Retro Slinky Dog

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Animated with the famous Slinky spring, he's the unforgettable toy dog wagging his tail right out of the 1950′s! Slinky Dog is a family favorite. A darling toy dachshund with a metal slinky for a mid-section, he's a breed of clever, intuitive, ingenious design that appeals to all ages. Slinky Dog has classic styling for the collector. The collector's edition Slinky Dog comes complete with 1950′s retro style packaging. Timeless fun in pull-toy, tail-wagging design for the toddler. Reintroduced to new generations in the Disney movie, "Toy Story,' Slinky Dog is readily recognized and warmly greeted by youngsters everywhere.
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It’s like a toy story collection Slinky


From Toy Story. One of my favorite movies of all time :-)


This is the original Toy Story slinky dog, not the original 1950s slinky dog! The packaging is a bit similar to the original retro package, but the original slinky dog is yellow and has a different design. I don't know why it says the original on the box or why everyone refers to this model as the original...If you are looking for the original retro slinky dog ..A little research is all it takes before you buy! I didn't know this before today.. so that's why I commented. Other wise he is an awsome lil guy..just got him for my grandson bc he loves toy story...Also, u can get this slinky dog from Walmart less then $20, , but if u get the same slinky dog in the toy story box it will cost u bout $10 more...that's crazy but it's all about the box! great toy...great price!


I never a leesh on Slinky when i saw the movies.


*insert Toy Story quote from Slinky here*


I got a question why slinky dog has a line


It's to expensive my dad would never buy it to my
