Multiple Sclerosis, Brainfog and Cognitive Problems

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#multiplesclerosis #cognitive #brainfog
Here's a video about how Multiple Sclerosis your cognitive function: from brain fog to memory problems, hear me talk about how I'm affected. What's your worst cognitive dysfunction?
Here’s the symptoms I go over:
- Brainfog
- Memory problems
- Vocabulary issues

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★ 5 reasons why you should join an MS community
★ MS Yoga: Twists and stretches for spinal fluidity
★ MS and I: Am I following the Coimbra protocol?
★ Workout threshold with MS
★ MS Yoga: Ease your MS symptoms - Pamper Your Neck
What is Multiple Sclerosis ❓
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system). In MS, the immune system attacks the protective sheath (myelin) that covers nerve fibers and causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of your body. Eventually, the disease can cause permanent damage or deterioration of the nerves. Signs and symptoms of MS vary widely and depend on the amount of nerve damage and which nerves are affected. Some people with severe MS may lose the ability to walk independently or at all, while others may experience long periods of remission without any new symptoms. There's no cure for multiple sclerosis. However, treatments can help speed recovery from attacks, modify the course of the disease, and manage symptoms.
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I find myself saying I don't remember often and I've lost some respect at work because of this. It's hard man. Thankfully I work with good people, with the exception of a couple who just think I'm an idiot. But I definitely know I'm not. That's all that matters. ♥️ you Seb. Namaste.


When I struggle with finding words, my husband and I play a game of guess that word. I’ll describe what I’m trying to say and he throws out suggestions.

I don’t enjoy the struggle but I’m blessed to have such a patient man at my side.


Seb, I want to thank you for the marvelous job you're doing and encourage you to keep making these videos. I was diagnosed with MS some days ago (really known I've had it since Christmas though) and what terrified me most was having symptoms no one else around me has ever had. People would be like "come on, I get that too" especially before my diagnosis (everybody was positive I was overreacting) but I knew something was unusually wrong with me. I'm gay also, which adds to the relating part haha. Having people to relate to has always been a coping mechanism for me, and with MS being so rare, it' can be quite difficult.


I'm so glad you brought this up, this is by far my biggest symptom(s). All of your points resonate with me so hard and yeah, it fucking sucks.. Sometimes I feel so dumb, embarrassed, and after that sad as fuck. I'm sorta crying right now, but in a good way. Love you, Seb <3 We'll keep it up and never give in. Our diagnosis doesn't define us. Much love.



I live in a state of brain fog! I find myself having to write on a sticky note about what I’m doing and where I’m going. Herb tea helps.


I'm literally trying not to tear up over this because I felt so stupid for so long. Or have been belittled before over this often.


Brain fog for me is literally like a fog. One moment it’s not there, and another moment it’s as if it just rolled in. Or, one day I’m fine, and then one morning I wake up and there it is. Thinking is not clear, it’s slow, and all I can focus on are the basic necessities. It also feels like a subtle headache, and almost like a gentle sense of pins and needles all over my scalp.
When I have it, there’s no question I have it.


I struggle with brain fog and word finding for sure. As I get closer to my treatments, it’s worse. I say the wrong words too


I got my first attack in the fall of 2018 and was diagnosed with MS in January 2019. I suffered a lot from fattique and difficulty concentrating and couldn't multitask at home or at job. I increased my vitamin d intake during the summer and then started on the Coimbra protocol in September 2019 and it has helped me so my fattique and cognitive problems are almost gone and I can multitask again, I nearly live a normal life again. Moreover, my lhermites signs have disappeared and balance problems are gone and my heat intolerance has also disappeared. I now can walk unlimmeted again only my fitness sets the limit. Coimbra Protocol have helped me a lot 👍 Thank you for sharing your story, it has helped me a lot when I first got my diagnose. Best regards, Lotte, Denmark


I just got home from the store and I missed 75% of the list my wife gave me. It was like I saw there were things written on it but I didn't see it . I don't know if I'm forgetting things or are people using me as a scapegoat. I use to have a great memory, and now it's like watching a film with sections cut out.


I have MS. I always had a great memory, learning came easy etc. Brain fog is a real issue. Also when I am tired it is like my brain can not process any new information.


I got diagnosed with MS two years ago and have struggled to explain to people my brain fog ...memory issues etc...
Thank you for have truly helped me...take care..


I go get my mri Monday and everything your experiencing I have especially the brain fog. The numbness tingling in my legs arms. Tremoring. My whole mothers side my mom her 4 sisters and my two brothers have ms.... and its affecting my ability to do anything at work it's so hard nobody understands. And watching you and listening makes me feel not alone sending hugs!!!


I remembered something, a friend told me about her brother who got MS too, he had to keep a journal of everything he did.


Hello seb, I'm from India. My age is 20 right now and dxd 2018. Your videos are actually helpful for me to struggle💕 from 🇮🇳


Gosh, I have had this. I found myself trying to remember conversations at work and at some point I realized anyone could tell me something and I was afraid to dispute it because I honestly didn’t remember. Fortunately the fog lifted after time but it was so bad for several months.


Just recently found your vids. Your whole story resonates with me personally. I’m from the U.K. and diagnosed in year 2000. Wasn’t a diagnosis funded by the nhs and still isn’t really so was left to fend for myself cos I was never able to afford private health care. Was age 20 then and felt like my life was over. As the years progressed I’ve been largely ok but recently been going through a bad patch the past 6 months or so. Worst since diagnosis. Memory and balance have been the biggest issue and it’s tough but I believe il get through it like I always have done. I was always pretty scared to discuss my condition with anybody for a long time so was literally left to suffer in silence. It’s inspiring to see younger folk like yourself openly discuss it. It really isn’t the end of the world. My advice is just keep doing what your doing and learn to live with it as a minor blip you may have now and then. I never have had any treatments for it and have had to self medicate all this time. It’s tough dude but very manageable. It all started with tingling in my left index finger and spread up my arm and left it numb permanently . I keep active and try to stay healthy and worked so far for me. Don’t be afraid of sharing your thoughts and feelings. It’s still something I’m learning to this very day after feeling like I had to bottle it up for so long. It’s hard discussing it when there’s nobody to discuss it with. I’ve come to realise I’m not alone but it’s never been the end of the world. I have family and friends who have pushed me on all these years and I’m certain you do too
Stay strong my friend 💪
Found a new subscriber in me lol


I was recently diagnosed with MS and you have explained what I go through everyday! I thought I was experiencing early dementia!


Seb thank you for your message on cognitive and in my job I have to remember and problem solve working in mental health field and addiction is very challenging but I find ways to keep myself organized and multitask is a complete fail now so as AA says one day one minute at a time. Love ya and positive vibes to you.


Yes people laugh 😂 at me coz I say the wrong words or think I’m not clever but hey 👋 I’m doing great 👍
