Internet Addiction - Teal Swan -

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No one is going to be able to tell you how much time you should spend on the Internet and how much time you shouldn’t spend on the Internet. But what we need to do is individually decide whether our Internet use or time on the computer, is interfering with our life detrimentally. After all, pathological use of the Internet can result in serious negative life consequences such as job loss, relationship breakdown, financial debt, academic failure, apathy, and an unlived life.

If the Internet does have a detrimental effect on our life, and we would like to change that, we need to admit that we have an addiction to the Internet and take steps to move beyond the addiction. In this episode, Teal explains internet addiction and gives tips about how we can end the addiction.



Teal Swan is a revolutionary for personal transformation and is one of The Most Spiritually Influential Living People in the world. As a renowned author, speaker and social media star, she travels the world teaching self-development and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.


Meditations, Books, Merchandise & Frequency Paintings:


Beginning Song:
Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel

Please note that I do not respond to posts from this site. Please promptly reach out to a mental health practitioner near you discuss treatment options. My teachings on the subject of suicide are meant to supplement your treatment with a mental health practitioner and should not be in lieu of such treatment. The information contained on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for such professional medical or mental health advice. Always seek the advice of your own licensed and qualified medical and mental health professionals. The information provided in this site and in my videos should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any mental health condition. A licensed physician, psychologist, and/or mental health provider should be consulted for a diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical and mental health conditions. Please immediately call your physician, mental health professional or 911 for all emergencies.
Рекомендации по теме

I think i am addicted to knowledge and trying to escape the feeling of being stagnant, of wasting my life.


May this talk be life changing for me and people who spend unhealthy amount of time on internet.


I am addicted to knowledge, connection, numbness, distraction


I think my addiction has to do with not wanting to face people in real life, so I go on the internet for friendships. Sometimes I can't think of anything happier to do.


Any other information addicts out there?   I consume the news and and comments sections and documentaries . . with an endless appetite.   Probably waste a lot of time I could be spending doing something creative or producing something. . . but a side effect is that I am knowledgeable about a whole lot of things.


Interesting video, even before seeing this, I noticed that using the internet gives me "Mood modification". I just feel so distracted from life when I am reading certain forums, it's like I am not aware of anything else but that, and I forget about everything. I can spend many hours in that "haze", just reading and reading, while hardly being conscious and not thinking at all, just taking in the words of others. I'm mesmerized. Then 3-4 hours later I regain my consciousness and notice how much time passed by. Does anyone else have this? I guess I will have to use the steps offered in the video...


One of the best things I did was to get rid of my Iphone. Having 24/7 access tp internet was too much for me to handle. After getting rid of it, I have lost my apathy, started to become more social, and have become more productive. I am slowly but surely limiting my internet use, and with it  I have become more happy.


I've been overusing the internet for knowledge, so I could convince myself that it was all for a good cause. But its now become a coping mechanism to avoid real stress in my life.


the last comment Teal makes sums it up:
“We came here to live our physical lives.”
Let’s do that 👍🏼💃🏼😊


My embracing Teal's teachings in general has allowed me to use the internet in a much more balanced way. I always ask myself if there are any emotions I am trying to avoid or distract myself from by using the internet.


Addictions are just another word for attachments from repetitive experience. It's a VERY broad topic, and I think Teal did a good job in showing the dynamics of this basic egocentric imbalance. There's little difference between being addicted to TV, Books, Music etc., all are forms of ego gratifying addictions. The hardest thing to overcome is our fear, then moving forward into the things that we are passionate about becomes worthwhile. I believe addictions are ok, as long as they serve to bring joy and love. It's a very thin line between what is the proper balance of things in our lives. Like all things, it's important to keep the greater good in mind, because addiction and passion seem to run together. Thanks for the great talk Teal. 


I'm addicted to the Internet because it distracts me from my anxiety. :'(


My addiction is not the internet but it is gaming and keeping myself busy. My biggest fear is that If my pc disappeared I would have nothing to do, I have little interest in this money, power and status driven culture and I don't like the unhealthy competition either. I like competing when it is not for the win but for the experience itself.
 It is difficult for me to have relationships because I want to commit to life but at the same time I have lots of past hurt to integrate that I distract myself from. I thank you Teal for sharing.    


I lost my job from internet addiction! I didn't want to get another one because the thought of leaving my phone was giving me fatigue and dread. I was also aroused by a buzzing sound it just gave me such a high. I now go hours without my phone and it feels so good! Getting my life back together.


I'm addicted to healing myself and self improvement


I am addicted to youtube vloggers and watch them when I'm bored --  maybe do a video on boredom Teal! 


for me it is an addiction to information.
and a way to forget about my loneliness


This girl know her stuff. It's good to come across the channel, the videos worth the time.


Thank you Teal. I took a whole page of notes about what you said on this video. The internet literally destroyed my life and my family's. Since I started connecting spiritually the past 2 years, the internet wasn't as hard to leave than it was before. When you have a desire to connect to life, the internet feels like a drag nearly, and you can feel your own spirit just screaming at you to go do something worthwhile in life. Don't ignore it!


I realized I was addicted to Facebook when I spent so much time mindlessly scrolling through Facebook that I started to get a migraine from it and yet I still continued doing it. I talked to one of my friends that doesn’t use much social media about it. And then I deactivated it. It’s been about a week and I’ve noticed that I was using it because I felt incredibly insecure about myself when I started it 12 years ago. I never stopped using it since I was only 15 years old and I never got the chance to learn how to be secure within myself. If I wanted to feel good about myself I would just go on Facebook and ask for validation from others and suddenly I was fine again. Now that I don’t use Facebook, these demon thoughts creep in to my mind. Thoughts like “you’re stupid, you’re insignificant, nobody loves you, there’s nothing good about you, you’re useless”. I often times felt these demons throughout my teenage and young adult life and I would cure it by using Facebook. Now that I’ve stopped, I’m literally forced to face these demons head on. It’s kind of exciting though. When these thoughts happen, I have the natural tendency to go into the woods and sit down and go into my own shadow world. Thus far, I’ve discovered some incredible things about myself
