My thoughts on Project Sekai characters based on their main story (Text Vers.)

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A text version of my other tier list
Some small adjustments to some character ranks

1.I re-read some of the main story and missed out some points
2.I hate myself

maybe there are more points i missed or left out, but overall these are just my opinions so it's not many to say anything

#projectsekai #pjsekai #phigros
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For some reason this video was recommend alot recently, hence i am sorry for any irritation you might feel for my horrible considerations of some characters.

Pls note that due to limited space and my aim to not waste your time.
I didn't have much leeway to delve into the depths of the story in my text.

But i also needed to put people below A tier bcs it's a tier list afterall.
I'm sorry if i didn't gave a detailed explanation on why i put them so low and I'm sorry for not giving huge factors to some decisions.

I didn't want to make a controversial video and just wanted to make content on the game, but this whole response has really negatively affected me as a fan for the community.

Pls Pls Pls, don't take my ranking seriously.


Wow I read Ena completely differently. I like the analogy of her being a hedgehog, her being represented by it in a later event story. She’s really insecure and has a prickly exterior, toughening up to protect herself from getting hurt.


Minori is the most precious character in the main story and even in ongoing events. The way she keeps challenging herself even though she always struggles because she starts off as an ordinary but determined girl… you just want to see her develop as a character and as an idol, go Minori!


shinonome siblings did not get treated well in their main story (i love them both but not until i read some of their focus events)


ok but…. akito in later stories….. is what keeps everyone going……
ik this is about main story but it still breaks my heart seeing my bbg at F 😢😢


All you people freaking out about the shinonomes are clearly confused. They (most likely) do NOT hate the shinonomes anymore, this was ONLY based on the main story, in which their deeper feelings were not explored. Besides it’s not like they weren’t mean, bc let’s face it, they were. So before you come into the comments and get mad because they didn’t like the shinonomes, consider the entire point of the video. That this is how they felt in the past.


Ok I may seem biased, because I am a diehard Tsukasa fan. And maybe there is some bias, but what Tsukasa did, to me, is very forgivable. Let me explain

From the very start, it is made apparent that his reason for becoming a star is for his little sister Saki, to make her smile. That already shows that he has a very kind heart and is very loving towards his family. His reasons are not egotistical in the slightest. Then we fast forward, he has gotten very caught up in chasing his dreams, that he starts to come off as egotistical. There is a reason for this, but that contains spoilers for future stories, so I’ll talk about that later. So to the main point, when Tsukasa got angry at Nene. I am in no way saying that he was right for doing that. But it is also in no way “unforgivable.” The way I see it, the reason he got angry was because of desperation, and because of his need for perfection. He is desperate to become a star, because that has been his life’s goal since childhood. He has been aiming for this goal without pulling any stops, even to the point of memory loss basically, only for probably one of his first official show’s to go down in flames. And then there’s his desire for perfection. What I will say next contains contents you learn in future stories, so beware of spoilers.


Tsukasa is a perfectionist when it comes to his acting. He feels it very strongly when he feels his acting is subpar, and this gets more apparent the better he gets at acting. So almost as a form of protection for himself, he deceives himself almost. “I am a future star!” “I am amazing and cool!” “As expected of myself!” He says things like that constantly, so he can shield himself from the reality that there are droves of actors better than him. This is why he seems egotistical. But the more you look at him, the more you realize he’s one of the most selfless characters in this game. Like, he’ll just see some random kid on the street crying and suddenly start a dance flash mob just to make them smile.


Ok, anyway. In the end, he was very obviously apologetic and felt very bad for getting mad at Nene, and was fully aware what he did was awful. So he apologized to all of them, and they forgave him. Why? Because he gave them a place to be. He resolved himself to help Emu save the wonder stage, which is very important to her. He gave Nene the courage and assurance to be able to stand on stage again. And finally, he was the person Rui had desperately needed in his life for so long, someone who could and would keep up with his directions. Tsukasa has honestly had such a good impact on them, that the one time he got angry at Nene just pales in comparison. People make mistakes, Tsukasa made a mistake, but he has already long atoned for it by basically being the sun of Wonderlands x Showtime.


i feel like you don't understand enas character AT ALL!!! imagine getting severe criticism from EVERYONE in your life to the point where you end up isolating yourself and working so hard just for your work to not be appreciated by people again. she was at a very bad place mentally, just like mafuyu. she genuinely thought niigo liked her art until everything turned out to be a lie. and even in the main story, its shown that she's getting abused by her father, unlike mafuyu who's trauma is revealed later on and in the main story it's just shown that her mother controls who she's friends with.
ena feels frustrated by how mafuyu does everything so effortlessly and gets praised for it, unlike her, that works very hard just to get criticized to the point where she even stopped drawing for 6 months until discovering kanade. she feels envious and jealous of mafuyu, she's furious by the fact that nobody appreciates her hard work. she wants to be praised, recognized, she's just not well mentally. she was doing just as bad as mafuyu.
the situation that niigo was in was IMPOSSIBLE to be seen positively. of course she's gonna look at it negatively. imagine getting your self esteem absolutely destroyed by everyone in your life, you'd be frustrated too, no?
and i feel like what she said to mafuyu really did impact her. she had to hear the truth. and further in the story, it's shown how ena helps everyone from niigo. she cares A LOT about kanade, she was the one who made mafuyu suspect that her mother is abusive, she helped mizuki in many ways (you can even say she saved their life, since they were in a horrible situation mentally) and without ena, there wouldn't be more more jump. there wouldn't be vbs. there wouldn't be niigo. mafuyu would've been at a horrible state mentally, or maybe even dead. mizuki would be at a horrible state too. ena really impacted on niigo a lot, and not just on niigo. she impacted on project sekai as a whole and it just makes me so mad when people mischaracterize her since she's extremely realistic and well written. she has problems with her family, she has an addiction, she's very imperfect, etc. but shes a teenager. she's supposed to represent teenagers and she does it so well. and she's also one of the most caring and selfless characters in the game please try to understand her better😭


Tsukasa wasn’t that unlikeable in the main story for me personally. At the very start of the story, we learn that Tsukasa wanted to be a star just to make his little sister saki smile. That immediately shows that he has a caring and selfless heart and his family must mean a lot to him. I’m not going to go in too much detail, but Tsukasa’s ‘ego’ is actually just a comfort mechanism for himself to push forward. We don’t learn that in the main story of course, but there’s always a reason for someone’s personality and actions. And I’m not saying him yelling at nene was right, but he had every right to be mad imo. He’s had the dream of becoming a famous actor for years, and his first show was ruined because of robo nene malfunctioning, he had every right to be angry (I know it wasn’t nene’s fault since everything malfunctions sometimes, but you have to think of how it’d feel if one of your lifelong dreams had been ruined because of something going wrong) and tsukasa had apologised to everyone anyway. He even put on a whole show just for Rui to come back because he felt sorry for hurting his friend and making a scene, and everyone had forgave him at the end. So, I don’t believe tsukasa was really unlikeable in the main story, everyone makes mistakes, and Tsukasa needed to make mistakes to learn how to better himself and to make others smile.


1. It's interesting how you put the Shinonome siblings at F.
2. S=10 A=9 B=7 C=5 D=3 F=1
Leo/need: 29 points
MORE MORE JUMP: 34 points
Vivid BAD SQUAD: 30 points
Wonderlands x Showtime: 34 points
25時、ナイトコードで。: 26 points


Ena doesn't deserve to be ranked F, not even Akito. First off, she has many good episodes. Second, she's only ever annoyed because Mafuyu wouldn't follow her true feelings, and there are many stories that indicate this. And THIRD, in what way does she "take the situation in a negative perspective"?! Ena's the type to say what she doesn't feel comfortable with 'cause she's straightforward. And how, just how did she cooperate very poorly? Does helping Mafuyu do what she likes and ended up getting character development mean she didn't do anything? Bro, you can even see in the main story that she HELPED mafuyu to continue doing music and get out of the Sekai. I'm sorry, I know everyone has their own opinions but I just hate it when people interpret Ena as some inconsiderate hateful person with anger issues...I mean, how would you like it if I said something rude about your fav for no apparent reason?


honami killed me but mmj had a good score so its okay…i guess…


both shinonomes get an F?

L opinion


"Nene didn't affect the group much" when nene's the reason tsukasa realized that he was being selfish and had his character development


Massive akito and ena fan and tbf I do get the low rating cause they were a bit mean in the main story but they don’t deserve an F you definitely need to re read the main stories and understand there characters better I hate how easily mischaracterised they are cause of there temper and saying akito in the main story makes him ‘unforgivable’ is insane especially with his character development since then it’s been 3 years and Ena did not only have one good story you just don’t understand her you definitely don’t understand both of their characters


not bad ratings for the main unit stories. though i will say that it is sad how they ruined akito to the point of being an actual pain.


Nicee video !!! I love character story analysis videos !!!! I subbed


You all do realized that in the main story both Shinonome Siblings don't have a chance go express their feelings or true characteristics due to their douche of a father and neglect of a mother right? The main story doesn't focus it yet until it became a problem which is on future events after the main story.


Idg the criterias for the rankings honestly bc it's made out as if not being 'involved' enough with the group as a whole/not affecting the story in a huge way is a flaw (see: Nene/Shizuku), but then Toya didn't actually impact the whole group as a whole much either (even for the whole Toya/Akito plot part, it felt more honed on Akito's end imo). It just feels Slightly inconsistent but hey, it's just my opinion so if thats how you feel, that's good too! (I will also say that while Akito was made out to be the obvious antagonist of VBS main story, I feel like imo it didnt necessarily make him unlikable, sure he did do some questionable things but his portrayal felt fairly nuanced (unwilling to win by cheating, taking the blame for someone else, admitting his faults were all traits I wouldnt associate with a straight up unlikable char but again, just my thoughts :)!)


minori at s tier based i love minori more more jump faito faito minori
