Do Japanese Men Date Black Women?

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Many people wanted me to talk about if Japanese men date black women, so here's my answer!
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Im 100% percent japanese and my thoughts are black women are beautiful


I am dating with black woman from Kenya. We face many problems. Sometimes, some people look at us with curious because we are too unique in Kenya and Japan. But we love each other. She explored new face of me. I show her new world.


Recently, in Mortal Kombat X, they normalized a Japanese ninja character's attraction to an American black female soldier. The characters are Takeda Takahashi and Jacqui Briggs. By the end of the story mode they kindle a romance.


As a african american woman thank you so much for doing this video. I fully agree. It is not that japanese men don't date black women there are just not that many opportunities to do so. I myself like japanese men and find it hard to date them in the states. But thanks again for the awesome work on this video


I think Japanese men are very attractive


Well...that's good news.
1. I'm a Black woman.
2. I'm Jamaican.
3. I love Japan! (_loved it ever since I was a teenager_)

Bring on the men! Hehehe. Just kidding. I kid, I kid.
But really though, bring on the men. :P


I like how you speak with your hands :-)


I would love to move to Japan but I doubt there would be subtitles.


When I went to Japan, I managed to be able to go to Sanja Matsuri. I bought a yukata and went to Asakusa. I got a lot of looks and everywhere I walked I would get a compliments, mostly from older men and women. I would walk by and someone would say "kyuuto (cute)!" or "kawaii!" or "kirei!"

Little old ladies and girls and their families literally ran up to me, wrapped their arm around mine and asked for a picture with them because I was "special"

There was also the few people who walked past me and just said "Yo!" 

I think black women should go to Japan. My experience was very nice and I was treated very well :)


Yes, i have met a lot of Japanese men that would date black women or mixed black women, like myself. I am part Japanese/Italian/Black and i am engaged to a pure Japanese man, Koichi. He is so respectful and nice and very attentive. Also, i went to Japan with him last month, Tokyo then to Hokkaido and whenever we were out in public, he seemed to be very proud to have a foreign woman at his side even though i am still part Japanese. To many Japanese people, i look Japanese but there are some that look at me and say are you hafu? Lol And i say, yes and they were oh you are very pretty. Lol But Yes, i wish i grew up in Japan because i love Japanese men! My mom is American and my dad is Japanese. A lot of Japanese assume i am fluent in Japanese but i am not, i just know enough to get by and Koichi and i try to speak more Japanese together so that i will become fluent. But yes, many of Koichi's friends that are hafu or Japanese, like to date black women. 😊✌🏻️


Thanks for acknowledging that the media does not feature us as much. I have never heard of any Asian acknowledging things like that. I also dig that you admitted to asking black women out. When I was growing up, black girls were constantly told that Asian guys hated us. It really sucked because I had a huge crush on a Chinese classmate for years and I never spoke to him, not out of fear of rejection, but fear of offending him, simply because I am black. My pathetic side has lowered myself to occasionally looking at his FB page nowadays, but that is only when I am feeling extra brave lol. To this day I have never had a conversation with an Asian guy. It's sad because I am 31, and I still like Asian guys the best. I have plenty of Asian female friends though. So I really do appreciate you not only acknowledging the topic, but admitting that we are acceptable partners as well... Hearing this come from an Asian guy, is a first for me. So many many thanks =)


As it happens, I'm not the only black person most of my Japanese friends know, but I probably am the only American and definitely the only woman. I remember one dinner with a mixed group of friends, Japanese and foreigners, when at one point pretty much all of the Japanese people proclaimed that they had no interest in dating anyone non-Japanese (including the guy I was hardcore crushing at the time). It was a bit of a gut blow at the time. Japanese people (men and women) ask me all the time if I'm interested in Japanese guys, and seemingly expecting a "no" answer, are genuinely surprised when I say that I don't take ethnicity and race into consideration.


Yuta, good video. As a black Jamaican-American woman, I can actually personally relate to what you've explained. Prior to 2012 when I started watching, and got severely addicted to, Korean TV shows I never saw Asian men as 'men'. I saw Asian people on a whole as my fellow human brothers and sisters who I knew existed in the world, but whose paths I didn't cross almost at all. But seeing Asian men as sexual beings who I could possibly be attracted to never crossed my mind. That's because I very rarely interacted with Asians, even though there are large communities of Korean and Chinese people in the countries I've lived in. 

I did have some Korean & Chinese class mates (but very very very few Japanese - in fact I think I've only had one Japanese classmates my entire life) when I was growing up & in college, but no deep friendships were ever formed. I didn't put in the effort to get to know them and neither did they so we kind of interacted only when we had to (forced to) and only for a short while. I've interacted with very very few Japanese men and people in general. Moreover, in Western media, Asian faces are almost non-existent as well. They are few and far between. And I'll go ahead and admit that the usual stereotypes about Asians subconsciously influenced my behaviour towards Asian people. 

But in 2012 I was exposed to a whole new world when I started binge watching Korean TV shows, which not long after led to watching TV shows from Japan, China, Taiwan ... and the realization that OMG, Asian men are hot!!! I want to marry one now! lol 

A momentary bout of yellow fever, but that phase has long since passed and now I'm just genuinely interested to learn about the different Asian cultures and their people. I know everything you see in a TV show isn't a true depiction of real life, but it's been great gaining that tiny bit of insight into Japanese and other Asian cultures. And today I can safely say that if I meet an Asian man and we hit it off I'd have no objections to dating him (well, just as long as he's taller than me! That's my only requirement, and it's a requirement for ALL men, not just Asians! :) So yes, I'm sure if Japanese men were more exposed to Black women / people on a whole -- real live black women and not just the caricatures of black people that you often see on TV, of course they'd date. Black people are just like every other people - you have some ugly ones and some good looking ones; some bad ones and some good ones. The rule of attraction doesn't discriminate along racial lines. As long as 2 people have a common connection, sparks are likely to fly and love can blossom (regardless of race). 

Last but not least I want to commend the initiative you've taken to expand understanding between black and Asian people who are curious about each other. While the intention of the group is to encourage the possibility of romance, it's so much more than that too. It's bringing together two races of people who hardly interact and challenging held stereotypes/prejudices on both sides. It's good work. It's important work to foster a better future for the next generation. I hope when I come to Tokyo sometime in the near future the meetup group will still be in existence. 

Never let racist trolls like the vermin spouting off nonsense down below educate you or your fellow Japanese countrymen about Black people. Go out and interact with them instead. You'll realize we're not the sum of our blackness. Black people are as diverse as there are birds in the sky. You come across as a well-traveled, educated man so this particular comment is more for the benefit of your readers. IF they made it to the end of this very loooong comment! Looking forward to your next video Yuta! Cheers! :)


This was such a well-articulated point of view. Cheers!


Hey Yuta! I love your perspective!!! I'm a black woman living in Yokohama, Japan. And you are spot on!!! I don't mind at all dating outside of my ethnicity, but it does seem like Japanese men have no reference for black woman and are at a lost of how to approach me. Here's hoping that changes! For all men in general in Japan lol!


I am a black girl who lives in England and I WOULD LOVE TO GO TO JAPAN <3


I like hearing you speak. So articulate!


Im black and japanese, raised more japanese by culture. I’ve dated a lot of black guys but theres this slight cultural disconnect, even in America, because I speak Japanese at home, and cook a lot of japanese food. So I hope when I move to Japan, dating isnt as hard, because I know there will be a different cultural connection even though I don’t look japanese much 😅 (except for my head shape. My baba said I have a good headshape lol) but here’s to new experiences!


I visited Japan years ago and I remember this japanese man approaching me and befriending me but because of our language barriers we had a hard time communicating. He was very sweet and kind to me and we actually kept in touch through for a while after I came back to the states.


Yuta, I think you have a very observational outlook so sharing your perspective is very interesting to me. You tackled this topic very well!
