What are Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions & How to Convert Between Them (Fractions Part 2) #9

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This video is part 2 of our series on fractions. It covers the what mixed and improper fractions are, and how to convert between the two of them.

This video is suitable for maths courses around the world.

KS3 - All suitable
GCSE Foundation - All suitable
GCSE Higher - All suitable

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Amadeus & Tom


Dearest Amadeus, Tom & Esme
I hope this message finds you flourishing.
For I write to you, with the sincerest thanks from one homosapien to another, for this most enlightening tutorial.


these videos get me through so may exams frfr


Can you make a video on functions and inverse functions please? I'm new to the topic


This should be classed as cheating

