The Gospel Is Only Good News to A Needy Man - Paul Washer

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"The moment when you take your first step through the gates of hell, the only thing you will hear is all of creation standing to its feet and applauding and praising God because God has rid the earth of you. That's how not good you are." - Paul Washer

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Beware of False prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves! Matthew 7:15


Salvation came first
Then knowledge
And bible study
Doing truth brings one
To the light!


Sola Christus was the cry of the reformers. We are saved by Christ alone, not by what we do Paul Washer. This is just a works contract in modern Evangelical clothes. You and your ilk preach a false gospel.


I am so sick and tired of blasphemers like Paul Washer who actively chase people away from the loving arms of a God who is just like Jesus with this abominable doctrine of demons BAD news! They care so much about their aberrant unChristian, un Christlike doctrines that they never gave two thoughts to what they are saying about the character of God.

Run from this bad news. The still small voice within us testifies with our spirit that this kind of preaching is evil. Deep inside we know better.


Shalom Dear Paul,

In Reference to your video "The Gospel Is only Good News To A Needy Man" with all respect sir, you are preaching only 1/2 of the gospel, Christ came, was born as a man, died for our sins as a sinless man, on the 3rd day was resurrected so our sins could be forgiven. However, you simply left out the part of the Gospel about the kingdom of Yahweh. Here is the true kingdom gospel that your video did not cover.

I must preach the Gospel about the Kingdom of Yahweh. That’s what I was sent to do (Luke 4:43).

From the very first rebellion in the Garden of Eden when our grandparents Adam and Eve disobeyed our Father Yahweh and ate from the forbidden tree of knowledge of good and evil, our Heavenly Father Yahweh has initiated a master plan in Gen 3:15, a true Messianic Kingdom Government Established by Father Yahweh and his appointed king Yeshua Messiah that will undo the rebellion of mankind and restore the paradise on this earth.
Father Yahweh has appointed our lord Yeshua Messiah to be King of this kingdom and we are the citizens of this kingdom.

This kingdom will be established on this earth during the 2nd coming of Yeshua Messiah. It's capital will be established in Jerusalem and the kingdom will be spread to the entire world.
As Dan 2:44 says: that Yahweh's kingdom will eliminate all of the man made unjust and corrupt governments of this world and establish Yahweh's Theocratic Divine authority on this earth. This government will last forever and never will be corrupt.
Born Again Christian Saints (kings and priests) will help our lord Yeshua Messiah to govern this Earthly affairs and also receive immortality. There is a lot more to it in terms of 1st and 2nd resurrection of all dead people and the Great White throne of Judgment of Righteous and unrighteous. It would be a bit faster to summarize it like this:

Yahweh’s Messianic Kingdom Will Also Establish A World-Wide Peace & justice (Isaiah 9:7), Eliminate satan & his demons and give all Christian Saints Immortality (Rev 20:1-10), Resurrect Dead People (John 11:43-44), Eliminate Sickness & Death (1 Corinth 15:26—27, 54–57), Eliminate Poverty & Bring Abundance Of Food & Housing To Everyone (Psalm 72:12-14, Isaiah 65:21-22). Finally, it will turn Earth Back Into The Paradise (Isaiah 35:1, 5, 6).

I would encourage you to learn more about the gospel at my ministry.
What Is The Preaching The Gospel Good News.

Yahweh Kingdom Ministry
