9 Pepper Growing Mistakes to Avoid This Season - How to grow peppers - Pepper Geek

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In this video, I will go through 9 common pepper growing mistakes to avoid. From overwatering to allowing leaves to lay in the soil, I wanted to share some of the issues we have learned to avoid over years of growing peppers.

While there are many other things that could go wrong, this video covers the basics that many first time growers will encounter when growing chiles. If you have any additional questions about your pepper plants, feel free to leave a comment!

Check out our eBook, Growing Perfect Peppers:

When to plant peppers (video):

Fertilizing peppers (article):

Recommended growing supplies:

0:00 - Intro
0:40 - Planting on time
1:43 - Moving outdoors
4:07 - Planting location
5:08 - Overwatering
6:36 - Container size
7:41 - Checking for pests
8:32 - Improper fertilizing
9:10 - Bottom pruning
10:02 - Harvesting on time


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#growing #peppers #mistakes #gardening #tips #chilis
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Another reason to pick your fruit before they over-ripen is because they send a signal to the plant that the growing season is complete and the plant can then begin to shut fruit production down. If you pick the fruit right before they are fully ripe, they won't get that signal and they keep on producing.


kudos for naming your hardiness zone. It's easily the single most important piece of info when one is looking for ideas, advice, tips, and tricks.


I’m an experienced pepper grower. Just wanted to say great video! You hit the nail on the head!


I live in Ontario Canada, this is my 3rd year growing peppers. I have the first plant i grew 3 years ago in my front window, it has been producing fruit for the last month.Picking my first ripe red pepper for supper tonight.


This is my third year growing veggies and peppers and I’m glad I found your channel. The quality of your videos make me surprised you don’t have a few 100k followers. Love your videos 👍


I successfully overwintered 1 Jalapeno and 1 Cayenne plant this past winter. They are both outside currently on their second year and producing quite nicely. :) All of your tips have been wonderful help in my journey to grow peppers.


Great tips! I've been growing chillies for probably ten years and am always trying to up my game. I just found your channel and have been impressed by your content. I'm growing many new varieties this year and need all the help I can get.


In a hot climate it's important to plant peppers in a location where they get some shade part of the day. This is especially important for dark leaf varieties and large leaf varieties like ghost peppers. Six hours of direct sun is plenty for most varieties, especially if temps are going to be going up into the high 90s daily.


I am a 2nd season grower, and last season being my first, I made so many of the mistakes you mentioned including starting very late. I live in Georgia in the U.S. and didnt even get started with germination until June, and made many mistakes that killed off like 98% of my plants, and had to keep starting over until I began to get things correct in july, and because of this, only about 20 out of around 60 plants even produced anything before the freeze hit and killed them all off, and the majority of the rrest began flowering but died before any peppers could form.

This time around, I got started with germination back in November, and since I already had very good indoor grow equipment, I as able to get about 50 plants germinated and growing successfully and now almost half of my plants are outdoors, but I use a grow area that has shade cloth spread over it to where the plants get direct sun early in the morning, but by around 3pm when the temp is at it's max here, the cloth provides 50% shade so they arent hit too much. It worked great last season so Im gonna do it like that again this season


I start my chills at Christmas here in the UK as we have a sort growing season


So many helpful tips and trix. Earned my sub! Growing peppers for the first time this season and so far has been an amazingly fun journey.


I don't know if anyone mentioned it, but watering on top of your plants really doesn't get affected by the sun. From what I understand, the water will evaporate before the leaves 'cook'. It's more about mildew, mold, and pests. Kind of like what you had mentioned in your bottom pruning section.


Hi. 1st time grower. Have a apt balcony with only afternoon sun, and am growing ghost and fish peppers. Probably making every mistake in the book, but I'm hooked!!! Hopefully I'll improve next yr


Thanks. I just planted 4 types of pepper seeds yesterday. My first time & I'm a gardening newbie


thank you! As a beginner gardener, trying my hand at pepper plants and very challenging to grow!


I live in new England and your guys channel has come in clutch more times than i can count with my peppers


I’ve been growing peppers for 3 seasons and have been looking for a channel like this for 2 of them. I’ve made all of the mistakes listed in this video. I was hoping for a great 2021 season, but I didn’t even have a garden this year because we moved and I’m building a new garden and greenhouse from scratch. Everything from water supply to a raised area on top of an old heavy equipment yard. I’m spending this season on the build and researching or watching as much on Peppers as I can. Thank you for the vids and keep it up please!


Awesome tips. You never cease to amaze me. Just clipped all the lower leaves on the bell and habenero peppers that overwintered. Thx a lot!


In Texas "as much sun as possible" is a death sentence for peppers. Intermittently shaded areas, meaning areas that get shaded at some time during the day, (about 20% of the day) seems to work best here in zones 8 and 9.


I grew peppers last year for the first time. 17 varieties and 100 total plants. I gave away almost another hundred as it felt like every seed germinated. Now I’m totally plan to have around 300 plants this year and currently have 95 varieties of seedlings started.
