Exploring The Strongest Battleground's Deleted Content...

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Personally I will also love The current finisher of "split second counter" because of two reasons
1. It is hella neat.
2. The death logo of saitama.
And you can see the slices he did.


Alternate title: Theholygrail yapping for 8 mins and 50 secs


20 percent cut content
80 percent yapping


I actually real like the camera angle on the end of this ommi directional punch, it's looks more involved and intimidating. I'd easily choose it over the rather bland end shot we have currently.


Some of this stuff looks pretty interesting, I could see them as unlockable effects in the game but it could be a tedious grind, but I still feel like some stuff is sick. Also I believe the next character after atomic samurai should be deep sea king, he could be a interesting character in my opinion


For the Omni directional punch I’m a huge fan on how you’re supposed to be positioned since it would be canon with what garou saw in his experience. Since In the current one you’re just kinda still whilst in the old one you move slightly almost in fear. The only thing I’d want is more fists lol


Like if the metal bat move shouldve been in the strongest battleground


The metal bat death blow red effects were good, nothing else had them though so it doesnt fit that well i totally understand you wellworks


Lowkey a second channel where you do stuff that isn't battlegrounds games like that elden ring playthrough you mentioned would be sick, and I'd definitely watch some of the stuff on it. Also I'm sure you've heard this but your voice is like asmr


Damn they shoulda added the metal bat one


the cut content for omnidirectional was how i imagined it would be on release

although the current one is good
it just doesn't have the same feeling like in the manga
you just look around in this wonky animation

plus seeing your after images close into your opponent just looks way cooler and accurate

i suppose they cut it due to lag but that doesn't matter considering the game has horrible optimization eitherway


In my opinion, the old split second counter finisher was alot more slick than the current one. The air vibrations (whatev you call it) did it for me. And the thunder kick's miss variant? Hell nah.


my PERSONAL OPINION! On the sonic and metal moves:

Sonics moves to me were very unique, they made him stand out more and who knows, people might have started using him more if these effects were added, I don’t know but I can for sure say that the sonic moves looked way better with the extra effects (maybe not the electricity that doesn’t make sense).

Okay Metal bat, his moves looked like they were straight out of Fruit Battlegrounds not going to lie, but I personally loved the death blow effects manly because the aura the bat got and the about of impact I felt from the slam, but I must agree with my boy WellWorks, it’s to ✨Extra✨ i personally thought the aura was unique and cool!

Those are my personal opinions, thank you for your time.


It'd be nice to see you do other content other than battleground games.. You should totally play Elden Ring!


7:43 would look really cool mixed with the new effects. The camera angles are amazing, though.


They should add a little effect to a lot of the ult moves, they seem like they should look alot more powerful, not too much but just a little.


6:00 they were planning on removing your ult mode if you successfully hit the death blow and so it was kinda like you were putting the energy from the aura into the blow


I think the content deleted ones look high graphics so it looks better but the current ones look good in the game and fits in it.


i mean, calling everything in this video "not strongest battleground-sy" is definitely subjective. I personally liked all of these effects, kinda sad the devs spent time on them but didnt end up adding them.

Like imagine hitting someone with a bat so hard that lightning comes off of it. Hella fun.


I like the end camera from the omni directional punch because it just looks so cool and they way the player 2 is posing is just amazing and maybe if the fists changed to the current ones
