IS Death Battle TEASING Junko VS Springtrap?! #deathbattle #fnaf #shorts

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It Would be so funny if they did all this for shadowing for it to just be a completely different danganronpa or fnaf match up

"Are they teasing Junko vs Springtrap?"
Oh, most definitely.


It’s difficult to say whether these are references or teasers, if they are teasers then that means that bendy can cuphead should be happening soon, and if it does then springtrap vs junko is more likely to happen. But it could also be monokumo vs koro sensei since the death battle team acknowledges that matchup more often.


Some suggestion here, with some music cover title that came cross to my mind!

1. Irene Belserion vs Nine the Phantom (Fairy Tail vs Blazblue)
- Both were voluptuous and beautiful woman with peerless magnitude of magical power.
- Both also creating a new brand type of magic.
- Both also once members of 2 strongest group individuals.
- Both also died, but being resurrected again as antagonist by villians.
- Both of them are also the mothers of the protagonists, which their child will defeat them and make them both realize who they really are before they die again.

[Music Cover]:
"Fairy God mother", since both of them were mothers who have incredibly strong magical powers.

2. Albert Wesker vs Orochimaru (Resident Evil vs Naruto)
- Both once members of highly trained special group of the side of good.
- Both of them turned into evil mad scientists after becoming so obsessed with an invention/experiment they found at the beginning of the series, which made them start doing illegal experiments on everyone and even themselves which made them having inhuman abilities.
- Both also taking/kidnapping experimenting one of the protagonist members in their series and turned them on their allies.

[Music cover]: "Infectious Poison", Since both of them always working on very highly dangerous chemicals that capable infecting others.

3. Lum vs Lala (Lum, the Invader Girl vs To Love-Ru)
- Both are attractive young girl of extraterrestrial origin, that came to earth to married a young ordinary human boy.
- Both are came from powerful alien family race.
- Both are ridiculously strong and genius intelligence, capable doing inhuman feats and can create many wondrous invention, which the latter part can sometimes be benefit others around or comically fail apart.
- Despite their alien origin, both have devil-like motifs and designs, though from different cultural origin of east and west respectively.

[Music Cover]: "Love is War", since both trying to win over their future soul mate over other girls.


To me I think they are teasing for Monokuma vs Koro-Sensei since it was on the TOC and made it to week 9 and the team seems to really like it while they didn't like Junko vs Springtrap but started to warm up to it. in yeah Monokuma vs Koro-Sensei happen on the cast but so did Captain falcon vs Jonny cage and it became a episode in the same year it was a cast... (and also not to mention I don't think they will choose a matchup that will probably course a war between fans...over a matchup that will probably make everyone happy)


I like Junko vs Springtrap because it’s different. If it were Springtrap vs another horror slasher then it would just be another horror hack and slash battle which has already been done before. If they did Junko vs another insane girl like her then it would just be another insane fight with two crazy combatants which has all been done before. Springtrap vs Junko can be interesting.


It’s possible. But I think they’re not deadest on junktrap. I think they’re still trying to explore other options for danganronpa since it’s the more popular of the two in vs debates. KoroKuma seems more likely.


Man, Zaslav tried to kill Rooster Teeth but failed miserably and only split them apart.

Death Battle went indie.
RWBY went to another owner (but I haven’t heard anything going on)
And now the brand itself showed less Rooster and more Phoenix.


Me to Death Battle with this match up: Do it.


It could be that. But it could also be Monokuma vs Korosensei. It was on the Tournament of Champions, the team wants to do it. Junkotrap just got the attention of the team very recently with DB Cast, granted they did a recent cast with KoroKuma too but it was known for a while. I do honestly prefer more Junkotrap because I’m a fan of both franchises but realistically, KoroKuma is more likely.


This is how it feels for me as a Beyblade fan with all the references they've made.

Didn't think of Gioker having a reference but I can see it.


Please Death Battle. And make it a good episode please. Not just the fight, but the analyses too.


Seeing them tackle FNaF lore would certainly be something (hopefully in a good way)

I don’t know how they’d realistically do that since almost all of the lore of the series is either implied or just straight up left as clues for theorizing.

Now I’m just imagining them collaborating with Scott Cawthon to make sure they don’t miss any feats lol


No matter where I go he will always come back but seriously spring trap ftw


I mean i love the danganronpa matchups, they said if they could they would do junko vs springtrap first then korosensei vs monokuma (korokuma is my new #1 favourite match after billcord was done)


You should watch Death Battle Cast’s Springtrap vs Junko Endoshima, where they actually acknowledge the fan favorite matchup & are informed by chat of their powers. They even get to vote who they think would win!


I still think it should be called Junko vs Afton


I hope they do Junko vs Springtrap. I would love that fight as a Danganronpa fan.


Don't forget about Bardock's analysis (Bardock should've won).


Ngl even though this match up sounds cool I would still like to see Springtrap vs the Ink Demon more.
