Can the Devil Manipulate Our Dreams? - Your Questions, Honest Answers

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Is there any way the devil could enter into our dreams and plant false images and/or testimony?

Hear Pat Robertson tackle the tough questions on “Your Questions, Honest Answers”.


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THAT'S WHY We pray before going to sleep!


It's been happening to me, after overcoming sexual temptations the devil has been attacking me in my dreams since he know he doesn't stand a chance while awake. It makes the dreams so real and vivid and I wake up longing for those feelings but I know they were the work of the devil.


The Lord has taught me how real spiritual warfare is by allowing devils to try me in dreams. He always compels me to move out of my comfort zone and war against new spiritual attacks. But He is always so patient and kind about it. Satan is a defeated foe. I used to be so scared of things that went bump in the night. I was literally afraid of the devil. Not anymore. Every lie of the enemy can be overcome in the name of Jesus.


Yes, the name of Jesus Christ is powerful. At the mention of that name every knee must bow and every tongue must confess.


Every since I got saved and baptized it’s been happening to me. BUT! “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23:4‬ ‭KJV‬‬


Yeah after accepting and repenting to Jesus every single day my old sin lust .keep coming back to my dream it's like it's deceiving me to go back to old me But Thank God he strength end me Amen .


Yes he can! This happened to me TWCE! Last night, I dreamt that I went to hell for no reason and that God was cruel while the Devil was not. Yeah right! Does he think I’m an Idiot?! God is the King of Kong’s. He is the greatest!


God is stronger than demons I give my life to the lord.


Prayer is very important, and holy spirit lead me to rightneousness Amen


The Most High, the Great I AM, will cover you. Pray in Jesus name to be freed of all evil


This has been happening to me for as long as I can remember nightly. My dreams are rarely pleasant. I'm not too bothered by them though, I have the Lord.


I had to come back here. THANK YOU! Because I’m not crazy, I know they can. God is toooo good. God bless you! And take care. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I haven’t prayed in days or read my morning scripture and I’ve been having dirty dreams about ex girlfriends. There’s no doubt sin separates us from God.


This might be irrelevant but I had a dream last night where I was in this haunted place, it was like a hotel or something and I saw myself sleeping in the dark and then all of a sudden this thing or demon I don't know what it was, came out of a floating mirror and grabbed me and it said "are you ready for me to take you're soul" and I said "no no no" and its grip on me was so tight, it felt so real, and then I started praying and it eventually let me go and I woke up and when I woke up, i couldn't move for like 20 seconds, and my back hurt soo much, it felt like I had control in this dream which I usually dont, but it felt soo real, thanks for reading this if you made it this far, I don't know what it means, its probably nothing I don't know🤔🤷‍♀️


Ive had this weird dream that the deomon or whatever it was- was disguised as a teenage girl, i am a teenage girl too. And she said she was the devils mirror, whatever it neans and she was shoving a big needle in my feet trying to convince me to disobey God but when I said that I believe in Jesus Christ I woke up.


I've had sleep paralysis (didn't really have this problem before I started my closer relationship with Jesus) and sexual dreams mostly. When you're asleep you can't take every thought captive as well.


Your dreams are extensions of your day thinking..if your day thinking is influenced by the night thinking will be too. And the more you fear and focus on the devil..the bigger you make open the door. The best thing to do is think of more positive things. At least..Don't focus on what the devil can or will do.


I just wake up from nap where a demon trying to attack me in my sleep. All you must do is believe that the authority of God is more powerful than the devil. I send the blood of Jesus against it.


I didn't have a bad dream in almost a year. But this dream was something that came out of nowhere. It involved weird parts like dolls moving facial expressions, and a guy that wanted sex which it happened all so fast. And what I'm trying to say is I rebuke on the evil spirits and in the future, if I have another bad dream about evil or even to the extreme about selling your soul in a dream I rebuke heavily and would never in my mindset would do or agree to any about evil.
