Walk - Yes, I 'Know' The Church Is True - Polygamy Hornets Nest

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Note: Since recording this episode, Michelle Stone has agreed to come on Cwic Show for a conversation.

We all gain knowledge with experience in life. The scriptures tell us that our faith is built on "evidence" and this experiential knowledge.

Follow-up comments on my recent episode with Jacob Hansen on Polygamy.
Also, I have invited Michelle Stone on the show.

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My parents stopped attending church when I was 5 and I wasn't raised LDS beyond being customarily baptized at 8. Right before 9th grade when I was 13/14 the local seminary teachers at my middle school came knocking on my door and invited me to attend Book of Mormon year. I'm from Utah and I knew basically nothing about the church (I didn't even know what the WoW was lol). For some reason, I said sure I'd sign up for their class.

When I went to seminary, I remember feeling so good it became my favorite class and I really liked learning about the Book of Mormon. I didn't understand until later that it was the Holy Ghost testifying to me of the events and doctrines of the BofM. I left that year of school with the determination that I was going to start going to church and I ended up reading all the standard works within the next year and a half.

I became active in church, got the priesthood, went on a mission etc. The witness of the spirit was something I was not raised feeling and when I started to feel it regularly, his influence was unquestionably powerful and real. People can say that you can't know but I know that anybody who reads the BofM will feel his witness. It's simply a question of whether they will accept or reject him.


This guy videos are something else. Straight truth, not afraid to bluntly say it. Very rare these days 🤙


The attacks on the Temple have actually led me back to the church after being less active for the last several years. I'm adopted and I was sealed to my parents when I was 9. I am now 38 and it's to this day one of the most sacred experiences of my whole life. This is the only gospel I know of that has the power to seal families, that aren't even biologically related to each other. There is no other divine ceremony where the covenant relationship a child has by birthright to their parents, can be lifted and placed on another celestial parent. It's the most beautiful place in the world.


I didn’t grow up in the church. I converted from the American Baptist Association in 2014. I attempted to prove the Book of Mormon false, and failed. I’ve left the church in favor of secularism and atheism. I returned and was rebaptized in 2024. In all my Biblical studies, studies on the temple, archeology, and most importantly the promptings of the Holy Spirit, I can say emphatically and with no hesitation that “I KNOW THE CHURCH IS TRUE.” Not “I think” not “I feel” not “I hope” no no… I know.


As a five year old child during a Sunday School lesson, in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I had the strong feeling come upon me that what I was learning was true. I don't know any more today than I knew then that this church is true. I know the church is true and as a five year old child I knew the church was true. Jan


Old man here, who joined the Church at 14 years of age. Since then I have had so many personal experiences and revelations. confirming that the Gospel is true. May we all hold firm to the Saviour.🙏🇦🇺👍


I am a convert in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I know with all mine being that the Church is true and I will be be swayed otherwise.. So what ever happened in the past it is what the Lord has introduced to the Prophet of Restoration and he was instructed to restore the truth.. ❤


I’m a convert of 30 + years. I would not have joined if I DIDNT know the church was true. I had no desire to part of a church.


Saying you know the church is true is not really a testimony. It’s just a statement. Can you imagine a witness in court on the stand saying, “I know this man killed my father” without being willing to explain how they know that? If he said, “I just know” would that mean anything whatsoever?


I'm a Navajo living on the Western agency of the Painted Desert. My great-grandfather was a polygamous. He had four wifes; they were sisters. You have to understand the historical context. From the 1860s to 1880s, the Navajos experienced conflict with the US Army, and many men died. Therefore, there were few men. It's said that among the Navajos, it was acceptable to "share" a husband.


Good Morning Greg, I have been following you for a few years now, love you thought provoking content.
I know that there are a a lot of questions about things that have happened in the church.
What I do know, and I know because of experience of things that have happened in my life, the Priesthood has been restored, through out history God has required covenant through the Priesthood, I have made covenants that require me to partake of the sacrament, I will keep going to partake of the sacrament to keep his spirit to be with me & I will keep renew my temple recommend to keep those covenant in the temple.
I do not follow men, my faith is in God, Christ & the Holy Ghost 💕💕🙏


Call me a stickler, but I personally prefer to say THE GOSPEL is true when talking generally. The church is great, but it is an organization made up imperfect members and led by imperfect, though inspired men. The church definitely offers essential things for our salvation like priesthood authority, living prophets, and temple ordinances. When bearing testimony, I prefer to mention these gospel elements specifically rather than just lump them together as "the church." If I do lump them together, I think "the gospel" is a better descriptor. The gospel of Jesus Christ transcends our mortal concept of "the church." Truth and eternal principles exist regardless of whether people forget them and apostatize or not. The church from an organizational standpoint is just a restored vehicle, one that has broken down several times through apostasy in the past. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the compass, map, fuel, and highway all in one. It's great that the church has been restored on the earth. But I don't put my faith in its existence as an organization. I put my faith in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ that the church has simply given me access to.

" The true believer in Christ... understands the difference between ends and means and sees that some Church aids are, in a sense, scaffolding for the soul, which scaffolding one day will be removed—like waterwings or training wheels."
-Neal A. Maxwell, BYU Speeches, "True Believers in Christ, " October 7, 1980


When people start talking about how temples aren't necessary I wonder how they square that with Jesus and his life. We yave to have the spirit of discernment and a unwavering testimony on the core doctrine. You have to have your foundation built upon the Rock or you will fall. I listen for and strive for the spirit of discernment. Thank You for standing up for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The record shows Joseph was married/Sealed to other women. I would also stare under the circumstances of the time it is possible that he didn't have physical relations with any of them. That doesn't mean he didn't, because you can do something without the knowledge of others. I testify that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. That Christ is who leads the church through a Prophet.


Ive taught my kids in the phrase "i know the church is true" after the word "true", (or whatever, church, joseph, anything), is NOT followed with a period, but a comma, followed by the word "because". Ive always made sure to ask them why they know anything.

Another thing I add in this, is that even if they're struggling, but they're wanting to share their testimony, to still say the word "because". But then not be afraid to allow a couple moments of silence pass as they quietly contemplate and listen for the promptings of the spirit of what to say. And in that moment of silence if they can't necessarily find the words to say, they can go on to explain the feeling that they're currently experiencing after testifying. Only say what you truly are feeling.


I know the church is the Lord's true church like I know I love my family. :>)


Kids can know the church is true. I was in Sr. Primary, can't recall exactly how old, when one day I was reading an article in The Friend about Joseph Smith translating the gold plates, and the Spirit impressed on me very strongly that it was true. The next Sunday was Fast Sunday and I was compelled by the Spirit to testify of my experience as well. I can't remember a lot from that far back, but I remember that. Since that day I've done my best to live by that knowledge and I've never wavered. The Church is true, period.


Amen amen! I agree with you, Greg! I can say "I believe the Church is true" but I also "KNOW" based on my faith being tried experientially. I can say I "KNOW" God lives because I kneel in prayer (an act of faith) and ask him if he's there and I get a response in my heart that I cannot conjure up myself, no other explanation. You add up all those "experiments" over the years, you really can "KNOW" without a perfect knowledge.

I LOVE the Book, "Putting on Christ"! It is incredible! A must- read!


I knew the church is true when I was 10. I was reading a children's version of The Book of Mormon and the Holy Ghost audibly spoke to me and told me that what I was reading was true.


According to Jacob Hansen, if polygamy came through Brigham Young it would invalidate his keys, and thus the modern church. This is the incorrect. It is not how conferring priesthood keys work, anciently or currently. As per the church handbook 38.2.6, unworthiness is not something that invalidates an ordinance, including ordinances that confer priesthood. For example, if a stake president is excommunicated, for adultery apostasy, or even murder, it does not invalidate any of the ordinations he performed. Otherwise, an investigation would have to be performed to discover when he became unworthy to determine which ordinances and temple work would have to be redone. This was the case for Alma the younger, who received his priesthood authority from Noah, a man openly committing adultery and killed Abinadi. If this does not invalidate Alma’s authority, you’ll be hard pressed to argue that Brigham’s keys would be invalidated for lying about polygamy’s origins.

You might ask, “wouldn’t this mean the Catholic Church still has keys?” The answer is still no. The Catholic Church abandoned the apostolic order and the ordinances that pass on keys, and adopted false creeds and doctrines. Whereas we have not, and have rejected false doctrines taught by Brigham.

Ultimately, we do not believe in a gospel of perfection. Jesus died so that we might not be condemned by the mistakes of our past. Just as God is eager to forgive us of our sins individually, even heinous ones, so too is He eager to forgive us institutionally.


On the polygamy thing, I don’t know that I’m convinced either way about Joseph Smith. I’ve kept an open mind as I looked at both sides of the argument in my search for truth. However, after studying the original transcripts of the Joseph Smith papers and first-hand accounts from Joseph and Hyrum, I know which way I lean.

Church historians I’ve gone through great lengths and effort to make it difficult for us to study the documents that would suggest that Joseph was Not a polygamist. Thankfully, these documents can still be found. For example, the last sermon that Hyrum Smith gave on the subject was part of the Joseph Smith papers, however, the church website now gives you an error 404 code… “Page not found “. When it used to be able to be read. Why would historians go through such effort to remove things that are not part of The churches narrative.
