does anybody get it.


Silence gives consent
An indicator of guilt


Let’s talk. As celebrations take place around the world for democracy the US has passed some devastating milestones – nearly 200, 000 COVID-19 infections a day and 258, 000 deaths. For many months some Americans have resisted wearing protective masks because they, "Take away freedom." Is this really about taking away freedoms?
We are a country founded on the compassionate rule of law. We have seat belt laws and second-hand smoke laws. These are just two small examples of laws enacted to protect us when we cannot protect ourselves and each other. When functioning properly our representatives in government have the ability, as defined by constitutions, charters, etc., to do those things we cannot do all by ourselves. This may include building highways, providing K-12 education and let's not forget protecting us from deadly forest fires, air pollutants and faulty medical devises. Governors, legislators and judges, in addition to the media, are working as best as they can, as quickly as they can and with the best available public health information to keep all of us safe; individually we do not have the collective expertise, human and financial resources to manage these challenges. If they need to do this legally by decree, executive order or other provisions allowed them during emergencies then they are doing their jobs.
Although most people are doing the best they can to save lives there are some powerful few who are literally killing people. Take Trump and his super spreader events. A Stanford University study found his rallies have killed 700 people and infected 30, 000. Columbia University published a study recently on how 130, 000-210, 000 lives could have been saved if the Trump administration and his devotees had not politicized science a pandemic that has infected over 53 million and killed 1, 300, 000 world-wide – so far. Approximately 40% of the infected are asymptomatic and never know they may be spreading COVID according to the CDC.
There is good news. The US government may start distributing a vaccine by the end of the year. It will go to the most vulnerable populations first including front line workers. It does take weeks after the first inoculation for the vaccine to take full effect and more than one booster shot may be necessary. No one knows the duration of immunity for anyone who has recovered from Coronavirus or from any particular vaccine. Pfizer vaccine showed 90% immunity but only for seven days. More needs to be understood. Perhaps the singular greatest problem with regard to vaccines is that too many people have been dissuaded from even getting vaccinated at all. If that is the case, it will prolong moving forward precipitously. It is possible we may be wearing masks well through 2021. Our best line of defense remains masks, social distancing, etc. By taking these basic precautions the University of Washington projects we can save over 65, 000 lives by March 2021. Remember, this virus is about 8X deadlier than the 2019 flu and is the third leading cause of death in the US only behind heart disease and cancer. Please fact-check this information yourself. Facing the truth is empowering, freeing. The sooner the more people accept reality, the sooner we can recover together as a country – grieve those we have loved and lost – and collectively address other urgent concerns.
One last thing – we are fortunate. Do the people resisting wearing a mask really have no understanding of what is true loss of your freedoms? Have we learned nothing from history: slavery, disenfranchisement, imprisonment in jails, ghettos and concentration camps, inscription into armies, forced marriage, starvation... Over 85, 000 children (under five) in Yemen have died since 2015 directly because of US foreign policy. Currently, 16 million more Yemen children, women and men face starvation but we can still save them by providing immediate emergency assistance with our International allies. We just have to care enough about their freedom, their literal right to life. I’d like to believe we are capable of understanding false equivalences of facial coverings and the right to life, freedom from extreme suffering. This may not be what we have expected but it is nothing new, not really. And we each have superpowers – our infinite capacity for creative adaptation and a little thing called love. – Please feel free to share this post. Take care, stay safe out there and thank you.


Can you discuss this topic. And what happens if senate Republicans don't allow Biden to do anything or congress. And a law needs to pass for future candidates. 1. Full financial and tax disclosure before you are allowed to run. 2. Mental health evaluation and physical by Specialists provided by Feds. No private Drs with noted. 3. If at any time during presidency you make any comments or action of a dictatorship or against constitution or racist remarks you forfeit your office immediately and are removed


Kristen Welker looks good with her mask on.


The biggest challenge will be trying to keep Harris from taking his job.


Biden and your team will make U.S and this Earth great again!


I know she said something, but her eyes made my knees weak and all I heard was Charlie brown's teacher (wah, wah, wah, wah)
Lordy, thems some peepers.


None I hate see trump leave sad day in history


Free Assange, Snowden, compensate Manning, pay back to victims in Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bolivia, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Libya, Venezuela, Iran, ... free Meng Wanzhou with compensation ... return Alstom to France ...


The suffering and pain of I Putu Aris Artha Wiguna life by never talking intimately with friends for 10 years makes it equal with the right to be friends with Karunia Pradnya Sari.
