Appsettings.json environment: Setup files and use IWebHostEnvironment in .NET
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An ASP.NET Core C# application supports a development, staging and production environment out of the box.
Creating an appsettings environment file will take precedence over the main file. As a result, the variables in the environment file will override any variables in the main file if they are present.
And a separate appsettings file can be created per environment, allowing us to have multiple files that can change the variables and settings.
In-addition, the environment can be used into different parts of an ASP.NET Core web app. The IWebHostEnvironment can be injected, which determines what environment that application is running in. We'll show you how to do that, and how to use the "EnvironmentName" property to output the environment's name from the application.
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0:23 Learn .NET with our online courses
3:37 Read environment name in ASP.NET Core Web API
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