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In this tip I explain how to hit your driver longer and straighter than ever by simply letting it go. This will be a totally new feeling for you that you have to get used to in order to hit your driver longer.

Pick Up In this tip I explain how to get more driver distance by simply letting it go. This will be a totally new feeling for you that you have to get used to in order to hit your driver longer.

The great majority of golfers are too tight. This is due to hitting the ball and hitting it hard. The harder you hit, the tighter you get. In order to get more distance you need to loosen up. In doing so there are new feeling associated with loosening up. It literally feels like you are going to throw your driver (but don't).

AS you keep doing this (with driver and irons) you will start to get used to this new feeling. Once you do it won't feel strange or different to you in the future. It's just as you start to do it the driver will feel out of control and it's almost startling.

Start out slow with this and get used to the new feelings. If you do you will get more distance with your driver as well as with your irons.

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One bucket of balls is right! It works! It is absolutely amazing how it can work!I just found Paul and he’s the best! I’ve listened to a lot of the others. They can’t hold a candle to Paul!


Go back to whacking at it as hard as you can! That cracked me up! Love the vids!


I just started playing at 60. My driver was just about ready to get sold until I found you and your videos. I got this right away and I was truly shocked! I was also ready to give up golf but not now! If your wife and my husband doesn’t care I’d like to tell you I Love You!! 😆☺️Thank you! Thank you!


Paul, I am a recent convert (like a month) and your videos seem to address my issues. I made a decision a month or two ago that I didn't want to kill the ball any more, I wanted my friends to tell me I had a great swing. Little did I know that your method would fill both my desires.

This video is particularly important for me in that it gave me a new vision of going through the ball toward the target. The first several times I tried it it felt so natural. I immediately started to hit dramatically longer drives with little effort.

Today, I played at Sea Side Course, St Simons Island. Temp 45 degrees, wind 25 to 30 MPH. I am an improving golfer thanks to you. I won the skins game. 3 skins. May not seem to be many, but under the conditions. Not bad. The important thing was that in those conditions, I was going far beyond, my buddies. With ease.

Have had knee surgery and radiation treatments recently so you might imagine some issues. But let me tell you, your process has been absolutely fabulous for me. You are with terrific and I am 78 years old.

As you said in this particular video, if you follow your advise, the results will be "startling" as they were for me.

Can't thank you enough. Your teaching process is second to none. And hopefully some day, I can drop by and show you what you have done. Of course I have a ways to go. But I am a happy fan.


Hi Paul - I know you have your favorite drill (driver up in the air at knee height doing the body swing), but I have to tell you this is my favorite drill. This is the drill that helped me really feel letting go and increasing club head speed. You truly are a remarkable instructor!


I used to thing Less is More. I have changed that to Loose is More. Crazy how effective your technique is for hitting great shots.


Always Paul Wilson tips are worth GOLD !!!


Players on tour are brilliant examples of your method Paul. The guys bombing it on the PGA tour gain their power from a body swing too, but without the power of Rahm or DeChambeau we’d probably learn more from watching how the LPGA players use a body swing to create effortless power.


I tried this for a bucket and it worked liked a charm, , I have been playing for 30 years and this was the best that I ever consistently hit a driver straight..Paul, you are my hero!!


I've been holding off the face and trying to "block" the ball down the fairway for a few years now, to disastrous effect. All of my power came from ripping my shoulders as hard as I could, often leading to dead pulls. Even when I hit it straight, the ball wasn't going anywhere. I had a lesson yesterday where I finally said screw it, I'm letting my hands go. I started striping shots down the middle and gained 25 yards with my 8 iron. I couldn't agree more with the ideas presented in this video. Let it go people! Cheers from Canada.


Paul, this information is AWESOME !! EFFORTLESS is exactly what I need at 64 yrs young !! You are incredible. I have never hit this many fairways with DISTANCE ! WOW, ME !!! THANK YOU SO MUCH MAN


I have to thank you, Paul. I'm playing better golf in my 70s than I ever have and I attribute a lot of that to your videos and this video in particular.


I've watched a bunch of YouTube instructors you're one of the best


This drill made good sense to me, thanks Paul


Found your channel about two weeks ago. As a 62 year old who is just coming back to golf after a ten year lay off I was struggling with my distance with not just driver but all my clubs. Your method has been a real eye opening experience. I always wanted to be the guy who looks like he is barely swinging yet out drives his buddies on every hole. Great information! Thanks for unlocking this secret for me!


I really appreciate your tutorials.. the whole less is more approach and having proper technique is really where it's at. It really is all in the hips and relaxing your arms. Thanks alot.. best golf coach on YouTube imho. Very logical and simple and most importantly effective... you know your shtuff


This works….of course! Another excellent lesson that I tried with a bucket of balls last nite. Startling? Absolutely! This is such an easier swing with L O N G results. Thank you Paul.


This was the video I needed to see. I'm a fairly athletic dude with woefully short distance for my build. Classic "over-swinger" that tries to muscle and steer everything.

I gave this technique a try yesterday for an entire bucket (driver and 5 wood) and LOVED it.

Definitely felt odd initially, but I bombed several drives over the back net of the range (about 220 away). I know that's not impressive to some of you, but I used to get pumped even hitting the net with my previous swing. Never thought I'd clear it multiple times.

Best part was that it felt sooo much better flushing one. I could feel the driver face compress and the sound was terrific. It actually did feel kinda effortless.

Anyhow, thanks for the great vid.


I’ve played for just about 30 years but the last 15 years I didn’t play but maybe 15/20 rounds a year. I went from a 7/8 handicap to a 13 and after every round these last few years I felt like someone kicked the crap out of me. All arms! It was exhausting. I just recently retired and plan to play a lot. Your videos bring back memories of when I use to play a lot and my handicap was lower. The best rounds were effortless. I somehow forgot all of that swing easy stuff. I did play the other after watching one of your videos and it did help. Although was score wasn’t great (84), I did hit some great shots when I didn’t fall back in to my old habits. It will take some time. The turn the belt buckle trigger and just let the arms fall is a good one! Thanks!


Thank you, Paul. Your instruction resonates with me. After 25 years of bad advice, bad, teaching, and experimentation, I am striking the ball and playing golf at a level I never dreamed possible. It’s all because of the method you explain. Thank you again.
