Who Is the Strongest? {Eren(Founding Titan) VS DS Verse}

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Yorichii, muzan, Dkt>Eren (high-extreme diff)


Eren can easily(probably) solo demon slayer verse because of the founding powers


Guys haven't u watch AOT?
This is why eren can solo the demon verse
He can command anything, he can make many titans and summon other ancient titan that passed away,
Founding Eren can just boom the demon slayer verse, he just too badass


watch from 9:25 and you'll understand, and dkt does have instant regeneration, but if you get burned to the point you dont have any cells left, how can you regenerate without any cells, just because you have instant regeneration, it does not mean you cannot die. Now lets see if anyone has something to say.


Zenitsu with god speed thunder breathing solo's eren's founding titan
Clear advise-all eren fangays watch Demon slayer😂


Eren does solo the DS if he had a red nichirin blade against dkt but I can see how he can get stomped but he can just regenerate and re shape his blood


eren founding titan vs chainsaw man pls bro


I forgot to add in video that Eren is in founding titan form😁

The Video was made in 3 parts that why there is some lag in between the song 😄


Imagine eren summoning other giant titans to defeat the uppermoons but ends up in the infinity castle with muzan💀💀..


Can you please do ymir founding Titan vs th hole demon slayer


If you actually read manga you would know to kill uppermoons 1-5 only way to actually kill them is with a nichiren sword


Hashira kill some titan
Eren (founding titan) : only 10 million left


Eren didn't even use his all power, Eren can litterly command ymir to make stronger titans but he wants the rumblings to be weak so mikasa could behead him (Bro litterly planned 95% of aot )


El titán fundador puede manipular la mente los recuerdos los pensamientos los seres vivos la historia puede ver el pasado y el futuro y es inmortal absoluto, si los hashiras llegan a cortarle la cabeza (aún que ya es imposible) Ymir volverá a la existencia a eren, los cazadores no llegan a la velocidad es algo que muchos confunden por su velocidad cuando mucho son de la velocidad del rayo, tiene la visión al mundo transparente, como se acerca al cuello de un ser que mide kilómetros de altura??? Puede cortar el hueso, solo se vio cortar el hueso de los humanos y los de Titanes son extremadamente anchos, las navajas no se compara con las respiraciones, y la visión al mundo transparente no se compara al retumbar o a reescribir la historia, además de que en poder destructivo Yoriichi DKT Muzan es solo city level y el Fundador es continental level, el endurecimiento soporta ataques de nivel mullti city, el va a seguir creando Titanes hasta que Allan millones, puede cambiar su anatomía para salvarse, sus pasos crean terremotos y tsunamis de alta magnitud, en conclusión

Fundador > DS verse

Negative diff 👌🏼


y'all underestimating muzan that hee hee mf can literally turn anyone into demon by manipulating their cells with just one slash and with eren's huge body i dont even think if he can dodge imagine if eren's titan turn into a demon and under's muzan control thats just a nightmare i mean like they already regen and can regen even faster? with a blood demon art? bro i dont wanna see a colossal titan using "blood demon art air type" shit


Eren !!! Yeah is my Character FAVURITE!!!


Eren solos the fodders, no debate needed.


bro haven't you watched aot.. eren is using the wall titans bcoz he wanted the rumbling to be weak .. unlike the previous king eren can command Ymir to make 1000 m tall titans and legit in no time as time is constant in pathbruh that's happen when udk about aot founder real power is not shown in aot Ymir can legit make many super high titans from that mystic sand by taking infinitely long time as path doesn't follow time rule and time is constant their ! Eren goal was to make rumbling as weak as possible by taking Gabi their to shot him and his will to die so that Mikasa and Armin can became the saviour of humanity. And u can't kill him unless he wants as Ymir in path would remake his body .. it doesn't matter how many time u kill eren ... Eren can always reborn from sand and continue rumbling from super High titan ( if he ordered Ymir to make 1000m+ high millions of titans with any abilities unlike the previous king who ordered 50m wall titans as he doesn't want destruction all over world ! Just wanna sacred others) dkt is dead fr so stay mad udk a thing kido go and watch 😂
So yeah dktard watch those kids stuff story anime wasn't meant for u 😂
Eren has 4D+ that were explained he hasn't used it for a reason


I mean that was an expected result
since Eren can summon almost every titan


bro I agree with you eren solo >>>
