SAAB V4 Rallying 2022

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SAAB 96 V4 som rallybil 2022! Denna gamla bilen med ursprung ur 60-talet är inte alltför ovanlig på svenska rallytävlingar även 2022, över 60 år sedan bilen först lanserades som 2-taktsversion och hela 55 år sedan som V4-versionen avtäcktes! Unikt ljud från V4-motorn.

Några härliga klipp filmade år 2022 med någon avåkning, men mestadels härliga gamla bilar och ljud för den som gillar detta.

Historic SAAB - Film med olika SAAB-modeller! Länk nedan:

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-Andra sökord-
saab 4-stroke
saab 96
4-stroke engine
v4 exhaust
4-stroke cars
saab 96 rally
saab 96 v4
Gammal SAAB
Gammal SAAB V4
Рекомендации по теме

Saab 96V4, nejkrásnější soutěžák všech dob...👍👍👍


Best car I ever had - a 1971 SAAB 96 V4.


Min drömbil! 🤩 Tack för denna videon!!


I had a V-4 model 95, loved the power band compared to the 850 2 stroke, both were exciting to drive.
Someone should restructure SAAB into a automotive power house
One can always dream


Rally legend, fighting off fare more powerful cars for decades unbelievable


So funny to see brake lights on while earing giving gas to accelarate! This is definitely typical SAAB!!!


My V4 was propane because I worked at a street and factory floor sweeper company that had new V4 engines in stock. Clarke American Lincoln in Bowling Green, Ohio USA.


SAAB rushed the V4 to market using owners as unpaid testers. Then tried to wiggle out of as much warranty obligation as possible.
Major problems with inner driveshaft joints, gearbox bearings and finally the engine blew up. On yes, and a front wheel cracked. SAAB should have stayed with the two-stroke and rubber donuts. Did I mention the main engine oil seal letting go? That was all within the first 17, 000 miles.
Good suspension and paintwork.
Jack, the Japan Alps Brit


Igualico que ahora nos pretenden vender autos centrifugadora u oficina móvil


Literally the engine everyone thinks is in their Corolla


Did the 1969 RAC Rally in an early SAAB V4-96. Transmission, engine and inner drive shaft joints were rubbish. Fell apart as soon as look at them. SAAB should never have dropped the two-stroke engine, because all their mechanical problems stemmed from the extra torque. The alloy gearbox casing distorted; SAAB should have used a steel or a cast iron caring.
Body and suspension were good, with good traction in snow (figures). Good front brakes too, once you got used to that swinging caliper. A left set of pads, and a right set that were not interchangeable.
The column gear change could be an issue for some drivers and what about the free-wheel device? You needed toes like a monkey to change on the move, right?
Jack, trhe Japan Alps Brit


Those English Ford Dagenham V-4 motors were heavy and ran rough. Terrible choice for an engine. Even the later Herald inline 4's were better. The old DKW 2-stroke was good, but thirsty and FILTHY, so it had to be phased-out. I wonder why SAAB never tried to make it's own engine desigtn?
